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  1. Let's bring them back to counter-act the withdrawal syndromes! Here a list of our previous party threads for those who are new to the planet and this concept: LWOFYPP (fave programs) 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 Exhibitions On this thread: Happy Sappy So we were thinking of doing a favorite prgrams streaming party first and then doing a few more season streaming parties in random order. (I am craving the 11/12 season personally!!) @cirelle suggested WR programs which I think could very well be incorporated in to a fave programs streaming party.
  2. until
    We're celebrating the first anniversary of Yuzuru's second Olympic gold medal this coming weekend and we're going to watch the full short program and free skate of the men's event on 16th and 17th February This will be the first streaming party, the men's short program. Streaming link: https://www.rabb.it/sallycinnamon
  3. until
    This is the event for our last streaming party on rabbit! Streaming link: https://www.rabb.it/sallycinnamon Playlist: 1. 4CC 2011 SP - JPN commentary 2. 4CC 2011 FS - JPN commentary 3. 4CC 2011 EX Vertigo - NC 4. CoR 2011 SP - JPN commentary 5. Worlds 2012 FS - B.ESP 6. Worlds 2012 EX - Czech commentary 7. SA 2012 SP - CBC 8. Finlandia Trophy 2012 FS - fancam! 9. NHK Trophy 2012 EX - Hana Ni Nare - NC 10. Olympics 2014 SP - NC 11. GPF 2013 FS - NC 12. Worlds 2014 EX - RJ1 - B.ESP 13. Worlds 2015 SP - B. ESP 14. GPF 2014 FS - Spanish commentary 15. GPF 2014 EX - The Final Time Traveler - B.ESP 16. GPF 2015 SP - ITA ESP 17. NHK Trophy 2015 FS - ITA ESP 18. Skate Canada 2015 EX - Requiem - NC 19. GPF 2016 SP - B.ESP 20. 2017 Worlds FS - NC 21. Olympics 2018 SP - NC 22. Olympics 2018 FS - NC 23. Olympics 2018 EX - NC 24. CoR 2018 SP - Russian commentary 25. Worlds 2019 FS - BBC 26. Worlds 2019 EX Haru Yo Koi - Russian commentary 27. Fantasy on Ice 2019 Kobe - Crystal Memories 28. Fantasy on Ice 2019 Toyama - Masquerade
  4. until
    We're celebrating the first anniversary of Yuzuru's second Olympic gold medal this coming weekend and we're going to watch the full short program and free skate of the men's event on 16th and 17th February This will be the second streaming party, the men's free skate Streaming link: https://www.rabb.it/sallycinnamon
  5. until
    We'll celebrate Yuzu's birthday with lots of videos from from his junior years to this season! Streaming link: https://www.rabb.it/sallycinnamon
  6. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the streaming party for season 2017-2018.
  7. until
    The streaming parties are back! Let's enjoy some of our favourite programs and other happy videos of Yuzuru!
  8. Hi everyone, before the start of the Grand Prix series and its excitement and angst, let's have a fun and relaxing last streaming party, this time a special one - Yuzuru's exhibitions through the years! Please suggest the performances you'd like to watch or just recommend some. We could watch 2 or 3 performances/season. I'll gather the suggestions until Friday/early Saturday before the streaming. Until then, please fill out the doodle and let us know when you have time this coming weekend: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/62x7ngcu5x4dzsde (I'm planning one party this time, but if needed, we can have two parties as well) Streaming link: https://www.rabb.it/sallycinnamon Playlist: + 2016 NHK Special EX
  9. until
    This event is part of our series in which we are discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This is the closing event in which we are going to watch Yuzuru's exhibitions/shows from his junior years until the 2016/17 season.
