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Posts posted by icecreamy

  1. 3 hours ago, micaelis said:

    Everybody, for those who believe in the power of prayer, I need all that I can get.  I'm about to head to the hospital in order to have a number of things checked into and actions taken to ameliorate them.  There are more than one issue involved so I don't know how long I'll be there.  I'll be out of touch since I have no cell phone or tablet so I'll reestablish contact once I'm back home.  Until then a grand silence from these quarters.  This forum has become very important to me and I hope there will be some years left for me to continue to be a part of it so you can take heart from a line spoken by Arnold Schwarzenegger -  I'll be back.

    Take great care of yourself for now, I will pray for your health and return!

  2. 13 minutes ago, Paskud said:

    Like... for me it's so weird. I had extremly bad feeling before CoR. I KNEW something will happen. My heart stopped when we got this rumours about flu in TCC (lol, stupid flu... omg...). And I was obviously sad (and even cried, a little bit >_<) when we got today confirmation. But... I'm so calm about overall future. I don't understand it, but it will be okay.

    I think we are to much scared because until now he usually didn't WD, but still competed and pushed his body to the limits. Because he had to be perfect. But after PC he is free from expectations and he can allow himself to rest and heal. Isn't it great?

    You are not the only one my friend. After coming back from Finland I started to develop this wierd feeling. I tired to shake it off because it felt like non-sense; and after the short I was determined it was nonsense.  And then ... :sadPooh:


    However although I am sad right now, I feel the future will be fine. It will be fine for him and for us. On the bright side, he can finally take some decent rest :xD: video games anyone? 

  3. 1 hour ago, micaelis said:

    In looking at vids from those early years with Brian (2012-15) I'm wondering if Brian had any inkling of the sheer phenomenon Yuzu would become.  Obviously he saw that Yuzu had talent but I have a feeling he was seeing the potential of Yuzu and Javi as roughly equal.  Javi would go on to win two world championship as well as six straight European championships.  Yuzu would go on to take the world of skating by storm becoming a living legend and prompting talk of Yuzu as the Greatest Of All Time.  I think NHK and GPF were the events that must have most shaken Brian for he must be realizing that Yuzu was far more than the highly talented young skater he took on back in the summer of 2012.  With that realization must have come an awareness of the enormous responsibility that came with training such an athlete.  I think that was probably the time when Yuzu's and Brian's relationship began to alter toward what I think it is today, where Team TCC exist essentially as advisers for Yuzu as he sets for the direction and goals he's seeking.  Gone definitely are those early days when Yuzu, when first arriving in Toronto, was taken back to figure skating kindergarten and learning basic skills.  That strategy paid off, I'm sure, because I think that was when Yuzu truly began to see how all the various elements of skating had to work and it was not just a matter of mastering some quads.  As for the current situation I think the only person who can tell Yuzu what he can do is his medical team.  His receiving that Rostelecom medal while on crutches for me was an indication that with two significant injuries to his right ankle in the period of these last two seasons Yuzu is realizing that his body is not made of steel and that what he does on the ice can have long term consequences.  So he's following the doctor's advice.  Good!!!  He needs to realize that with age comes increasing vulnerability to the erosion time takes of us all physically through the years.


    Which brings me to a question all of us are asking about Yuzu.  What next?  On one hand I can see him holding back from competition and preparing himself for Worlds at the end of this season.  If he should go gold there I have a feeling at that point the temptation to retire would be extremely great, particularly because of the injuries of these last two seasons.  On the other hand there is the example of Daisuke Takahashi, who came out of retirement this year, feeling acutely what leaving competition had removed from his life.  He wants back in the game.  Yuzu must be viewing that as an indication that he should soldier on.  Which should he do, particularly as he also has probably quite vividly the memory of how his hero, Evgeny Plushenko had to withdraw from competition literally just minutes before the commencement of the short program competition at Sochi.  It's somewhat ironic that Takahashi is reentering competition at roughly the same age as Plushy was when he withdrew and retired.  There is a great deal contingent on the decisions Yuzu is now being forced to make because so much has been invested in him, not simply by the fans who have purchased all that is needed to get them to his competitions but also to the advertisers with whom he's involved and the publishing industry in Japan that is not a small portion of Yuzu Incorporated.  His retirement from competition would not remove his value for his sponsors but it would bring about a rearrangement of his relationship to them and to his fans he would feel almost honor bound, I think, to find some way to continue his relationship with them.  That's why I have a feeling ice shows loom big in Yuzu's post-retirement scenarios, more than likely shows he produces himself and where he can exert artistic control.


