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  1. @CupidsBow, @Neenah, thank you for your messages, I do feel better now I hope that you're right and that's just wrong info! Also, if Yuzu is really on the ice now, I don't worry at all.
  2. Thanks for the info, that reassures me! I don't really know which japanese sources are reliable, so never know what to believe.
  3. I never remember where I read different things, but I'll try to find it! If you haven't seen it here, maybe it's ton true? Edit: nope, it's true, here's the link: https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2017/12/fba16848cf1d-figure-skating-tendon-and-bone-concerns-added-to-hanyus-injury-list.html
  4. Hey guys! Not to bring negativity to this thread, but I don't know how you manage to stay calm (teach me ). Most of the times I just ignore negative thoughts or try not to think about it at all, but at times (now) it becomes impossible. This season is just wrong, all my favorite skaters are injured or have some other struggles. I don't have any doubts that Yuzu will be chosen as a representative of Japan at the Olympics, but what I fear is that he won't heal on time and skate injured. The moment I've read somewhere that the inflammation reached the bones, I just can't stay calm anymore. I don't get how it's possible to the injury to aggravate when he probably has the best doctors. Anyway, I hope that all of this stays in 2017 and next year will start with a blast. Sorry for bringing it all here
  5. Thank you so much! So he's skating the last one.. Do you know if they went back to the world standings order for the SP? Is it the case for all the GP events or just this one? I really hope that it's for all the events, that way we can be sure he doesn't skate second in his group well, if he doesn't bomb the sp
  6. I'm sorry if I missed it, but I can't find the starting order for tomorrow.. Anyone got an idea where I could look for it? Thanks!
  7. Oh my god, I'm so overwhelmed I can't breath.. So many news!! I couldn't be happier about Chopin, this is my favourite program ever! I couldn't even dream about seing this program live, but it's happening! Can't beleive Yuzu's going to COR! I don't think I can make it, but I'll try to force my mom to go there for me
  8. Thanks! Can you tell me the name of this beautiful (Chinese?) song? I can't copy Chinese signs from the song name on the website
  9. I actually agree that COR and NHK are quite probable. But I didn't get why some are thinking that he'd have to choose between SC and NHK? The events are 2 weeks apart and that is not so unusual.. I would be over the moon if he went to GP in France, as I'll attend it. But I don't beleive in such a miracle
  10. Haha, thank you! This video is hilarious :goe:
  11. Neither is mine and we're... not very liked... especially now We just need to make a poster saying that the whole world is rooting for Yuzu
  12. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean anything bad and you don't need to apologize! History is history and there're always two sides of every story :s_whiteflag
  13. Hmmm, I'm at a loss here, sorry... anything to do with amber? You've got to have heaps of it there... :goe: Haha thanks! But you only know it because you're our neighbour.. well, and once we were one state. I love my country, but I have to admit that we're not very popular internationally :smile:
  14. I guess I would need to put Deniss Vasiljevs on my poster, otherwise I have no idea how anyone will recognize Latvia.. :acceptable:
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