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Let's Go Crazy!

Let's Go Crazy! (6/67)

  1. This is really nice! Good job @ImmortalBeloved!!! Can someone please add it to the Planet's archive?
  2. That's my first reaction -- closed to the general public but Yuzu can still use it at night or any time since no one else can use it during the day any way.
  3. That said, department stores such as Mitsukoshi offer 5% discount on all merchandises to foreign customers which, when combined with the tax refund, can come up to quite a bit of savings. So I'll probably still go to the department store. Sapporo last month, I bought Mitsukoshi's last jar of Sekkisei Miyabi eye cream on stock. Look forward to stocking up in Tokyo this time :-)
  4. Wonder if there will be a Sekkisei pop up store at TD. It'll save me a trip to the department store :-)
  5. Wow absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing. I'm not familiar with skating technicalities, but I find his bodylines and gestures beautiful and definitely reminiscent of young Yuzu.
  6. ah thanks! I already purchased the paper online for onsite pickup. All good. Maybe I'll get another copy at the venue :-)
  7. I see where you come from but can't be convinced at all. I'm happy to just leave it like that though -- acknowledge and respect the fact that we are bound to have some different views based on our likely very different cultural backgrounds, life experiences and professional trainings -- and try not to be over-didactic to one another -- notwithstanding our good intentions :-) Like the other satellites have wisely suggested, let's focus our energy on the more cheerful and monumental GIFT and be united in our support for Yuzu's yet another history-making endeavor. It is already nerve racking just to think of it ...
  8. completely agree! I'm starting to allow myself to get excited about GIFT and it feels surreal ...
  9. Agreed we should all take a step back and just enjoy what we have at the moment. Enough has been said and speculated about insignificant SOI while GIFT is looming large and I'm literally packing for it!
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