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  1. There is no reason being rude to me. I'll put you on my ignore list, just to let you know. I can't see why there should be anything wrong with this Video.
  2. Wanted to show you this brand new video about Yuzu's Thesis: Have fun watching
  3. I don't know if I understand it all right, but, if you ask me, I would never do this without Yuzu's permission. You don't know if he would agree and if not, he can't do anything against this. Even if ISU knows this does not happen in order of him, it is his thesis and it will maybe left a "bad taste" at ISU. Besides this I am sure ISU already knows about the thesis. It has a bit of blackmailing the ISU, like, if you do not change the scoring, all the Fanyus will not watch FS anymore. I think it will not be to Yuzus advantage and I personally feel very uncomfortable with this as a fan of him. This action maybe leads Yuzu in a position to applogize and explain himself at the ISU and that's not what we all want for him. Maybe this action goes completely the wrong way. You do not know what Yuzu is doing/planing by himself. Please think about it again
  4. Omg, don't understand a word except Axel, honto ni and Ganbatte, but smiling around the face
  5. Always good for funny language mistakes 🤯🥳🤓

  6. Hearing this in Yuzu's voice 🤩
  7. There's a difference between a Trainer and a Coach. Brian is one of the best - sending out a big heart for him - Yuzu is the best proof of this. All of his past lead him to where he is today, I don't doubt the TCC had have a big impact to this. So yes, I trust Brian and Yuzu to make the best decisions and I believe in both 💕
  8. Happy Easter for you all 😃 regarding all the madness in social media - I deleted Twitter, that's the hell on earth 😉 my days beginn with one or two favorite Yuzu-videos and also end this way. Thats all I need to keep smiling.
  9. That was the very first thought I had 😄 maybe he has regrets and is keen to show the world what he is capable? And then... retire 😬
  10. Thank you 😀 I am also tired and worried, I can understand and when this is her only way to handle the situation, let it be. I am a big girl, when I throw a bomb like that into I have to live with mad reactions and I can 😉 I try to stay positive. Covid will not be gone next year or the year after, it'll stay forever and it'll take a long time until big events can happen as before. In my opinion it is not the right way to cancel all events for years, this will destroy professionell sports and careers. Find a safe way as possible to let it happen (I guess in all events for our entertainment) is neccessary and possible. Of course it's about the money, too. They will make mistakes in the begining, there will never be a 100% save environment at events for many years. We don't know him situation will be in 6 month or a year with all the mutants. We have to go on. Yes, Yuzu has Asthma and yes, it is dangerous for him and all other athlets. But, he is an adult young man and thoughtful, I think if he don't want to participate he could withdraw? If I am wrong, tell me. Is he forced by the JSF/ISU to participate? Let him make his own decissions. We all could see at the Worlds all athlets need to compete, otherwise it will be a big mess in a few years. From the 3 cases at Worlds 2 were before they arrived at Stockholm as far as I know, so I would not count it to the Worlds. Thats just my personal opinion, you don't have to agree. Sorry for my lack knowledge of English, hopefully it was understandable what I am trying to say.
  11. This isn't the point, don't you see it? I didn't say anything about whether I think it should take place or not. It's just the point, that in my opinion one can not be mad about all the organizers and ISU/JSF and anybody and say, this event shouldn't take place and then on the other side watch it, be a fanyu and comment on every detail. Probably this is the wrong place for me Wish you all the best Btw, worlds didn't become a superspreader event neither.
  12. Hmmm, yes, but still we all are crazy for each foto and every tiny information, so we are not better then they are... Honestly, everyone who says, this event shall not take place should consequently doesn't watch and comment on anything about it.
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