Planet Hanyu Staff Posted November 25, 2021 Share Posted November 25, 2021 On 11/25/2021 at 12:49 AM, CiONTUw4A said: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 11/25/2021 at 12:50 AM, CiONTUw4A said: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 11/25/2021 at 11:30 AM, Anni said: "I feel that he is just like an angel whose wings we cannot see." May all the wishes bring him good luck [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted November 26, 2021 Share Posted November 26, 2021 On 11/26/2021 at 6:50 AM, lajoitko said: New Nishikawa clear files And the photos [NEWS] Expand On 11/26/2021 at 7:28 AM, lajoitko said: Beautiful banner in Sochi [NEWS] Expand On 11/26/2021 at 9:02 AM, Anni said: Report from the Hattori Tenjingu shrine [NEWS] It is so heartwarming to see how many people support Yuzu and pray for his health. All the best Yuzu. Thank you @tsubasanoyume for all the beautiful support banners It's also a nice idea with the Pooh flags.I hope so much, Yuzu can see all this. Expand On 11/26/2021 at 9:10 AM, sweetwater said: The latest issue of S-Style released yesterday shares many birthday wishes for Yuzu from fans. Apparently, the messages are shared with a photo of a birthday cake made for this project especially, and the patissier shared their thoughts on the cake on their Instagram. Let me share a translation of it because it is very nice and warm. The cake: The message: Translation of the message: Reveal hidden contents Dear, Hanyu Yuzuru senshu, Happy birthday! Although it is a bit too early to say this... I have never imagined or expected to make a cake for Hanyu Yuzuru senshu in this way. It started with a phone call. "Would you make a birthday case for Hanyu Yuzuru senshu?" "What? Do you mean the figure skater?" "Yes. It is a part of our project. We are hoping to publish (T/n: the photo of ) the cake with all the birthday wishes (T/n: in our magazine)" "Are you sure if I deserve such a role.......?" While having such a conversation, I was already coming up with a plan in my mind. "Four and a half revolution" A Challenge on an unprecedented feat... Then, I want to express it. Then, I want to support it. The sense of dynamism, the beauty, adventurousness, the way the ice shines when it gets landed, calmness and passion inside... I composed such images on the cake. I can not skate well, let alone jump on the ice. I imagine that only figure skaters can see the landscape of an Axel jump. Probably Hanyu Yuzuru senshu will be the first one to see the untrodden landscape of quad Axel. I hope he will. That was the thought that filled me while I was absorbed in making the cake. I took the liberty of relating myself with Hanyu Yuzuru senshu. He has his own world, and I have mine, but if I were to find something in common, it is the words in my memory, "If you want to gain something, you have to sacrifice something." That was what the head chef of the hotel I used to work told me. The words may sound obvious, but we don't like to make sacrifices. We would want to avoid it somehow. However, the greater the goal, the greater the sacrifices you would have to make. I want to be an astronaut! Gosh, that's a lot of work! How much effort does it take? Well, you need to be blessed with a good environment and luck too... I have sacrificed a lot to make my dream come true. My family, friends, time, physical health, and money... I assume Hanyu Yuzuru senshu is also sacrificing something now to make his dream come true. Because I have such an experience and can imagine what he feels, I want to support him even for a bit. For now, I hope he will focus on healing his injury. I am sure he will be back on the ice. He will be able to land it. He will make it. Would you share the landscape with me? Please visit us when you have landed it. :)) And please let me know how the landscape was. Lastly, thank you so much, S-Style editor-in-chief Igarashi san, for inviting me for this project. I could have a great time and make a great memory. [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted November 27, 2021 Share Posted November 27, 2021 On 11/26/2021 at 9:16 PM, Pammi said: Yesss!!! Justice at last for 2019! This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 11/26/2021 at 9:56 PM, Yuzurella said: This is so sweet! I hope Yuzu can feel all