    All in all I feel strongly for Yuzu because circumstances right now seemed to have conspired to necessitate decisions he probably felt he wouldn't need to make any time soon.  Life has its ways of outflanking even the best-planned strategies but then Yuzu has also his memory of the earthquake and how things can be a lot worse than the conundrum he nows finds himself faced with.  That experience above all we must not forget is one Yuzu will not forget and however great the obstructions he faces now are in his mind minuscile when compared with the horrendous challenges not only he but all of Japan faced after that huge disaster.  It's that experience that has generated in Yuzu a sense of scale that has kept him humble despite the greatness of his achievements and has made him so willing to give of himself for the needs of others.  If Yuzu should retire I think all of us can be thankful that he would be putting an end to a career few can equal in the annals of sport in general, not simply for the athletic achievement but also for the greatness of that person the world knows as Yuzuru Hanyu.  The only other athlete I can think of who compares with Yuzu in both athletic achievement and greatness as a person is Wayne Gretzky.  Both of them never forgot their roots and viewed their success as requiring also a giving back to the public who so admired them.  And for all of us there would still be the anticipation of the ice shows Yuzu might create.  Looking at how Continues was structured I would not be surprised to see Yuzu bring to that format the same imagination and integrity with which he pursued his victories.


    Just some thoughts on my part.  I just hope he decides to continue to compete after this season but we've got to be ready to face the inevitability that retirement will have to come some time.  At least by then Yuzu will have given us some indication of what he intends afterward.  We have to remember this - Yuzu does not like to think small.


    He said he won't retire, not until 4A. I do sympathize with a lot of what you wrote, especially the hard decisions Yuzu has to make in the coming days/months, yet I trust his words as always, and looking forward to what he would have become, against all obstacles and doubts. He will come back, and let's pray for our boy to come back healthy and wise. 

  4. I was trying to persuade myself to sell my GPF tickets during the past 48 hours. As two friends of mine asked me to help sell theirs I am forced to think of my own. I just couldn’t do it. 


    Logically I know that it’s about time to let go, unless I really want to get further bankcrupted but mentally I’m not able to. Somehow I feel that doing this cuts some kind of bounding, and it surprised me that I ‘ve happily lived with that bounding for the past few months.  


    Anyways sorry for whining here since even I myself is getting tired of the feelings of sadness and powerless. As a fanyu I wish Yuzu a speedy and painless recovery and I don’t want him to come back to any competition without fully healed, including GPF. However I am still having a hard time letting go. Call me stupid ... :sadPooh: 



  5. 9 minutes ago, Anzi said:

    WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about my language but IT IS TOTALLY UNEXPECTED!!!!

    And it's so WIERD! To be honest, I want to see him in China for ice show but never the show for spring festive cuz that's so IRRELEVANT!

    No worries, not gonna happen my friend. He has to visit Niagra Falls first ...:xD:

  6. 1 minute ago, ruruzest said:

    That would be great but mayve we can meet ahead of competition too, just for fun.

    I've heard again that they won't take off glass panels, if that's the case there is no point lining up for seats, and we will have plenty of time to chat and drink and hang out :dancingpooh:


    but hey!!! where is full list of athletes!!! when will those get posted!!! :Poohgaveup: 

    BTW I just realized it's the wrong thread, I was away for a few days and didn't realize that we thread out to have market place for each event. Sorry!

  7. 3 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



    Aw...I don't think he has a bad singing voice. From the very fleeting examples I've heard, he sounded like he had an okay voice but had trouble carrying certain notes (usually the high ones, like someone here mentioned). Otherwise, he sounds like he could carry a tune about as well as the average karaoke goer? I mean not the bad singers whose singing sounds more like caterwauling but the average ones who have a range they can handle but then go off-key when the music ventures out of their comfort zone. I'm one of these common ones.


    But he doesn't seem to like showing the world stuff he can't excel at or at least is reasonably confident in (if he had any say in it) so I doubt we'd be hearing him sing any time soon. I think he'd sooner do an entire interview in English, lol. Lesser of two evils and all that.

