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    *Emergency 3A*

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Mushroom (1/67)

  1. His dedication to every single element and detail is what made me become his fan. He knows he isn't always rewarded by the judges and he could take an easier route but instead he skates to his own ideal. He really is unmatched. Thank you @yude
  2. but does anyone know what the box (?) that Yuzu always has under his training clothes during practice is? I assumed it was related to his asthma, but was that ever confirmed?
  3. Slightly but can anyone recommend phone wallpapers of Yuzu? Im having difficulty finding photos that have a good aspect ratio so I dont have to cut anything off.
  4. Here's the NBC footage of the sp and fs! http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32765519?ss_id=e5c4a1a7-9728-49ae-b0e7-2b59cc4562df&ss_pos=5&&cp_in=wt_srch http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32770176?ss_id=3b5941d7-c8d3-45d2-bf58-49cb3d4e05df&ss_pos=4&&cp_in=wt_srch
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