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    It's a blind love, thanks!

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    Somewhere in your brain right now
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    Reading sob story 😭

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  1. I am not prejudiced at all honestly, was just saying that coz we all know Yuzu hadn't used any Japanese lyrics for anything international. Please don't assume the worst in people and be more realistic. We're fellow satellites, no one is better than anyone, just different. There is more than one standard in the world.
  2. Kind of a pointless debate to me without a real source from the person himself lol. Moving on, I wish he would pick Masquerade, but it's in Japanese so I'm not sure. Crystal Memory is more likely?
  3. Hey guys, I'm the satellite that was abducted by real life for a few months. But no worries, because King Yuzu's Masquerade just saved me back to the planet. He's just that awesome!
  4. Happy Birthday Zuzu~! Wish you can be healthy to achieve your dream.. We're all rooting for you~
  5. And so, another meme face was born..
  6. Yeah. CBC might be great overall for some, but for this particular topic about Yuzu's fans, they've mocked them enough for us to say that they made mistakes, and they still continue to. I mean, look at that lady's face for crying out loud. So disgusted and all -_-
  7. Well, the first year when Yuzu got his Sochi gold, he obviously had his PCS advantage against other skaters, too. But his PCS was proven by his skills and fluidity on the ice, he's really at the top. And for Alina, I think she hasn't reached that stage yet to be given an obvious PCS advantage, hence many comments about her PCS scores.
  8. This is so true for all of us here
  9. Eh, some people are just that toxic, let's just not stoop to their level. It's not like we don't care about Yuzu, but if that blatantly absurd post was given response, they'll just act crazier.
  10. But, according to judges, you need to be super busy to gain that TR points ( Alina's always busy, Shoma's and Nate's gazillion crossovers made them look super busy hence high TR). I'm kidding Back on track, I'm super excited for his first GP! How's the first GP curse going so far?
  11. It usually loads for me, but now it doesn't anymore ( does anyone know why? ) I guess I survived too then
  12. With those many pictures I wouldn't wanna leave the subway station at all..
  13. So, I was bored and randomly checking wiki pages for several skaters. Guess what I found! The ISU world record for other skaters excluding Zuzu had their historic records and new system records, while for his page, they just put his ACI 2018 score. I wonder why?
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