    English interview is more likely IMO. He actually speaks pretty well, just vocabulary issue. I gradually got into a bad habit - whenever he said “I feel”, I started to pray that the next word is not “happy”. If it’s not happy then I instantly feel happy.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Ferrer said:

    At my school, we have English and Mandarin as the language courses. And I can tell you English is the easier one for me. For Mandarin, if I don't have enough motivation to learn it then it's easily forgettable and dumped into the ocean. Those Chinese characters are so bizarre to me, and I also notice they are almost the same as Japanese kanji. Though I'm not sure the characters actually have the same meaning or not.. :14066882:

    Some are, many don’t. All bizzare and hard 

  9. 1 minute ago, Danibellerika said:

    Born and raised in Washington, DC.  I can't even tell you if I've been inside The Capitol, one of the city's most recognizable landmarks :surprised:.  I've been in places near it since my mom used to work close by, but that's about all I can recall. If I went I was a really little girl and didn't appreciate it like I would now.  Only been to the top of the National Monument, our other most recognizable landmark, as a baby so I don't even remember it.  The only reason I see the White House at all is because I work close by and might decided to eat lunch in that park on occasion.  I've toured it a couple of times thanks to family connections, but otherwise I've probably "toured" more of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, etc. because that was my purpose there.  I totally get living somewhere but not really seeing everything about it. 



    That's interesting considering how much stuff is filmed in Canada. I've received press passes for conventions so I get to meet a lot of celebs, even the Game of Thrones cast a couple years back.  They really are just people when you get used to seeing them around all the time and interacting with them.  Reminds me of a volunteer Yuzu fan in Helsinki who was star struck when she first saw him, but after seeing him around all week it sank in that he really is just a person.  An extraordinary person, yes, but human nonetheless.  

    Very well said, and greetings from another greater Washington DC area local! I love walking around the capital area though, especially when it’s not so tourist crowded.

  10. This blue and yellow hue somehow got stuck in my head all day. And I have to say that after staring at all the photos for so long I miraculously started to get used to it. Does this happen to any of you too? 

  11. 6 hours ago, OonsieHui said:

    . . . Why does this make me nervous and put me in mind of nefarious schemes?


    Like logically I know it's probably more logistics then anything else, but a part of me has this sneaking suspicion born of distrust of the ISU

    I am not worried about Yuzu anymore, because I feel that judges, even under the current system, do not really follow their own scoring system. Nor am I that worried about assignment neither. I am mostly worried about the lack of mathematical skills of those ISU folks, they seem to hit the wall with just the basics. Um, really worried ... if they can get two digit addition/subtraction right, I guess assignment will come out in one piece.

  12. Finally able to read this whole thing and did some calculations on my own. I had to do it because what’s described here sounds unbelievable initially.


    Good lord, I’m so pissed! You raise or lower the bar in sports, you don’t raise part of it and lower another part of it so the selective some win or lose. This is sad 

  13. 11 minutes ago, guswi said:

    It basically says that single-fold eyelids are an evolution of the double eyelids occured in order to survive the Ice age.

    Also the eyelashes that lean down are to protect the eyes from the cold air (they work like blinds).

    The conclusion is that Yuzu fits perfectly in this definition of evolved form of human being :scratch2:

    OMG my right eye is double folded and left is single folded. So does that mean I am half way stuck in the evolution process and thus have to pay the price of thicker eyeliner on the left every morning? :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:life is so unfair!

  14. 5 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

    Not to hang out but kinda for everyone to have something? Because a big gift might not be shared amongst *everyone*. But I can see how a gift of lots of $10 giftcards may seem...weird. Anyway, the idea about the items from each satellite's home country sounds super sweet and thoughtful. It sounds more personal than giftcards. Maybe we can have someone in Canada collect a bunch of little things from satellites all over the World? And then mail it to TCC (I don't suggest visiting, as it's a private club, and they don't really allow visitors per se. They might let you in with a gift but I think they'd much prefer if you just mailed it...just IMO).

    I prefer mailing too, but in that sense we should consider gifts that do not require temperature controlled shipping, i.e., chocolate, ice wine may not play well. The reason that I raised the drop-off option earlier is to avoid cost and hassle in shipping those temp sensitive items, and make sure they get there on time. If we stay with items that endure shipping with long shelf life then it’s easier. 

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