I'm gonna be honest, I wanted to post these mainly because someone is apparently walking around calling Kikuchi-san a witch, which is HILARIOUS. The rest of this is old news now anyway, and draws liberally on the Informe Robinson show (about the differences between Yuzu and Javi, Javi saying they're not super close, etc).
T/N: People get referred to by the country of origin a lot in Spanish, which I find sounds ungainly (and sometimes racist!) in English, so I've subbed their names back in most cases. This is quick and dirty - please do point out any mistakes, etc.
El Pais, 29 March 2017: Yuzuru Hanyu, a ‘ghost’ against Javier Fernandez’s skating triple crown
El Pais, 2 April 2017: Yuzuru Hanyu is crowned World champion and Javier Fernandez comes in fourth.