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  1. Well, someone clearly paid their staff and everything they needed in Hongkong..... Beomgyus panic is getting released this thursday, so every Moa going to the Berlin concert hopes for a live performance of the song🍀😁. And I just saw the bts 7 moments on weverse......it's only 66min of content! How can 66min cover seven solo activities?!? Can't find anything about the content, but not going to buy it. Without shipping the price is kind of ok, but not going to spend around 70€ on this short video content.
  2. He stayed at the dorm during their vacation to work on his music. The "album" looks really pretty with a lot of details, hope Moa's will give him a good response. If I just take the title and the statement from his weverse letter, it's clearly about his time struggling with anxiety. Dang, I don't want to know what the doctors gave him to feel so much better in such a short amount of time........hope he stays healthy for the rest of the tour💪🍀🙏. And yes, sooooo pretty in that picture🤩😍🥰 So.....nj really did it...... They performed under their new name, sold njz merch on site, refused to meet the send ador staff but clearly had staff helping them and then announced their hiatus. Not sure what to call it, but not "we respect the court ruling". And the contract for the performance must have been made with ador, so i wonder how that is going to play out. I really would like to know what these girls are thinking, cause they clearly live in their own reality.
  3. He is already slimmig down?!?.... There is no need Tae, you look(🔥)...great I mean. https://youtu.be/TJWsTCVJxnw?si=jyANmS1EaJy189Wz This is a great interview. Hobi thinking of everyone in the military as cameras sounds so exhausting, but understandable. They don't/didn't know whom to trust, especially when they first got in. When he got into his unit it sounds like it got better.
  4. Yes, next thursday in Berlin. Really looking forward to it. If he would sing in korean, then that would be a nice wording and meaning. But he sings it in english (and tells us he likes girls with a pretty face), so......yeah🤷🏼‍♀️. I just read the article on billboard and can't find anything about a "sexy greek god" comeback🤷🏼‍♀️. I mean, they already did this with Dionysos......mybe it was a miss understanding🤔 Edit: or a joke, like @Old Cat Lady pointed out and yes, i wondered what was wrong with that link😅
  5. In my opinion the MV is just a performance video, I like it. But I have a bit of a problem with him singing "pretty" again and again. Yes, in the first verse he hint's what a pretty girl means (being independent), but it's still light a slight itch, cause it sounds so superficial. But I like the song if I don't listen to the lyrics too closely. And the best news of the day: Ador won!!!! Nj can only work through Ador and not independent until the court has ruled on the contract and that case can take years..... Freaking f***ing yes🥳💪🥳. Edit: And the not so good news of the day, no backup dancers for txt on tour, sadly, as expected. I really hoped to see the beauty of sugar rush ride live, but guess it's not profitable to bring back up dancers to just use them in six or seven songs when it comes to txt😑......
  6. Damn, this man looks so fine It's like he is glowing..... Then let's hope that a tour will take them to europe so you have a chance seeing them😊. Some thoughts I need to put out there, cause they keep going rounds in my head and I really need to focus on other things....
  7. I love these piano pieces😍🤩
  8. After seeing all these challenges back to back, I think Yeonjun nailed the vibe best. But he looked exhausted (which, no surprise, with concert preparations, album recordings, to-do filming and who knows what else at the same time). I was surprised how Hobi and the Twice girls interacted. They clearly have been in contact before and not like a quick Hi in the hallway contact. It was nice seeing them so comftable with each other. San was soooo nervous and shy. He started to say what he wanted to tell Hobi but then just drew a blank and could only say thank you again and again. Overall, really nice to see all these interactions🥰.
  9. Perhaps it will be like their DVD "memories of....." content, but of all the solo activities🤔
  10. And I still have no idea what this is😅
  11. Ah, thats why all the candy giving pics and videos popped up on insta😂 He looks so fine And thankfully not like his stressed version from Hobipallooza. So, I just found the full episodes of hybes new japanese boy group survival show on yt and was like, why not look into it.
  12. Jun was at knowing bros. In this part, he talks quite a bit about skating. I didn't know that the music is always his choice, he was quite firm about it. And also, that he doesn't get sick of hearing the same song again and again through the season. (there are two more parts on the channel with eng sub)
  13. https://w2g.tv/?r=klu111wcayjp4x0qi8 Hobi: I live alone
  14. Yes, I saw that as well. No news so far.....makes me wonder if I read something false or if it was postponed.... ......first song, he tells us how he undresses a girl. Second song, he tells us how he get's undressed (by said girl?)... Soooo, where does this leave us with his third song😏 And I just remembered the Mona Lisa painting in his sweet dreams video. What a clever hint. I wondered why she was there a lot through the mv, but never expected this to be a hint. LOL
  15. Same.....gosh, what bad luck to have. But can we talk about these two cute cats😍🤩😍. They are adorable! And on a personal level, I'm so happy for him that he and his girlfriend are still together.
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