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Everything posted by Ania

  1. Newly posted for sure. Sometimes i just wish i was a smol skating bean
  2. We all have here is a new photo of Zu
  3. how about a hurricane of toe socks?
  4. Hmm, It's the closest word I could think of, meaning a line or mark where cloth, fabric etc. was is folded.
  5. You have inspired me to try Japanese--->Polish (normally I use Japanese-->English) and this is what I got: So no strings or knitting here. he is either chain or Yusuke (google is not consistent...)
  6. I think this hasn't been shared here before. A great post PC documentary about Aljona's life and cereer. Her partnership with Robin is also discussed. I never knew how difficult and complicated her relationship with Ingo Steuer was. The communication in the whole team was far from ideal. You can see that Robin is still bitter about certain things. Additionaly, they had no sponsors, little to no support in Germany (the trio was controversial in many ways). Fun fact: Aljona had been keeping her two olimpic bronze medals in the basement until she finally won gold. Sounds to me like certain someone we know, who put his skate canada silv*r medals next to his bed You can also spot other similarities between her and Zu. Both extremely ambitious, love to compete, focused, went to PC believing that they are gonna win gold and that's what they did. There is the power of burning kuyashii in her.
  7. Sorry, I didn't make it clear. Somebody asked in the comment under that picture: "where is Yuzuru?" and that girl (who took the picture) replied: "didn't make it" I'm also worried about Jun. If he keeps growing, it's gonna get harder for him to rotate his jumps
  8. I liked your theory a lot, but it turns out he wasn't even there lad behind the camera was a little girl who trains in tcc, she commented on this post no, still not desperate, not a bit
  9. More like knee, hand and arm/shoulder but yes, I would say so. black clothes, part of palm, slender hand....
  10. Yuzu cryptid mode I, on the other hand, decided to finally delurk on this Planet and just wanna tell you how much I love and appreciate this place and all the fellow Satelites
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