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    love... Yuzuu
    Figure skating <3
    dreaming ;)
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  1. I don't know if this was post before, but this is so fun to watch Yuzu and Shoma are too cute This is an exhibition competition from 2011 ! https://youtu.be/04sK9ejfUBg?si=WXT6VG4uq-sDCybg
  2. I don't if this was post before, but I have never seen it before and it is so fun to watch !! Yuzu and Shoma are too cute here this is from 2011, it's a competition of exhibition program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04sK9ejfUBg
  3. Congratulations on your second pro anniversary Yuzu Time fly so fast... I can't believe it's been already two years !! I feel like the Beijing olympics and your announcement of turning pro was yesterday ! But what a journey it has already been since then !! Thank you so much for always going further, for inspiring me to keep going, to be better even if it's just a little everyday ! I remember that when I watch Gift for the first time I was thinking, "it is possible to de something better than that ?", and then you came with Re_pray and meet once again all of our expectations (and do even better ) ! This year have been amazing !! Arigato gozaimasu !! And the top 3 moments of this year... (it's so hard to choose ! ) 1. : Danny boy .... this program is a masterpiece ! Grace, captivation, gentleness, this program help me so much when I was having a hard time, watching you skate give me peace when I was stressed, anxious or stressed and confort me when I needed it. Truly thank you so much. 2. : Gate of living ! I I really enjoyed following the evolution of the program through all the shows !! 3. : The correspondance with us on YouTube, when Yuzu have share his thought with us, I have feel so happy , And of course all the program and training too !! (sorry for the English this is not my language... I have done my best) And this post make me improve to the grade mushroom to tissue box !! I am so happy !!
  4. yes I don't know why is is here.... still a mystery... @rockstaryuzu And yes there is a grade or badge (I don't know the name) with: "first pancake"... but for where it came from.... I don't know
  5. Hi ! The pancake is a sit spin where the free leg is ticked over the other, and the upper body bent over the leg. Some skaters like Yuzu also use the pancake in a sit spiral. And yuzu has some beautiful pancake , some exemple : This one with some beautiful move with his arms And here is the sit pancake spiral : Bonus a cute baby-yuzu pancake spiral and pancake spin I particularly like the one with the hand around his leg (inspiration from Johnny weir) : Johnny in his Otonal program And Yuzu in his Otonal program
  6. Thank you so much ! this is amazing ! I see all of this show in a different way now !! Again your work is amazing, thank you ! yes he is a genius, this for sure ! This is amazing how we can all see the shows and all see and feel different things and emotions. It makes me want to see again all of those show
  7. A article about the accident of Yuzu on the 21st May. They said he has stitches 2,5cm long https://hochi.news/articles/20240524-OHT1T51286.html?page=1
  8. thank you so much for sharing But.. did Yuzuru is injured ?! I have see a bandage on his forehead
  9. I saw somewhere that there would be a broadcast at the end of March, but sorry I don't remember exactly when... we'll have to wait
  10. Ok thank you so much ! It's alright I can talk in English, thank you for your answer in French It's so sad I really wanted to search 3.11....
  11. Coucou ! Bienvenu Nanhyu N'hésite pas à demander si tu as des questions sur comment ça fonctionne ! Il y aussi un forum qui peut répondre a certaines de tes questions. Et Oui c'est bien triste...
  12. Thank you so much for the translation !! I have no words... it's really disgusting... when will he be able to have his privacy and live happily, it's seem to be worst and worst now.... let's support him and show we are here for him
  13. Hi ! what is the Hashimoto stuff that you are taking about ? thank you
  14. OMG !!! You and your friends are amazing !! It is really so cute and cool ! I really hope Yuzuru will see it ! I really love the little pooh that you can pat on his head
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