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  1. Indeed. I was watching a video on YouTube titled as "Yuzuru Hanyu Sexy" but the video also contain the moment when he's being a cute little puppy
  2. Wah kaget ada forum Indonesianya😮 Nama : Kiko Dom : Makassar Sejak kapan jadi fanyu : baru-baru ini, belum lama karna nonton COC 2014 Salken semuanya💖💖
  3. Wow. What a wonderful features 💖 Wow he looks cute and sexy at the same time😭
  4. The product itself it quiet good but I dont think Yuzu also use it. I mean lot of endorser just promoting the product without using it Probably all of us🤣 Yes, and I love the effect so much🤭
  5. That would be lit🔥🔥 I uhmmm I think uhmmm how do I say it😂 The black swan package is absolutely beautiful 😭😭
  6. I prefer the Otonal one as the front cover since everything about it so breathtakingly beautiful, even the detail of the outfit itself really shining so brightly on Yuzu💖💖💖💖 ///I dont even understand what am I talking about///
  7. I just realized how to quote more than one post hehehe

  8. So true, even I was just discovering about him that time because of the collided, but he's such an amazing fighter because he isnt even surrender after that😭 We're really lucky because God is still protect him back then, cant imagine something bad happened to him after that😭 May God always bless Yuzu's life with happiness and health 💖🙏
  9. Omg. I can't imagine myself watching it live😭😭😭 But I will try to find the threads. Wow Seimei is such a wonderful program, especially the GPF one if I'm not mistaken because he was crying there🙄🙄
  10. His Sochi performance is absolutely beautiful. His SP in Sochi is my most favourite program of him because he just really enjoyed himself. The way he moves, the way he smiles to judges, the way he is enjoy the music awww everything is amazing and mesmerizing 😭 I was so shocked when I see him laying his back on eyes and even barely breathing. I even almost screaming myself "WHERE'S THE MEDIC? WHY DIDNT THEY BRING ANY OXYGEN TO HIM"😭😭😭😭 Even after he perform, hr cried when he see the results. That's the moment I realized I will support this smol yet giant will baby😭
  11. Hiiii. Omg your story about boob-skirt and blooming cactus is so funny😭😂
  12. When I was the first time find Planet Hanyu, I immediately sign myself as a member because I thought I wouldn't be able to see any information if I wasn't a member😭😭 The CoC 2014 is my first video ever I've watched of Yuzu. Idk what was the feeling I felt but I remember I was so shock when the accident happened and then he just lay down there on ice after the accident. I was even almost got heart attack when I know he still performed after that omggg he's such a fighter. Never in my life I'm feeling attracted to a man the way I fell for Yuzu😭😭😭💖
  13. Helloo there. Aww what a sad season is happen right now. I hope the pandemic will go soon. Anyway may I know when will we do the straming party??
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