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Everything posted by QuadOllie

  1. I'm back again with another Yuzuru inspired cake! POTO's turn
  2. I've returned with my latest Yuzu-inspired cake. Probably my favorite one so far!
  3. After much time away from baking, I'm back with another Yuzu costume cake. Not my best work, but I think Yuzu would like the flavor at least
  4. Ah, forgot to post this here! I added another one to my Yuzu inspired cake decoration series. This is one of my favorites so far
  5. Thanks so much! I’ll gladly post more here as a i update the thread I think the next one I’ll make will either be for White Legend or Masquerade, but I guess we’ll see 😁😁
  6. Baking definitely is a learning curve. I’m a chemist, so I tend to look at it more as a science which helps haha. But decoration has always been my weakness, I actually started making the Yuzu cakes to make myself practice decorating…
  7. Not sure if this counts as “fan art” but it seems like the best place to post it. Please enjoy the Yuzu inspired cakes I’ve been baking…
  8. ooooor he's just a massive nerd who "always wanted to see myself expressed through numerical values and data" A full translation of the pamphlet, seems like it was just designed for him to be able to quick input possible alternate layouts and see point ranges.
  9. I think (from context and some other tweets from shinji) it's meant to help design an ideal program for maximal score based on what elements you can perform and how well you can perform them, not just taking a program and adding max GOEs to a base value.
  10. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that Camden tried it as well.
  11. lol I just saw it and he literally landed backwards and prerotated almost a full half If he wants to train it, go ahead. But he definitely hasn't yet.
  12. Took me a hot sec to find it. As we suspected, this is either just a PR stunt or he threw one just for the sake of trying and his fans are trying to hype it as a real attempt. Either way, its BS. https://twitter.com/nickmccarvel/status/1319831080694841344?s=12
  13. Anyways, there's no race, even Nathan himself denied at SkAm (interview with NBCSN) that he's trying the 4a. "The (triple) Axel has been my nemesis; I'm happy it's feeling better. There's a long way to go before I even attempt a quad. I like the way that these guys continue to push the sport; I'm excited to see a quad." Moving on...
  14. The spookiest thing about October was the lack of Yuzu crumbs
  15. @rockstaryuzu did the files get orphaned? That can happen if they're accidentally removed from their folder. Try typing "is:unorganized owner:me" into the search bar on your drive. If they got orphaned, they should show up. That's all I can think of.
  16. Fully agree there, and he has the artistic ability to actually work it into a program as opposed to just throwing it in randomly like other skaters would.
  17. I guess once its ratified, the SP rules might change to allow a 4A as the axel so it could be used for a 3 quad short? But yeah right now its just not worth it. Edit: wow so many typos lol
  18. That's fair. I guess I'm putting too much thought into the political side.
  19. Like I said, there's no way its true, especially since it supposedly happened during a private practice session and the source has been proven untrustworthy before. Maybe I just have too much faith in there still being reasonable people in this sport. I've been a casual fan of skating for years and only just started getting into the nitty gritty of it, I guess I haven't been disillusioned yet
  20. Honestly, it just makes me think of how American media gushed about Vincent landing the first 4Lz at the Olympics and ignored that fact that that was only true because Vincent went before Boyang. Athletes getting a "first" on the technicality of getting to go before the other guy who was going to do it has never sat right with me. Like, if two skaters both landed a clean 4A for the first time at the same competition, I would consider them both to be the "first", even if that title would only go to whoever happened to skate first.
  21. When he lands his 3A on a hope and a prayer half the time? Yeah, right. (also, hi, after lurking since January, I finally speak. nice to meet y'all)
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