the love and support from so many people all over the world. Get well soon, Yuzu! [NEWS] Expand On 11/27/2021 at 2:23 AM, Paskud said: [NEWS] JNats men entries News, but also not news, because remember that Yuzuru is a seeded skater, so he was added to the list automatically. Expand On 11/27/2021 at 8:55 AM, sweetwater said: Another photo of the Yuzu page of the Rostelecom Cup pamphlet shared by Takeo Yoshinaga of Asahi Shimbun. According to him, the page says, "His dream is to land quad Axel" in Russian and English. [NEWS] Expand On 11/27/2021 at 11:10 AM, Anni said: The account from Canada's official Olympic and Paralympic broadcaster also tweeted about the Yuzu banners [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted November 28, 2021 Share Posted November 28, 2021 On 11/28/2021 at 3:34 PM, Yuzurella said: It's admirable how much thought and effort Yuzu puts into his programs and performances. That's why his programs and performances are so special. You can really see, hear and feel that Yuzu isn't just about completing his jumps, spins and other elements. He tells stories on the ice. He paints pictures. He evokes emotions in people. This is the reason why people watch a single performance of his and always remember him and fall in love with him and his skating. [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted November 29, 2021 Share Posted November 29, 2021 On 11/28/2021 at 8:31 AM, Yuzu_legend said: Finally the press acknowledging Yuzu’s international fans and that he’s worldwide beloved! 👏🏼💖 This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 11/28/2021 at 10:36 AM, birnasan said: It's so quiet here and I miss Yuzuru so much. While we are waiting for new crumbs, here is my deepL translation of his interview in the DOI 2021 booklet. I think this was not translated yet. It't a bit sad to read this after his injury, but I hope his recovery is going well and he will be able to work towards his dream again soon 🙏 Reveal hidden contents DOI 2021 booklet 羽生結弦選手インタビュー 厳しいシーズンだったから得られた、心の成長。 Interview with Yuzuru Hanyu It's been a tough season and I've grown as a person. 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大で変則開催になった昨シーズンのフィギュアスケート。12月末の全日本選手権がシーズン初戦になり、その後は世界選手権と世界国別対抗戦に出場した羽生結弦だが、どの大会も自分が出場していいのかという葛藤を抱えながらの大会だった。そんな中でも圧巻ともいえる存在感を見せてくれた羽生。 その戦いを振り返るとともに、2015年以来6年ぶりの出演となる、“ドリーム・オン・アイス"への思いを話してもらった。 Due to the spread of the new Corona virus, last season's figure skating was held irregularly. Yuzuru Hanyu competed in the National Championships at the end of December, then the World Championships and the World Team Trophy, but in each event, he struggled to decide whether or not he should compete. We asked him to reflect on his performances and to share his thoughts on his first appearance on Dream on Ice in six years, since 2015. ー久しぶりのドリーム·オン・アイス(DOI)出演ですが、このアイスショーへの思いや、印象に残っている過去の思い出を聞かせてください。 羽生DOIは僕にとって、いろんなことを学ぶ場所というよりも、「皆さんに見てもらいたい!」という気持ちの方が大きい場所でした。「自分の気持ちを演技に全部詰め込んで、いい演技をしたい!」「見て見て!」といった感じでずっと滑っていたように思います。その気持ちが強すぎて、空回ってしまうことが多いのもDOIでした。特に『Hello,I Love You」(2012年)のステップで転けてしまった時の演技は一生忘れられないと思います(笑)。 - It's been a long time since you've performed at DOI, what are your thoughts on this ice show and what are your most memorable past memories? - Hanyu: DOI was not so much a place for me to learn something, it was more a place where I wanted to be seen. "I want to put all my feelings into my performance and give a good performance! Look at me!" That's how I felt the whole time. I think I was always like that. I'll never forget the moment when I fell on the steps of "Hello, I Love You" (2012) (laughs). ー今回は、どんな羽生結弦を見せたいと思っていますか。 羽生まずは、DOIに久しぶりに出演させていただくので、これまでのいろんなショーや試合、練習を積み重ねた日々によって、あの頃よりも成長しているところを見せたいです。ただ、変わっていないことの方が多くて…….…。一つひとつの演技に全てのエネルギーを注ぎ込んでいきたいと思っていますし、あとは、やはり「『羽生結弦」だな」と感じていただきたいです。 - What kind of Yuzuru Hanyu do you want to show this time? - Hanyu: First of all, it' s been a long time since I've performed at DOI, so I want to show that I've improved since then, through all the shows, competitions and training I've done. However, there are many things that haven't changed: I want to put all my energy into each performance, and I also want the audience to feel that this is Yuzuru Hanyu. 一昨シーズンは大変なシーズンで苦労したと思いますが、初戦の全日本選手権は「絶対にノーミスをする」という覚悟を感じる演技だと思って見させてもらいました。全日本へ向けてはどういう風に自分の気持ちを盛り上げ、とどんな思いを持って臨んだのですか。 