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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Yuzu would be able to eat undisturbed in most restaurants and cafes in UK. Figure skating is not popular enough for passers-by to recognise him not think to bother him. If Yuzu visited and allowed me to be his tour guide I would make sure to take him to establishments where staff and clientele behave discreetly or to very sleepy countryside cafes run by great aunties who don't pay attention to media excesses. There's actually a tea shop named House at Pooh corner at the edge of Ashdown forest (hundred acre wood) Fairly confident that Yuzu would be able to take a stroll through the forest and even play Pooh sticks before tea. The Ashdown Park Hotel is lovely and relatively secluded. London is packed with celebs and most people give them space. Hazlitt's is a hidden gem boutique hotel where celebs stay when they want to avoid the limelight. Yuzu could probably pass unnoticed. Granted, it's not the same as being able to do this whenever you please, in your own country though
  2. The trail of clues and everything loaded with more symbolism than a Dan Brown novel. The myths of ancient Greece often have themes of fate and destiny, which is one of the reasons that the popularity of those stories endure in the human consciousness. As many people have pointed out Yuzu's life story would sound totally far fetched if it was a work of fiction. There is a myth about the Olympian god Apollo, that he visited and favoured people of the Far North and Ice there is some legend about this land named Hyperborea, said to be a place of purity and spirituality. Apollo is also associated with being an archer and the arts.
  3. https://min.news/en/sport/3eeafa56c7f5052f95a22d1e8c1328ce.html Old article from April/ May about the Yuzu cherry tree which was planted following Yuzu's PC gold Due to the environment, shady area and close to other larger trees, which presumably blocked some light and competed for nutrients, the cherry was not thriving. After four years, a decision to move the tree was enacted. Following transplant to a sunnier and less crowded spot, the cherry produced a prolific display of beautiful blossoms. Might this be an allegory for the past four years of Yuzu's competitive career. Overshadowed, fighting for light and nutrients. Moved to a more favourable location and now flourishing. New beginnings and renewed positivity, here's hoping.
  4. Dear Yuzu The brightest star is you, shine as you skate into the future with a light heart and clear vision Such a pretty cartoon, feeling a 'Petit Prince' vibe to the drawing style. Hoping for the fairytale ever after
  5. The performance of NDP to end on a high note is a fabulous way for Yuzu to have great memories of that programme and close the circle with positive feelings
  6. Yuzu's exemplary character shines through to impress many people. Hoping that his helps to pave the way towards a bright future. Good to know that satellites admire a well thought of sports person and lovely for Yuzu to know that the respect that he shows towards other people is recognised and he is seen as someone of note. ( Satellites have always known this, hence the People's Honour Award. )
  7. Thank you That is a really interesting and insightful interpretation of Raison
  8. Wow, what a fantastic show. Absolutely over the moon ( or Planet ) for Yuzu. FaOI has demonstrated a massive success for him After BJ Olys this series of ice shows has really served to demonstrate to Yuzu how many loyal, caring fans he has and to the naysayers that Yuzuru Hanyu is still master of his fate. No wonder Yuzu felt emotional at the end of today's performance, the reaction from the spectators confirms that he is still skating royalty. Yuzu does not need medals to be memorable nor to show how much he means to people. Hopefully Yuzu now knows that he can count on the support of many people now, loved ones, friends and fans. Managed to catch up, but missed livestream due to laptop disaster.( Have new laptop and just managed to install everything from old device before it gives up )
  9. The costume tribute Poohs are delightful. Wonder if those will be part of Pooh Rain and become some of the prized Winnies which make the journey back to Forest Hanyu Maybe the reforesting project that Sekkisei is involved with will become that very forest
  10. Yuzu endures "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" with a great deal of grace and dignity. He never puts himself above others at anyone's expense, he proves himself over and over to be too good for JSF, through his own endeavours only. That is why Yuzu has so many fond supporters and deservedly so
