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  1. Hey you guys, I have found a recording link for GIFT show in Twitter of the acc @starrynotte, here is the link: Enjoy relax and watching ✨💫
  2. Hello, does anyone know any big fan acc of Yuzu in Twitter or in any social platform can hold the GIFT livestream?😭😭 if yes, you guys can send me a link okay?😭😭 (I don’t have money to buy online ticket)
  3. Can I ask: Any big fan acc on Twitter or on any social platform can hold the GIFT livestream today? I don’t have money to buy the ticket on online website 😭😭
  4. It related to compliments,successful in life.
  5. I have a discussion: Between two words “gift” and “the best”,you can choose one of two words which you favorite and then explain why you choose that word based on your opinion. (Or if you love all two words,just choose both and explain the relations between them) Thank you 🤗💙💙✨
  6. For me,the first time I followed and started watching Hanyu since he retired moving to become a professional skater last year.
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