Neither of these things are really true when you consider travel time, practice schedules, and Yale exams.
NHK Trophy starts on November 22, but with the time difference, that’s actually November 21 here. Take into account practice schedules and flight times, and Nathan would probably miss around 3 days before the start of the competition, and because those days are right before Yale has a recess, that’s typically right when professors schedule all their exams.
As for timing for Skate Canada: Keep in mind that Nathan is either flying out of a small airport (New Haven) or taking a train to NYC and flying out of a big airport (which adds hassle and travel time).
Skate Canada is in Kelowna which is exactly like New Haven in that it’s small and there just aren’t that many flights in and out. So he’s on either a 3-hop flight (and yes, I checked) OR he does a two-hop flight plus one extended leg by train or car. So looking up shortest duration flights, he’s looking at a 12 hour trip (on the outgoing journey) to a 17 hour trip (on the return) for him.
So look at the overall schedule: Skate America isn’t on fall recess this year, so he missed two days of class the prior week. He finishes Skate America in Vegas on Sunday, takes a red eye back to NYC in time for Monday classes. Then he has to fly back to the West Coast for Thursday practice, which means he’s missing class on Wednesday-Friday. And October 25th is the official mid term date for Yale, and he might not be able to get back in time for Monday classes, either, depending on when the gala is scheduled.
I’m guessing that Nathan doesn’t want to miss 50% of his classes in the two weeks before and including midterms. As someone who did that once, I do not advise it.
So just because it’s in North America doesn’t mean it’s convenient.
Kelowna is slightly better travel time than Internationaux de France, which is 14 hours and 16 hours, and Moscow which is 19 hours and 20 hours, but I think it would really mess with this ability to study and schedule exams to have two back-to-back competitions right then.
That being said, the worst possible option in terms of travel is China, because Chongqing omg why.