  11. That World championships, Yuzu skated on an injured ankle to win the Oly's spots for Japan. He was under pressure from JSF because he was the national champion and he felt a huge sense of obligation to compete for his country. Personally this incident may well be one of the significant major contributors to Yuzu's persistent susceptibility to ankle injury. He wasn't allowed to rest and heal when it was crucial to have physio therapy input. JSF took advantage of a well meaning youngster who wanted to do his best
  12. If Yuzu ever produces another CiOTU style show, Raison would be ideal performance to add to the programme line up
  13. Raison has such depth and many layers to discover. If the performance is Yuzu's story condensed into a few minutes, each action/ movement/ expression will be infused with meaning. Cryptic message from an enigmatic being
  14. Raison d'Etre The reason for existence Yuzu always say he "was born for his skate" born to skate. Symbolism is the choreography and costuming aiding the story telling White clothing to represent 'purity' or perhaps integrity and to do so and skate in the the way he feels is right for him he needs almost perfect isolation. There is loneliness, but his style of skating becomes untouched by outside contamination. The purple perhaps represents a toxic stain from corrupting influence, maybe the corrupted scores. The unfairness and mistreatment of Yuzu as a competitor must have been crushing to his psyche and whatever he does is never rewarded, he is open to being hurt By isolating himself and taking solace from skating in his own way, he accepts that his efforts are poorly recognised, but he has remained untainted and can move forward finding freedom and joy once again from his own work, done for himself and his loyal supporters. Just a few thoughts, thank you for your indulgence
  15. This, Raison, showcases how immensely talented Yuzu is and how versatile his performance ability to able to interpret different genres of music. Enthralling to watch
  16. That's what I thought from the micro clips from twitter. As if it might be symbol of being held back 'unable to fly' or injured and unable to move freely
  17. Thank you Wintek. You have articulated some of the thoughts that I had had about this programme - working through pain and anguish I have read and revisited some of the recent interviews with Shae Lynn Bourne about Yuzu Shae Lynn really impresses with her thoughtfulness as both a choreographer but also as a loyal and caring friend to Yuzu. She seems to understand him and works with him to allow Yuzu to explore feelings and express them through his programmes. Clearly this is the job of any credible choreographer. However, from the Shae Lynn's articulate and considerate nature, she gives a very strong impression of a deeper connection and understanding of what Yuzu is really attempting to convey as a message through the medium of skating. One example, her own research into Japanese history and culture, visiting the Seimei shrine. There are not many people as committed to fully understanding a skater's programme. Reading Shae lynn's interviews made me feel incredibly grateful not only for her gifts as a choreographer but also her depth of genuine caring for Yuzu and their friendship. This an extrapolation from the expressions that she used and from Yuzu's interviews as well, that by providing astounding programme choreography, Yuzu is able to connect with the spectators and tell his story though the medium of skating. From previous programmes and these new show programmes, these maybe a means for Yuzu to articulate his feelings and hopefully have a cathartic experience, banishing the negativity of the past few years and move forward.
  18. He is actually watering the Planet!!!!
  19. If this is how Yuzu was made to feel about his shameful treatment over the last few years....... I will be very angry - you won't like me when I'm angry ( yeah Bruce Banner we hear you )
  20. More clues for the message deciphering
  21. Thank you for the pointers about the movements and lyrics Cryptic clues, still feels like one of the mystery coded messages to piece together and unravel I'm clearly missing something, like a jigsaw puzzle without the central pieces
  22. Wow that is some skill. I'm sure Yuzu would be flattered to see a dedication to him
  23. The more I see this scene: there is a look of anguish on Yuzu's face and for me, there is a strong impression of struggling against something pinning him down? a weight or burden ? and the arm movement seems very disjointed as if his arms / body isn't able to move properly. I'm guessing here that it all symbolic. Oh mysterious message, please let it be deciphered
  24. Not a silly question. It is also as @rockstaryuzu mentioned it is about high mastery of skills, like the arm stretch and one across for the 3A in Rondo at Beijing. Not many other skaters have that ability. Martina Frammantino always cites how awkward and afraid of falling some of the other skaters appear, in her articles
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