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Everything posted by x2766x

  1. 146. For treating his flag with respect and folding it up all nice before putting it down, handing it off before press conferences so he doesn't have to set it on the ground, etc. 147. For apparently making sequences a thing. Who cares about the lower base value, they're amazing and I'm glad more skaters are doing them now
  2. 16. For always striving to reach greater heights. He could have easily and consistently won if he had just stuck with 4T and 4S, but he wasn't satisfied with complacency and wanted to keep pushing himself and the sport. As much as I want him to take it easy sometimes, he wouldn't be Yuzu if he wasn't crazy ambitious. He taught me that you can always be better, no matter how good you already are
  3. @Tee Yes! Thank you so much!!!
  4. sorry if this has already been asked, but what happened to the footage of Yuzu's Notte Stellata at the Sendai ice show this summer? I can't find it for the life of me
  5. If it wasn't for Yuzuru, I wouldn't have half the motivation to try my best and do well. Every time I want to complain about something, I think about how he never makes excuses and puts his heart and soul into everything he does. If Yuzu can win the Olympics for the second time on a busted ankle, I can definitely ace my exams!
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