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Baby Swan

Baby Swan (4/67)

  1. Actually haven't thought about downloading the app via computer at all! Perhaps may test it next time for streaming or lottery draws. Yes vpn was on and I did wonder to try different browser but failed to do so when I was dragged away, then stream couldn't be replayed /re-tested post-event Just want to say, thanks to satellites I do learn something here and there over time, from FS elements, music pieces and interpretations, tourist info… to pc /mobile /sim card stuff… Thanks
  2. I tries FOD but couldnt play using web nor download the App (wrong region). Suddenly colleagues dropped a meeting (before I got time to fix the tech issue), which further over-run… so I missed it totally Shall I take a half day off tomorrow, lol. Not sure what to fix for my FOD link… but perhaps I try the Zaiko one if easier… Anyway, glad to see Yuzu and POTO!!! Thanks satellites again for sharing the instructions and clips!
  3. Thanks @Anni @tsubasanoyume!
  4. Sorry for this last min and silly question - any overseas satellite can purchase the online viewing tix and test/watch? Can it be watched via vpn or impossible at all?
  5. One Summer’s Day as tweeted Perfect choice for today if not H&L 😍😍 I got up but cant see yet 😭😭
  6. Thanks! I have been looking up this for years… was happy for 5 mins… then now I realise Apple Music <> iTunes store thus cant purchase it once and for all 🥹😭
  7. Just short. Never see him enough 🥹🥹. Thank you Yuzu for completing NS safely and v nicely HYK… cant explain the beauty, mood or feelings, but my tears just kept dropping all the time 🥲 Towards the end he seems much calmer and controlled of his emotions (vs yesterday’s descriptions), and perhaps feeling the joy dancing Dynamite on the ice with audience all v happy and excited of course even at the cinema! Will wait for proper translation of his closing speech. He wants to and will continue giving hopes and being the light, but hope he knows he doesnt have to shoulder everything 🥹 Please stay healthy and happy 😍🙏🏻 Wish to see the backstage footage asap, as it seems he (in black) had gone out somewhere near stage to watch the group dancing of Dynamite at the start /middle of second half! The camera only showed him walking back afterwards 🙀
  8. Am watching in cinema today and finally 😭😵‍💫 Didnt understand Yuzu’s opening speech, and feel he is quite nervous but caring in his soft voices, a bit sad looking face. That he mentioned HK and Taiwan audience all 3 days made me wonder if he had thought all 3 days were streamed when actually it is just one day today for these 2 locations 🥹😭 The skating lines drawn on the ice by Swanyu are so beautiful on the big screen. The collaboration with Kohei was stunning, great music and mood Huge claps and applauses from cinema.. but then I realise he could not hear us 😭🧸
  9. Thank you very much! Somehow I couldnt move the timeline bar of the replay window earlier but it does work fine now!
  10. I had the luck to have watched from cinema (v thankful), watched replay from ipad once from mid night and now still feel a mess to organise in words. Really wish to attend in person in future ones! Yuzu is the bravest person, champion of the champions… 😭😭😭 Will share when I can describe better. Thanks all for sharing on this planet as always! Just that may I have 2 silly questions first: 1) in the Globe streaming, are we not allowed to move backwards /forwards on our own pace? how to skip the intermission when replaying? 2) has it been proven if D+ Jp with VPN works, ie not D+ local country? Think I would subscribe more and keep watching 123456789 times until all showings expire
  11. Omg, just saw link n let’s try if this works!! http://live.qq.com/10165997
  12. Could it be to start now, so that he would find out the (heavy) rains as he wakes up tomorrow morning or by lunch japan time? Can someone help initiate and spread if this sounds good? Or wonder when we /he sees it soon…
  13. Dear satellites, thanks first for all the sharings /info /pics /videos /translations etc in last few days and months. This is such a nice, smart and caring galaxy (?) to stay. I havent written recently since late-feb due to many things happened but still always come reading here. Do feel a lot in last 48 hrs especially, some are similar and shared already. Many thx! Perhaps I write some after settling my thoughts down a bit more. Yet one thing to ask first: should this be the first and great timing to run the official virtual Pooh rains now and make it 3 days and 3 nites (after having rehearsal done earlier), to say congratulations to Yuzu now, to show support and to make him smiles? (Or just me wondering this…)
  14. Great news and thanks @Henni147! Indeed I always turn on my TV (for bigger screen!) and play the 3 playlists you created on youtube! May I confirm if olympic channel is the only place outside NHK /Japan to watch his olympic programs? I have watched these quite a bit so-far, as they are Yuzu’s stories with so much efforts and beauties. It may not be all happiest moments to watch (still aching for certain seconds I know); but I just feel if he has given his courage and all mighty in them, why cant I keep watching them sharing his smiles (and tears) in the same way as watching his happy proud perfect programs I personally wish views can come together at the right place to show him global support for his new kids soon too So shall I keep oly ch or climb over to nhk going forward? 😅 Thanks! Btw, this WTT 21 gala on youtube has got 500k+ views and may be added to the on-way-1m list too perhaps? With LMEY return but comments too
  15. While all will have to wait a day, Yuzu already has his minds made up perhaps yesterday as to what to tell at the press conf and exclusive TV interview to come. Whatever he decides and discloses for now, he is fully supported and loved and he knows Yet on valentine’s day... perhaps Yuzu might just share his sweetest words causally announcing who is the lucky queen he is marrying /has already married. Haha. Beat me lol. Will be v happy for him if so No doubt he will be directly asked about retirement plan or appraisals for medalists. Whatever he decided/replied (imo, not retirement decision yet), I hope (or just me?) he adds some remarks at some point like - As I am still growing stronger and doing even better at 27, I look forward to seeing the medalists to defend or advance their titles in 4 years time. Catch me if you can
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