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  1. Happy Merry Christmas Eve! Echoes of Life Saitama all days are now uploaded. See you next year, dear Fanyus!
  2. A lot of the services are out and can't be renewed. I don't know what's going on. In January, my JapanTV year-long subscription will expire and I won't be able to access it anymore either. Honestly, I will rely on Bilibili uploaders. P.S.
  3. I haven't had time yet, but I will upload Echoes of Life Saitama Days 1 through 3 on 24th or 25th! Keep me accountable for it, lol
  4. It was such a seamless show!!! I'm so happy Asahi gave it to us!! I couldn't wake up to watch as it was airing, but as soon as I was able, I dived into it. Yuzu's eyes on close-ups of DM were so out of this world, I could tell he was internally focused!! I missed seeing that gaze.
  5. I'll upload the Yuzu-cut later. The video is still processing
  6. I'm waiting for this to show up on CD Japan ✨️
  7. I've spent most day collecting Yuzu at FaOI 2024 pictures and ended up with 58. Quite a bounty for the first day! I dislike the OP costume. The Meteor costume is gorgeous, the shoulder ruffle is a bit odd, I'll get used to it in time, though. I've definitely also seen the resemblance to Otonal, so it shot up to one of my favourite EX costume (as simple as IF costume's is, that's my favourite, lol). The finale costume is a choice, but a damn good one for Yuzu, hehe I haven't listened to any of the music yet, I want it to be a surprise during tomorrow's live stream. I only hope the sound quality is not better than last year's...
  8. Unfortunately, because of technical difficulties on the streamer's service I use for recording ice shows, RE_PRAY Yokohama Day 1 will be uploaded without the last 20 minutes or so... 😭😵‍💫🙈 I'm sorry, I'll try to find a solution, but it'll have to wait a couple of days, I think
  9. Estopolis II on Yuzuru's official channel [NEWS]
  10. I'm unable to record the NTV Plus Notte Stellata 2024 shows since I don't have access to those channels. If anyone else does and wants/can record, let me know, please.
  11. @Yuzu_legend Is it possible to create a new video section for 2024 ice shows, please? A sub-category for Notte Stellata would be much appreciated, too, if possible
  12. All angles of RE_PRAY Yokohama Day 2 are now up [NEWS]
  13. I'm putting that title to use from now!!!
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