羽生昨シーズンは、全試合ノーミスすることしか考えてなかったので、全日本しかノーミスできなくて悔しい気持ちは強くあります。全日本は、11月の終わり頃に初めてフリーの通しでノーミスができて、そこから一気に仕上がっていきました。ショートはそこそこノーミスできていたのですが、やはりクワドアクセル(4A)の練習との両立が難しかったこともあり、フリーはなかなかうまくいきませんでした。左足への負荷もかなり強く、身体にも、他のジャンプの練習にも大きな影響が出ていたので、初めてフリーのノーミスができた1週間前ぐらいからは、4Aを諦めて全日本のための練習をしていきました。 全日本に出るべきなのかどうなのか、という気持ちはずっとあって、ギリギリまで決心ができませんでしたが、練習だけは積んでおこうと思い、しっかりと練習はこなしました。その練習の成果が初めてのフリーのノーミスという結果に繋がったので、それから自分の練習内容にすごく自信を持って、いい状態で臨めたと思います。コロナ禍ということで、葛藤もかなりありましたが、ある意味では、その悩みのおかげで自分が試合に出る意味、スケートをする意味をちゃんとわかった上で試合に臨めました。精神的にすごく落ち着いた、自分の最高の演技をするということだけに気持ちを使えたと思っています。 - The season before last was a tough one, and I think you struggled a lot, but I felt that you were very determined to make no mistakes in your performance in your first competition of last season, the National Championships. How did you prepare yourself for Nationals, and what kind of thoughts did you have? - Hanyu: Last season, all I thought about was to make no mistakes in every competition, so I was very disappointed that I could only skate without mistakes at Nationals. In my preparation for Nationals, I was able to skate my first clean FS around the end of November, and from then on, I improved quickly. I had already managed to make no mistakes in the SP, but it was difficult to balance it with my 4A practice, so I couldn't do well in the FS. The impact on my left foot was so heavy that it affected my body, as well as my other jumps, so I gave up 4A about a week before I had my first clean FS, and started to train for Nationals. I was wondering whether or not I should compete at Nationals, and I couldn't make up my mind until the very last minute, but I decided to practice hard, and I did. The result of my practice was that I made no mistakes in my first FS, so I had a lot of confidence in my practice, and I think I was in good shape. I had a lot of inner conflicts, because of the Corona disaster, but in a way, it helped me to understand the meaning of competing, and the meaning of skating. Mentally, I was very calm, and I could use my mind just to give my best performance. -全日本のショートプログラム(SP)は、全部を見どころにしたいとも考えた、と話していた言葉をそのまま感じるような演技で、シットスピンが0点と判定されたのは残念でしたが、観る限りはノーミスと思える滑りだと思いました。その演技を自身はどのように評価していますか。また、シットスピンのミスの要因をどう分析しているか聞かせてください。気持ちが乗りすぎてしまったのではないかとも思いましたが、いかがでしょうか。 羽生本来はもう少し早めにツイズルからシットスピンに移行できるはずだったのですが、もっと速く回りたいという気持ちが強くて、助走を少し多くしてしまったことと、シットスピンのあとの音で手拍子を誘いたいという気持ちが勝手に出てきてしまって(笑)。楽しかったことは楽しかったのですが、楽しみすぎました。やはり試合なので、ちゃんと地に足をつけた上で、楽しむべきだと、すごく反省しました。ただ、自分にダメ出しするだけでなく、久しぶりの試合で、新プログラムという状況であってもノーミスできたことは評価してあげたいとも思いました。 - It was a pity that your sit spin was given 0 points, but as far as I saw, I thought you made no mistakes. How do you see your performance and how do you analyze the reason of your sit spin mistake? I thought you might have been too emotional, what do you think? - Hanyu: Originally, I should have moved from the twizzle the to sit spin a little earlier, but I wanted to spin faster, so I had to do a little more run-up, and then I wanted to invite people to clap with the sound right after the sit spin (laughs). I had fun, but I had too much fun. I was reminded that it was a competition, and I should have fun while still keeping my feet on the ground. However, I don't want to only criticize myself, but I also want to give credit to myself for not making any mistakes, even though it was my first competition in a long time, with a new program. ーフリースケーティング(FS)の『天と地と』も羽生選手らしい世界観を存分に味わわせてくれるプログラムで、初戦からあそこまで完成させていたのに驚きました。上杉謙信公への思いの強さ、また、それに決めるまでの経緯と考えたことを聞かせてください。 羽生かなりいろんな曲を聴いて、それでもなかなか決まらなく、とても時間のかかった選曲でした。小学生の頃から上杉謙信公のことが好きで、考え方や戦い方に憧れを抱く存在でした。この曲を聴いたときに、今の自分の気持ちと謙信公の考え方などに共通点があるような感じがして、この曲を滑りたいと思いました。 - I was surprised that you were able to complete your FS so well in your first competition. Please tell us about your feelings for Lord Uesugi Kenshin, and how you decided on this piece of music and what you were thinking about it. - Hanyu: I listened to quite a lot of different songs and still couldn't decide on the right one, so it was a very time-consuming selection. I've been fascinated by Lord Uesugi Kenshin since I was in primary school, and I always admired the way he thought and fought. When I heard this music, I felt that there were similarities between my current feelings and Kenshin's mindset, so I wanted to perform to this music. -自分で曲を編集した苦労はどのようなものでしたか。 羽生『SEIMEI」の時からこれまで、いろんな経験を積んできて、わりとイメージはすぐに浮かんでいきました。