  10. Hi everyone, this is the thread to discuss Yuzuru's previous season and to organize the streaming party! Yuzuru skated to two brilliant programs in 2016/17, he introduced 4Lo, won his fourth consecutive Grand Prix Final gold medal and his second gold medal at the World Championships, set a new world record score, amongst other great achievements! There are lots of exciting competitions and performances to discuss and watch together again Here's the doodle, please fill it out if you want to participate: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/txpnupeu7ecwzub4 I'll edit this post and add more infos later. Streaming Parties Previous Seasons 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 Protocols and Overview Statistics Playlist + the following videos on dailymotion: GPF 2016 SP (thanks to ElenaC) 4CC 2017 SP Worlds 2017 EX (thanks to ElenaC) WTT 2017 SP Streaming Links https://www.rabb.it/sallycinnamon
  11. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the second streaming party for season 2016-2017. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  12. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the first streaming party for season 2016-2017. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  13. Hi! This is the thread to discuss Yuzu's 2015-2016 season and to organize the streaming party! Yuzuru skated to Chopin and Seimei (for the first time) in this season, won his third GPF title and set new world records, from which two of them are still the current best ever scores! Since we're having the 24h TV broadcast this coming weekend, the streaming parties will be next week, on 2-3 September. Here's the doodle: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/h2q7n9yzucd2t3f5 I'll edit this post and add more infos later. Streaming Parties Previous Seasons 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Protocols and Overview Statistics Playlist Chat Transcriptions First Party Second Party
  14. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the second streaming party for season 2015-2016. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  15. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the first streaming party for season 2015-2016. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  16. Hi everyone, this is the thread to discuss Yuzuru's 2013-2014 season and to organize the streaming/discussion party! Yuzuru won the Grand Prix final and the World Championships titles for the first time in his career in 2013/2014, and of course he became the Olympic Champion in the season too, so there are plenty of exciting competitions to watch and discuss together! Here's the doodle, please fill out: https://beta.doodle.com/poll/qwe8vkuh9umr5cas I hope many of you will join the party! I'll edit this post and add more infos later. Streaming Links Party I - https://www.rabb.it/sallycinnamon Party II - https://www.rabb.it/robinsandsquirrels Streaming Parties Previous Seasons Protocols and Overview Statistics Playlist Chats First Streaming Party Second Streaming Party
  17. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the second streaming party for season 2013-2014. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  18. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the first streaming party for season 2013-2014. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  19. Hi everyone, this is the thread to discuss Yuzuru's 2012-2013 season and to organize and share infos about the streaming party. Join us to watch and discuss Yuzu's competitions of his first season at the Cricket Club! Please fill out this doodle and let us know when you'll have time this coming weekend. https://doodle.com/poll/943kvxrym7wr6pyq I'll edit this post and add more infos later. Previous Seasons Protocols and Overview Statistis Playlist Streaming Link: https://www.rabb.it/sallycinnamon Chats: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1twWUeEDa6wkXQZd8iGzkhBZsTUHWL9IXBqDsoOam3kg/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ttXD2P-4TXlFP3ELEqpM0_241H-o23kG_SGwm7ktXrc/edit?usp=sharing
  20. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the first streaming party for season 2012-2013. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  21. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the first streaming party for season 2012-2013. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  22. This is the thread to discuss Yuzuru's 2011-2012 season and organize the complementary streaming party. Here's the doodle list for the streaming party: https://doodle.com/poll/g8kwydsvgx2ahs2z Streaming parties Previous Seasons Protocols and Overview Statistics (courtesy of @sallycinnamon ) Media and Interviews https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/124151031952/journey-of-giving-back-continues-an-interview https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/124049622662/interview-on-3-april-2012-japanese-medalists-of https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/148440100487/sharing-a-little-bit-from-his-autobiography-aoi Playlist Streaming Link https://www.rabb.it/robinsandsquirrels Chats First Streaming Party Second Streaming Party
  23. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the first streaming party for season 2011-2012. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  24. until
    This event is part of our series of streaming parties in which we plan on discussing Yuzuru Hanyu's skating career by season. This will be the second streaming party for season 2011-2012. There will be two in total but the contents of the stream will be the same.
  25. Hey guys, This is the thread for the second one in our series of season streams! It's the season of Yuzu's senior debut so it gets exciting Here's the doodle list for the streaming party. Participate if interested! https://beta.doodle.com/poll/h332qkizsmt7wit7 Previous Seasons Protocols and Overview (quoting @kaeryth. Thanks!!) Statistics (courtesy of @sallycinnamon ) Playlist Streaming Link https://www.rabb.it/robinsandsquirrels Chats First streaming party Second streaming party
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