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Mushroom (1/67)

  1. I haven't been a part of the community publicly for long but I have frequent to PlanetHanyu so much it's almost concerning. Actually, just last year around the time when the 24Hr TV was broadcasted, who would've have guessed I found yuzu during off-season. I was super excited and couldn't believe myself I was watching him live. I didn't know I would only be seeing him 6 months later but it wasn't that bad because we got showered with crumbs from time to time. Just recently. though, I've been digging the video archives and joining the Skating parties for a long time. I sometimes lurk around the threads ehehe (because I was scared before) but I finally found the courage to sign up. No, I haven't yet. When the opportunity arises, I will definitely participate. I haven't been able to go to any competitions yet. but soon. The fact that it is easy to access everything and the archive is super duper awesome. yes pleasee ~~ And most importantly, thank you so much to the PlanetHanyu admins. There's no words to express the gratitude I have for you guys.
  2. Happy anniversary! Thank you so much for all the hard work you guys put in for this community!
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