そのイメージを伝えたりすることが難しくて、苦戦したところはありましたが、イメージ通りのプログラムにしていただけました。表現したい物語や想いなどは固まっていたので、そこまで迷うことはありませんでした。 - What were the difficulties of editing the music by yourself? - Hanyu: Since "SEIMEI", I've had a lot of experience, so I had an idea of what I wanted to do pretty soon. It was difficult to express that idea to the audience, so I had some difficulties, but finally it turned out to be the program that I had in my mind. I knew exactly what I wanted to express, so I didn't have any doubts. -全日本の自身の演技や、結果をどう評価していますか。それを踏まえたうえで、その時点では開催が正式決定していなかった世界選手権へ向けては、どういう風に立ち向かおうと考えていましたか。 羽生全日本はかなり満足していました。戦いに勝つとか、ノーミスできたからとか、そういう理由ではなく、練習がしっかりと結果に結びついてくれたことが何よりも嬉しかったです。でも、その時の世界選手権に向けての気持ちは、すごくフワフワしたものでした。正直、まだその舞台で演技をするイメージが湧きませんでした。全日本で目標が完全に達成されてしまっていたので、少しだけ燃え尽きていたのかもしれません。ただ、身体を早く回復させて、4Aを成功させるんだという決意はありました。 - How did you evaluate your performance and results at Nationals, and how did you approach the World Championships, which wasn't officially confirmed at that time? - Hanyu: I was pretty satisfied with Nationals. Not because I won the competition, or because I made no mistakes, but I was more than happy that my practice had led to a solid result. But at that time, my feelings toward the World Championships were very vague. To be honest, I didn't have an image of performing on that stage at that time. Maybe I was a little burned out since my goal had been completely achieved at Nationals. However, I was determined to recover my body as soon as possible, and to succeed in 4A. -世界選手権は特殊な形式での大会になり、全日本と同じような葛藤もあったと思います。また最大の目標はオリンピック出場枠獲得に定めていたとも話していましたが、どう考え、どういう気持ちで臨みましたか。 羽生はっきり言ってしまうと、試合への準備が全然できていませんでした。何よりも4Aを降りたい、4Aとともに世界選手権 にいきたいという気持ちだけで練習していました。その練習での足へのダメージもかなり大きく、直前には地震などもあってかなり心も身体も消耗しきっていました。ただ、世界選手権はオリンピック出場枠がかかる大切な試合なので、4Aという一番のモチベーションは捨てて、オリンピック出場枠を最大で獲得するために滑るんだという意志で滑ってきました。 - The World Championships was held in a unique format, and I'm sure you had the same conflicts as at Nationals. You also said that your main goal was to win slots for the Olympics, what were your thoughts and feelings going into it? - Hanyu: To be honest, I wasn't prepared for the competition at all. More than anything, I wanted to land 4A, to go to the World Championships with 4A. I only wanted to go to the World Championships with 4A. I had suffered a lot of damage to my legs during the practice, and the earthquake just before the competition had drained me both mentally and physically. However, since the World Championships is an important competition where the Olympic slots are on stake, I threw away my main motivation of 4A and skated with the will to win the maximum number of Olympic slots. -世界選手権での自身の演技や、結果についての評価を聞かせてください。また同じような環境で開催された世界国別対抗戦の評価もお願いします。 羽生世界選手権にはいいイメージがないです。当時は「頑張った」と思えましたが、今もまだ映像を見返すことができません。原因は完全に試合への準備不足で、全日本でできていた演技すらもできなかったことがとても悔しいです。国別対抗戦は、かなり体力もギリギリの試合でした。帰ってきて隔離生活の中でセルフケアをし、しっかりと休んで、試合に出るまででいっぱいいっぱいの時間でした。どちらの試合も後悔はしていませんし、それぞれの最善は尽くせたと思っていますが、演技内容は満足いくものではありませんでした。ただ、エキシビションでの『花は咲く』は両大会とも、心からの演技ができましたし、僕自身が幸せをいただきました。また、国別対抗戦での練習で、4Aにトライして、全然ダメだったからこそ、また改めていろんなことを考えさせられて、4Aの成功に繋がる道筋が見えてきたように感じています。 - Please tell us about your performance at the World Championships and your opinion about the result. Also, please give us your opinion about the World Team Trophy, which was held in a unique atmosphere. - Hanyu: I don't have a good memory of the World Championships. At that time, I felt that I did my best, but even now, I still can't look back at the video footage. The reason is that I was completely unprepared for the competition, and I am very disappointed that I couldn't perform as well as I was able to at Nationals. WTT was a competition in which I was on the very edge of my physical strength. I had a very full schedule after coming back to Japan, caring for myself in isolation, resting properly, and then getting ready to compete. I don't regret either of the competitions, I think I did my best in each of them, but I wasn't satisfied with my performances. However, in both competitions, I was able to perform "Hana wa Saku" from the bottom of my heart, and it filled me with happiness. Also, I tried 4A in the WTT practice, and it didn't go well at all, which made me think about many things again, and I feel like I've found a way to succeed in 4A. -出場したのは3試合のみのシーズンでしたが、シーズンを通しての戦いから得られたものを教えてください。 