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  1. I am so sorry that you were not able to purchase this beautiful set of newspapers 😥 Everything our wonderful Yuzuru does is precious to us. I hope you will have better luck in the future. I'm sending my best wishes to you from Australia 🇦🇺❤
  2. I remember this interview. Thank you for posting it now. I'm always so happy to hear people speak in this way about our brilliant Yuzuru. What Yuzu is doing now in his solo shows almost defies logic. No figure skater should be able to do what he is doing. His vision, determination and relentless pursuit of excellence are phenomenal. I feel extremely privileged to have discovered him (only four years ago 😥), and to have seen some of his competitive career and all of his professional career so far. He is a daily inspiration for me! Best wishes to all my fellow fanyus from Australia 🇦🇺
  3. Yuzuru's new show was indeed amazing! I enjoyed every minute of it! He puts so much thought and hard work into his shows. I don't know how he does it truly! I always love the section of his shows when he interacts with the audience. He is terrific and so is the audience. The banners looked fantastic tonight. Technically the show was extraordinary. My expectations were exceeded as usual. Yuzu's costumes were more beautiful than ever which I really didn't think was possible! He even played with Poo san. They sang together. Yuzuru's skating was gorgeous to watch. He owns the ice. It is his home. No one has ever skated like this. I wept when he said goodbye ❤
  4. I am not at all surprised to hear this. Yuzuru is a brilliant man. He has always been a "deep thinker" and now just days away from his 30th birthday he is willing to share his thoughts with us in a formal way. I also hope that the English translation is done well. It makes a huge difference. Enjoy watching his latest masterpiece in Saitama! I'm sending my best wishes to all my fellow fanyus from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤
  5. Thank you for this wonderful edit. I enjoyed it very much! It reminded me of how busy Yuzuru always is. Watching it I was also reminded of my very real concern for Yuzuru when I saw the bandage over his right eye when he performed in FOI. Thankfully he is ok but I know it was very frightening for all of us. Of course besides doing everything in the edit he has been skating at "his rink" in Sendai. Night after night from midnight until 2.00 am. Alone. Creating masterpieces for us and making history in his career as the professional athlete and figure skater he is. Has anyone ever been so self motivated and self disciplined as our beloved Yuzu? And every one of his shows is sold out! The tickets are only available by lottery! Yuzuru is a legend, unique, astonishing ... I'm 75 now and my health isn't good enough for me to travel to see him 😪 but I'm waiting patiently to purchase my "ticket" to watch the livestream of "Echoes of Life". I know it will be fantastic!
  6. I agree with everything that's been written here 😊 Unfortunately for me I only discovered our brilliant Yuzuru in February 2021. As soon as I saw him skate I fell in love with his skating. I have watched him skate every day since that day in February. Of course I had never seen anyone skate so beautifully. He was one with the music and every move he made on the ice and every gesture he made was exquisite. As I watched Yuzuru's programs on YouTube and elsewhere to catch up with his skating career since he was a child I began to appreciate not only his incredible skills as a figure skater and his elegance on the ice but his beauty. His physical beauty is almost overwhelming and his presence on the ice is indeed mesmerising. He has so much charisma. Finally it is his personal qualities of humility, generosity and kindness that continue to make me love and admire him. Of course what he is accomplishing now as a professional athlete is astonishing! I am enjoying every show that I am able to see. I also really enjoy being a member of his YouTube channel. He gives all of his fanyus so much. His passion for his craft is extraordinary. I have sent my birthday wishes to Yuzu here at Planet Hanyu and I would like to thank the Administrators for all that they do to keep us up to date with the extraordinary person that he is. I send all of you much love from Australia 🇦🇺
  7. I am so proud of our brilliant Yuzuru and his wonderful and talented friends! With their hard work they created something extraordinary and raised an incredible amount of money for the people of Noto ❤
  8. Jeff is the choreographer. I have been telling myself that Yuzuru can relax a bit (although he never relaxes when it involves skating) because he doesn't have to "carry" the entire show and then I saw the bandage above his right eye. But if there is one thing I have learned in my 3 years as a fanyu it is that our brilliant young man knows exactly what he is doing at all times. And yes since he is so charismatic just to watch him standing on the ice is mesmerising! During Yuzu's competitive career one announcer said "no one stands on centre ice doing nothing better than Yuzuru Hanyu". Truer words were never spoken. Watching Yuzuru skate brings me so much joy ❤
  9. Of course I watched our brilliant and precious Yuzuru's GIFT again last night and somehow it was more meaningful to me than when I watched it many times in February. Perhaps it was because now since it is streaming on Disney+ millions of other people not only fanyus will come to know Yuzuru. Today as I have been reading people's comments I cannot stop crying. In my 73 years on this earth I never known anyone who's heart is so pure and whose talents are so enormous. He is so selfless, generous, compassionate and kind. His skating is exquisite. I am so grateful to be alive to see him skate as a child and now to watch what he is creating for the world. Thank you planet hanyu for this platform to communicate with each other ♥️
  10. I like the way you have referred to Yuzuru treating his old programs as his children. He puts so much time into choosing his music and working with his choreographers to express every note with his body. We have seen this most recently with POTO which he performed magnificently and with so much love.
  11. I am very glad to hear that blu rays do not have region specificity because I bought a multi region DVD player last year and it only plays some of my imported DVDs properly. I was disappointed of course. Thank you for the information. So blu rays please 😊 I couldn't agree with you more with regard to Yuzuru winning some kind of cultural award or accolade for GIFT. He has been and is a National Treasure not only because of his brilliant skating but because of his personal qualities such as kindness, humility and the respect that he constantly shows to everyone. If he isn't Japan's favourite son he should be!
  12. I already have a subscription to Disney+ as I said in an earlier comment but as we know Disney+ like other streaming platforms does not keep its films etc online forever. If there is a DVD/blu ray released I will buy it. I certainly want to keep it forever. The issue with worldwide distribution of a DVD/blu ray is that the disc must be "playable" in all zones. I am optimistic though. I think the message that professional Hanyu Yuzuru is even more popular with his fans than previously is becoming more and more evident to many huge companies. They are beginning to understand Yuzuru's charisma and that we his fans will buy anything related to him no matter how many hoops we have to jump through - especially for international fanyus!
  13. I'm so glad to know that making a comment here counts toward the necessary 10 to access the videos. I honestly don't know how many comments I've made at this point. I made 2 "real" comments earlier today re GIFT'S global distribution on Disney+ and my hope that Yuzuru will skate Hope and Legacy today for Max A.
  14. I really really hope that Yuzuru skates Hope and Legacy at SOI today because it's Max A's favourite program and Max has always been and still is so supportive of Yuzuru. And of course it would make sense for Yuzuru to skate it today because of its historic anniversary. As we all know Hanyu Yuzuru san keeps all of these dates in his memory and close to his heart.
  15. This is wonderful news for all of us except of course for those on mainland China. They miss out on so much and I feel very sad for them. It is also wonderful news for Yuzuru. His GIFT was brilliant and the first of its kind in so many ways. Hanyu Yuzuru san deserves every accolade. He is so extraordinary and we love and admire him so much. I hope he will gain more fans because of his Disney+ exposure and I'm really glad that I took the time to get in touch with Disney+ to ask for world wide distribution. I'm already one of their subscribers.
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