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#YOLO3A (37/67)

  1. Ikura's charming FS to The Little Prince soundtrack. Best program yet from Kaetlyn Weaver and (mistakes not counted) one of the best free skates at least in this season: Wonderful choreo and music cuts that makes sense throughout the program, technical elements that are placed in the absolute right spots, and performance/expression that wholefully emulates the story she tries to tell. That subtle change in her facial expression at the beginning and that choreo sequence? *chef's kiss*. Her growth as a performer is something delightful to witness. Here's hoping she'd get injury-free and more consistent.
  2. How's Ilia live BTW? I've heard all the touting from all corners about how great his programs are this season and how much he has improved, but what I saw on the archived videos tell a different story, at least with the SP: 1) He has such long limbs but it's like he doesn't know what to do with them most of the time, 2) he doesn't seem to know how to bend his knees and so his lack of flow takes away the excitement (or lack thereof) from his programs, 3) his jump combos still look like they don't have any flow inbetween and out. For all his claims on focusing on artistry, I don't think I have seen that much improvement that Hackie and the Redditors and Golden Skaters claim just yet. PS: The fact that he skates to the Succession OST but doesn't really know what's it about nor hasn't watched it yet bothers me immensely. He performs the program because that's what SLB gave him. How can he portray something without even knowing what it is?
  3. The SP is good; it has potential that he's bringing out more and more. The FP, not so much; it's still very much a snooze for me. Two years in and it still left me with zero impression. PS: I can't stand it when his fans ooze praise for his Lutz.
  4. Hah! I thought Re_Pray sounds familiar, now I know I heard it from where One of Bleach's ending themes was titled Re:Pray (sang by the one and only Aimer). I do get where the difference comes from given the meaning, but still 😎 I'm fairly sure this is just a coincidence but who knows (also what if he gets Aimer to join the tour) Re:Pray is a great song tho, check it out Blame his galaxy brain 🤣
  5. I give up even flying to Japan the moment I heard the breaking news LOL. Oh well, I'm here for all the tidbits and discussions and whatever else anyway
  6. I can't recall that article I read many moons ago but what I could still remember was my reaction when I figured out how well-paid TCC coaches are. It was basically "wait, that much? on top of that much membership fees?" 😂 But yes, I'm glad he has more time and freedom for his family now. He seems to be your definition of a family guy.
  7. I'm not a big fan of both of Mana's programs this season, but props to her and Mihoko for trying to branch out. One thing I noticed though is that Mana seems to be reworking her jumping techniques 😯
  8. Yeah I know, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about her. The JPN ladies' field is DEEP so when I see many other ladies doing relatively well so far and Rinka flopping that hard, I can't help it Please Rinka, get over the ice shows and get it together quick for comps
  9. Rinka did ... not well at the Tokyo summer comp, I'm worried about her. She looked very, very out of form (very slow across the ice, low in energy, breathed very heavy at the end of her FS, and popped a lot of jumps). I know this is August but man, this is late August already Her programs can be very nice if she can regain her form tho. Re her FS: I know she said it was about her journey as a skater to this date, but what kind of dark journey it has been for the theme to be that gloomy?
  10. A collection of different Baby, God bless you music cuts Version 1 chosen by Kaori Sakamoto and Jeffrey Buttle Version 2 chosen by Ami Nakai and Akiko Suzuki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt0egJx9QDc Version 3 chosen by Rika Kihira and Stephane Lambiel There is one more from the 2020/21 season (I think) but I can't remember who, and there will be one more coming this year. Anyway, Kaori's and Jeff's version >> all other ones (so far) IMO. They pay the most respect to the original flow of the song.
  11. Best music cuts for a Baby, God Bless You program so far goes to Kaori and Jeff's (Also that knee slide change direction on the crescendo is pretty darn epic). But Kaori steps out of a 2A (and changing the whole entry) AND call on her Lutz (e) are not on my bingo card LOL. What a lovely present for her newborn niece and nephew. Hope to see the programs grow as she skates more to it. PS: That costume!!
  12. He is a millionaire skater with the most galaxy brain, he loves JAVA, he likes VOCALOID and Ultraman, he knows (how to deconstruct) earphones, he KNOWs music and musicology, he is a poet and a writer at heart and a model on the outside without even trying. Oh and he has a mysterious marriage that irritates the "media" because they can't for one second figure out who his spouse is. Yuzuru Hanyu, the man with many things. PS: Oh and he loves Don't worry, Be happy 😂
  13. https://www.goldenskate.com/forum/threads/summer-competitions-2023-japan-domestic.95718/page-7 You can find some of the programs at the most recent domestic comps here. Some impressions: - Rion pretty much reworked her entire FS from choreo to composition, even if the music is the same. It's still a very good program. Some parts are better than last year's, but some parts are not. The timing of that 3Lo is very unforgiving so if she gets it wrong even for one second everything will be off, so good luck to her. - Hana's FS is very unusual, as she said. Good for her for choosing something so different (from her usual style and from most FS programs on the scene) and doing her due research before taking on this program, but she will need more patience in her movements to completely pull it off. - Mao's FS is weird. It just... passes by, there are no ups and downs (same with Ayumi's). Lori doesn't do Mao much favor with this program. In fact both her SP and FP don't do her much favor. However, if these programs are her attempts at trying out new styles and expanding her range then also good for her. - Mone's FS is pretty; it's one of the better programs choreo'ed by Akiko IMO. Other than the worrisome jumps, her speed, flow, spins, steps are as impressive as ever, if not more. - Ikura looks like a model on ice 😲. Dunno if I like her FS just yet but the girl knows how to perform. PS: The juniors have gotten so.much.taller., like whoa!
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