羽生それぞれの試合での目標は達成できていますし、それによって自分を肯定してあげられるようになったことが、このシーズンで一番成長したことだと思います。もちろん世界選手権はかなり悔しいですが、目標自体は達成でき、また演技内容もその時のベストではあったと思うので、ある意味では肯定できています。あと、練習の仕方や考え方が確立されてきたことは大きいです。そして、それがちゃんと結果として出てくれたのもかなり大きな収穫でした。まだまだ改良の余地はありますが、自習理論に頼り切れるようになりました。 - This has been a season in which you have only participated in three competitions, but please tell us what you have gained from fighting throughout the season. - Hanyu: I've achieved some goals in each competition, and I've been able to confirm myself through them, which I think is what I've grown the most this season. Of course, I'm very disappointed about the World Championships, but I achieved my goal, and I think my performance was the best that I could do at that time, so in a sense, I can accept it. Also, the way I practice and the way I think have become more defined. And the fact that I was able to see the results of my efforts was also a big gain. There is still room for improvement, but I can now rely on my self-learning methods. -来シーズンの大きな目標は、『天と地と』を4A入りで完壁な演技にすることだと思いますが、それに向けてどんな取り組みをしていこうと考えていますか。また、SPの予定を話せるようでしたら聞かせてください。 羽生まずは成功させてからじゃないと話にならないので、成功させたいです。まだ時間はかかるかもしれませんが、使える知識と知恵を全て使って、挑み続けたいです。まずは4Aではなく、アクセルジャンプと向き合いながら、4Aを目指そうと思っています。ショートは、『羽生結弦』ならではのプログラムにしたいと思っています。 - I think your main goal for next season is to make a perfect performance of "Heaven and Earth" with 4A, what do you plan to do for that? Also, if you can tell us about your plans for SP, please let us know. - Hanyu: First of all, I want to make sure that I succeed in my SP, because I can't talk about it unless I have done so. It may still take some time, but I want to use all the knowledge and wisdom available to me, and keep challenging myself. I think I'm going to aim at 4A, facing Axel jumps basics first, and then 4A. For the short program, I want to make it a unique program as "Yuzuru Hanyu". 一来シーズンが通常のシーズンと同じような形で試合が行われるとしたら、どういう目標を持ってどういうスケジュールで戦っていこうと考えていますか。またシーズンを通して目指そうとするものを教えてください。 羽生何よりも4A成功を目指して頑張っていきます。身体を壊さないようにしながらも、体力と気力カは、しっかりと使い切る時は使い切って、全力で頑張ります! - If the next season will be similar to a normal season, what goals do you have and what schedule do you plan to compete in? Also, what are you aiming for throughout the season? - Hanyu: Most of all, I'll try my best to succeed in 4A. I will try to not break my body, but I will use all my strength and energy whenever I can, and I will do my best! This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 11/28/2021 at 2:50 PM, Pammi said: Article Translation (google): Hanyu's fans prepared the brightest support at the Grand Prix stage in Sochi. Japanese starred due to injury "Sport Day by Day" spoke with the organizers of the action 11/28/21 11:23 AM The Olympic season began with a large number of injuries for leading skaters. This changed the list of participants for several stages of the Grand Prix, and the Rostelecom Cup was no exception. One of the main losses of the tournament is the two-time Olympic champion Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu, who was forced to withdraw due to an ankle injury. But Hanyu's fans decided that his absence was not a reason to refuse the support of their beloved skater. They organized an amazing event, the main goal of which is to wish Yuzuru a speedy recovery and show him their love. Administrators of the VKontakte group "Yuzuru Hanyu ≡ hope and legacy of figure skating"prepared 60 flags and 200 banners with Winnie the Pooh, which were handed out to everyone, and another 30 small banners with bears and five large banners were hung on the stands: three with the image of Hanyu himself and two with Winnie. “Sport Day by Day” talked to the organizers of this action - Irina and Elizaveta, who told how this idea came about and, most importantly, what it is for. - Because of the coronavirus, you cannot throw toys on the ice, there has been no Pooh rain for a long time. I really wanted to support Hanya. In addition, lately there are a lot of phrases in the style: "Even if he hadn't showed up, there would have been a full hall." However, tickets were sold out in three minutes. But he took off, and the stands were empty - now you can sit in any place. Even now, on the day of the competition, you can buy tickets, before it was canceled everything was bought. Therefore, these Poohs are also a sign that you can say whatever you want, but people from afar still come to it, - said Irina. Many of Hanyu's fans turned in their tickets after news of his withdrawal from the tournament. They were upset, so another goal of the action was to support Yuzuru's fans and organize a real holiday for them, albeit without his main culprit. And we managed to do it. There are hundreds of photos and happy messages on social media. