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  1. Thank you for your very detailed interpretation and explanation of the nuances in Japanese language. My interpretation was, for example, if an idea was not initiated by me and it turned out to be a great success, and when someone asked me about it assuming I was the leader, I would declare clearly that this good idea was not by me but should be credited to someone else, because I don't want to take someone else's merit.
  2. I'm coming back with WTT. No need to wait till next season, IM already has better ss than Kazuki and Messing at the end of this season!
  3. so I extracted the exact wording so there will not be misunderstanding. It not only says Yuzu is not the one who took the initiative to say he wants to work with Uchimura (僕が率先して内村さんとやりたいと言ったわけではないんですけど), but also he mentioned there is "この『notte stellata』の企画を組んでくださった方", or "Those who have organised this 'notte stellata' project", and it shows NS is not produced by yuzu himself. この『notte stellata』の企画を組んでくださった方が、ただのアイスショーではなくて、普通のアイスショーじゃないことをしたい、その中で例えば羽生結弦のショーを見ている方じゃなくても、初めてアイスショーを見に来る方でも『凄い』って、単純に楽しんでいただけるようなものをつくりたいということを言っていただけていて。その中で内村さんとのコラボのお話が出てきました。僕が率先して内村さんとやりたいと言ったわけではないんですけど、それでも、実際形になってみて、歓声を聞いてみて、自分もやってみて、これはこれで新しい形として凄く膨大なエネルギーが生まれるなと思いました。
  4. I pasted the sponichi interview link, as well as the original paragraph of the interview, in my original post... so I'm surprise that you asked. I was not saying Yuzu didn't want them there. Of course they wouldn't be there if Yuzu doesn't want them there. But it's another thing to say that Yuzu must have invited them to NS by himself and the invitation proved that Yuzu admired their skating (suggested by the satellite below (jump to last sentence)). My point was the invitation maybe not initiated by Yuzu himself but by some other organizers (as mentioned in his interview regarding inviting Uchimura san), and therefore the invitation itself cannot be a solid proof of Yuzu's admiration towards any of the participants. If he clearly expressed it somewhere else, for example, towards Uchimura san, then I would call it a proof of admiration.
  5. It's an interesting topic to discuss, who decided the cast list for NS show. But let's give the stage back to 23WC. My point is giving JB high PCS/IM relatively lower PCS (at present) does not equal to rewarding Yuzu type skating in current judging system. Or I should put it this way, do you think if Yuzu himself is still competing, 100% Yuzu style skating, he will be rewarded as he should in the current system?
  6. At least Uchimura Kohei is not proposed by him. And I don't think he personally invited the hula loop lady. He is a big part of NS but it's obviously different from Prologue or GIFT. https://www.sponichi.co.jp/sports/news/2023/03/10/kiji/20230310s00079000769000c.html?continueFlag=b1109a2070c82ab480ca47c30439bedc
  7. I guess Yuzu also admire the artistry and style of the Mura and hula hoop lady then. We never know who invited them, to me the NS show is very FaOI-Makabe style. Both are overscored and I don't think we should be sidetracked to argue "who is less overscored".
  8. Jason always gets good pcs scores and GOE. His PCS was many times even higher than Yuzuru's in same competition, in the era when Rocket Man was the best artistic program (then it all makes sense isn't it). To me his scores only show that you can get high marks without quad if you have right passport. And I don't recall Yuzu ever mentioned he loves Jason's skating. I went to check NC's first senior year (2017 WC). His PCS was 84.78 for long, also 6 quads. Then in 2018 he got 91.84. Just wait and see.
  9. You know it's because my English is poor and not good at writing long sentences... and I was so astonished to see "because transition is no longer required in PCS so it's ok not to have transitions". Still remember how everyone reacted when ISU removed TR and IN from PCS last year claiming they will be covered by other components. Maybe it's my memory to blame.
  10. Since when giving high points to SU becomes rewarding yuzu type of skating. SU's always been undeservedly rewarded as JSF's fav even when yuzu's still an amateur skater. And he never has yuzu type of skating. No one in men's field has yuzu type of skating. For IM's pcs, wait till his second senior year. ISU never disappoints.
  11. The show is known to be problematic, and most of the show dates are somehow on weekdays. Weekend show in Osaka is sold out and only A and B seats left for Yokohama weekend shows (15k capa venue). Many fanyus won first row seats at third round lottery so probably the tickets were not sold at all before announcement of Yuzu's entry. I would probably go if I live in Japan... It's so difficult to resist when it's only one click away from seeing Yuzu in person...
  12. Yuzu will appear on TBS on 25 Dec from 9:00 pm JPN time. [NEWS]
  13. I think they mainly want to prevent second hand sellers…
  14. I think you will need a new Lawson account. If you apply with his Lawson account (not as a companion), his name will be shown on the ticket. Names can’t be changed afterwards. But if both of you will go, he can apply for both of you with his account and you don’t need a Lawson account as a companion.
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