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 11/28/2021 at 5:32 PM, lajoitko said: Yuzu was literally everywhere in Sochi. Kazuki seems to be "reading" Towa ad. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 11/29/2021 at 1:58 AM, Umebachi said: At the GP Rostelcom 2021 Ex Gala performance, Tomono Kazuki's starting pose shows him looking at a magazine opened to the page with Towa Pharmaceutical ad featuring Yuzu. A true fanboy, Kazuki! [News] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted November 30, 2021 Share Posted November 30, 2021 On 11/30/2021 at 6:16 AM, Fay said: Citizen China has a surprise for Yuzu on his birthday. [NEWS] Expand On 11/30/2021 at 12:17 PM, Yuzurella said: Yuzu has overcome so much. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 11/30/2021 at 4:28 PM, sweetwater said: Let me make a slight correction. In this video, Yuzu said he wanted to go back to Sendai soon because he knew his family was in a difficult financial situation. As you know, at that time, he was continuing training while skating in many shows, but when there was no show, he had to train in Yokohama, staying in a hotel for business people at his family's expense. Even before 311, he had been worrying about traveling expenses for skating, so it must have been especially tough at that time to continue skating while being aware of the situation. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 2, 2021 Share Posted December 2, 2021 On 12/2/2021 at 5:58 AM, Umebachi said: A tribute to Yuzu by a Turkish musician inspired by his skating. [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 3, 2021 Share Posted December 3, 2021 On 12/2/2021 at 8:08 AM, Yuzu_legend said: GPF has been officially cancelled: Wishing everyone in Japan to stay safe and healthy! This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/2/2021 at 8:53 AM, Pammi said: here is Skating Japan’s tweet re GPF cancellation too. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/2/2021 at 6:45 PM, Yuzu_legend said: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/3/2021 at 9:11 AM, Yuzu_legend said: That being said, I miss Yuzu a lot. I hope he's having a great day today! In other news, it looks like we're getting a H&L watch... This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 7, 2021 Share Posted December 7, 2021 On 12/4/2021 at 6:01 AM, cereus said: New Yuzu Citizen watch: Didn't they release 1207 of the previous ones? Looks like they upped the quantity to 1994 for this one. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/4/2021 at 9:10 AM, Yuzu_legend said: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/4/2021 at 7:36 PM, Maleko said: Is Yuzu, right? Animator of YOI. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/4/2021 at 8:45 PM, turquoiseblue said: Russian junior pair skater Diana Mukhametzianova shares a story about Yuzu in a recent MatchTV article: "They told me lose weight and look for partner myself. Basically, they kicked me out." Sad story of the Russian pair skater from Mozer’s school (English translation by FS Gossips) This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/5/2021 at 11:56 AM, Yuzurella said: Not surprising. Citizen should make Yuzu watches internationally available and in larger quantities. I'm sure they would also sell out very quickly. And his international fans could get their hands on them. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/5/2021 at 1:57 PM, Mary_kyo said: Kao has talked about Yuzu in his instagram live. My understanding is that his SP custome was indeed inspired by Yuzu’s Otonal and that he got goosebumps after learning Yuzu’s SP is rondo (from the pamphlet of NHK). He is also worried for Yuzu’s injury. Such a sweet kid, so much potential this kid has. The true gem in the next generation of Japanese skaters. Only if JSF stops (super unfair) politicking for just one kid and lowballing others. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/6/2021 at 5:31 PM, Anni said: Birthday wishes from Mika Matsuda [NEWS] Expand On 12/6/2021 at 7:21 PM, Anni said: More wishes for our birthday boy Fans from China [NEWS] Expand On 12/7/2021 at 5:08 AM, Fay said: Happy Birthday from KOSE Sekkisei This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/7/2021 at 5:51 AM, IceWings said: DeepL translation: All Japan Figure ⛸ starts on December 23rd Calligraphy artist Airi Hara drew the artists on the ice... The first️ artwork is "Yuzuru Hanyu" Recreating the first pose of FS "Ten to Chi to ♪" Please take a look at her powerful calligraphy work . [NEWS] Wow, this is so cool! Expand On 12/7/2021 at 9:38 AM, Anni said: Good morning Thank you to the PH team for the beautiful birthday banner Wow so many birthday wishes, fanarts etc. for Yuzu from all over the world. That makes me really happy. I hope, the wishes will reach him and give him positive energy. More wishes [NEWS] Expand On 12/7/2021 at 10:17 AM, sallycinnamon said: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/7/2021 at 4:11 PM, Anni said: Birthday wishes from Plushenko Video: and Sasha Plushenko Video: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/7/2021 at 4:50 PM, sweetwater said: Some more birthday wishes Ice Rink Sendai Official Twitter "Happy 27th birthday, Hanyu senshu. First of all, we pray for your fast recovery from your injury to achieve your biggest goal. We are all looking forward to the day when we will be able to see your beautiful skating again." Kahoku Shinpo (A daily newspaper published in Sendai) "Today, December 7th, is the day Hanyu Yuzuru senshu was born. We wish you a happy 27th birthday. We, together with your fans, wish you a fast recovery from your right ankle injury. (Introduces an article about Yuzu fans praying at local shrines for his recovery)" [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 8, 2021 Share Posted December 8, 2021 On 12/7/2021 at 6:11 PM, sweetwater said: Strangely, Ryuju and Nobu chose the same phrase to cheer for their friend on his birthday. Nikkan Sports published a three-parted long interview with Ryuju yesterday. (December 7th in Japan) The last part is about his relationship with his peers, especially Keiji and Yuzu, and it concluded like this: Nobu's message was a bit cryptic. If you read this tweet normally, he says, "After all, I am not young, so it is not easy to continue skating, but anyway, I stay optimistic and try my best! Sometimes you stumble on your first step, but you can overcome if you are willing!" However, he breaks the lines in a strange way. It looks a bit like this: "After all, I am not young, so it is not easy to continue skating, but anyway, I stay optimistic and try my best! Sometimes you stumble on your first step, but you can overcome if you are wil ling!" If you notice Nobu's intention and try to read his tweet vertically, it says, "ゆづならできる" that means, "Yuzu can do it" or "It is possible if it is Yuzu." [NEWS] Expand On 12/7/2021 at 9:15 PM, Mary_kyo said: Birthday wish from Tatiana Tarasova (TAT) in her Instagram stories. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/7/2021 at 10:15 PM, Anni said: Another birthday wish The KISS & CRY postcard book will be released on 4th February 2022 Source [NEWS] Expand On 12/8/2021 at 12:22 AM, Anni said: The Russian Pairs skater Panfilova answered questions in her instagram stories Source: [NEWS] Expand On 12/8/2021 at 1:51 AM, jier said: For those who are interested. The CITIZEN X YUZURU watch is released on the Tmall website now. 西铁城日本官方新品羽生结弦限量签名款羽昼光动能手表女EM0918-tmall.com天猫 I have already received my watch, it's very beautiful, the watch belt is rose golden (not that yellow golden as shown in the picture), I like it very much. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/8/2021 at 9:15 AM, sweetwater said: Birthday wishes from Shibs "Happy birthday! Yuzuru Hanyu, you are the best of all time." If you have submitted your birthday wishes to S-style magazine, you can see them on their pages now. Direct link to the special pages *Click on the name of the area you live on this page to see your message 宮城 (Miyagi) 北海道・東北 (Hokkaido・Tohoku) 北関東 (North Kanto) 千葉・神奈川 (Chiba・Kanagawa) 東京 (Tokyo) 中部 (Chubu) 近畿 (Kinki) 中国・四国 (Chuboku・Shikoku) 九州・沖縄 (Kyushu・Okinawa) その他 (Others) *You can find the messages from overseas here. [NEWS] Expand On 12/8/2021 at 9:35 AM, lajoitko said: Thank you Phiten [NEWS] Expand On 12/8/2021 at 12:52 PM, Anni said: Birthday wishes from Natalya Bestemyanova [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 9, 2021 Share Posted December 9, 2021 On 12/8/2021 at 12:25 PM, Yuzurella said: Wow! The watch is so pretty! This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/8/2021 at 3:37 PM, cereus said: About the making of the adorable ANA CM: The stuffed animal was handmade, which explains why fanyus weren't able to identify the manufacturer when backpacks, hoodies, etc. are usually not only identified but sold out in hours. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/8/2021 at 4:37 PM, Yuzurella said: It's amazing how a Turkish national TV channel supports Yuzu, even though figure skating is hardly existent in Turkey. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/8/2021 at 10:34 PM, Pammi said: Birthday wishes from the Uesugi family.... This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 11, 2021 Share Posted December 11, 2021 On 12/11/2021 at 1:42 PM, Anni said: Videos from the Notte Stellata Project exhibition in Sasebo City (Nagasaki Prefecture), which started today (until December 27) [NEWS] Expand On 12/11/2021 at 1:46 PM, Anni said: Post from photographer Toru Yaguchi [NEWS] I'm already looking forward to tomorrow Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 12, 2021 Share Posted December 12, 2021 On 12/10/2021 at 9:52 AM, Mary_kyo said: oh Yuzu This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/10/2021 at 2:01 PM, Pammi said: Another tweet from the Uesugi family saying: "Um ... This tweet officially ranked first in the number of likes!" (Google translate) It received over 3200 likes so far. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/11/2021 at 6:11 PM, Anni said: Nam's Instagram post from today "LET IT BE 2022, we’re gonna COME TOGETHER and GET BACK to the Beatles 🤣" [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 15, 2021 Share Posted December 15, 2021 On 12/15/2021 at 7:45 AM, Anni said: Mitsuki posted this on instagram Source [NEWS] Expand On 12/15/2021 at 8:50 AM, Anni said: OMG JNats is really getting closer. I think every day without news (WD) from Yuzu is a good sign and we can maybe hope a little bit, that we will see him skating again soon? We don't know how his ankle is currently doing (of course I hope better), but I trust Yuzu that he will make the right decision for himself. So let's wait a few more days until we finally have certainty. Article and video (TV report) about the exhibition in Sasebo City (Nagasaki Prefecture) You can find the video from the page (see above) here [NEWS] Expand On 12/15/2021 at 4:08 PM, sweetwater said: Haru yo koi and Let Me Entertain You are now on display at Press Photo Exhibition 2021 held in Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi. Archive of posters for Press Photo Exhibitions in the past 10years. They featured Yuzu twice, in 2014 and 2018. [NEWS] Expand Link to comment
Planet Hanyu Staff Posted December 17, 2021 Share Posted December 17, 2021 On 12/16/2021 at 10:55 PM, Anni said: New CM for JNats with Yuzu Sorry the sound is very quiet. Edit: Here is the sound better [NEWS] Expand On 12/17/2021 at 12:59 AM, CiONTUw4A said: This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/17/2021 at 2:12 AM, Melodie said: Is it new? Because I sure can not guess his age here. Also, I pray hard the suit fits him lol He did try both 5S and 5T, per Ghisland This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand On 12/17/2021 at 9:43 AM, Anni said: The photographer Ester Ayerdi posted beautiful pictures from the WM exhibition gala 2021 on instagram Credit: @Ester Ayerdi photography Here more By the way On December 18th (tomorrow) will be broadcast a Yuzu special on Fuji TV [NEWS] I'm really curious I would be really happy to see Yuzu skate again. But of cource I also wish him good health for his ankle and that he feels no more pain. Expand On 12/17/2021 at 12:48 PM, Henni147 said: Okay, but this is so funny [NEWS] I mean... yes of course. Even a Lionel Messi needs to work damn hard to get mentioned in one tweet with Yuzuru Hanyu Expand Link to comment
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