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    Genshin Impact, Figure skating, stationery-using hobbies, video games in general & baking/cooking

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  1. O MOJ BOZE. Mnogo MNOGO mi je zao sto ovako kasno odgovaram. Jako sam zauzeta sa skolom, takodje sam i putovala puno definitivno singles (ladies i men's!!)
  2. that's such a long time :,) what's ur favourite memory since being a fanyu?
  3. ugh so swag !! не знам да ли преферираш српски али можемо и једно и друго
  4. welcome !!! well, my grandpa has been a HUGEEE sports fan since always. When Hanyu first got on ice i was around year n a half so,, when i was around 3-4, and started "functionating" and memorizing things etc,, my grandpa and i watched sports on tv and youtube . I mostly used youtube with my uncle though,, cuz he knew how to use the computer better !!! So, as I was growing, every Olympics or World Championship Yuzuru would be on, I watched it on tv. Now that I'm more familiar with social media, I stumbled across a yuzu carrd on twitter, and decided to check it out. There was a section for "yuzuru hanyu forum" and i checked it out. Now I'm here hehe. Since I have had more freedom as I was growing I got to learn more about Yuzu on social media. I don't think I'll have a chance to see him soon, but i am looking forward to it
  5. omg??? more serbian fanyus??? im so so happy !!! im from NS
  6. Hello everyone, this is a Serbian Yuzuru Hanyu topic, where Serbs, Croatians, Bosnians and more can gather and talk about Yuzuru Hanyu and his art :] Before typing in anything, please start off with: your name/nickname nationality ur a fan since... u can add in a hobby, ur pet's name, or anything sweet you'd like to share... ...So we can get to know u a little better ^^ Please respect and follow the forum's rules Here's my introducion: [Hi hello :D, my name is Lana, I'm from Serbia and I've been a fan ever since I was a kid. (Around the age of 3-4, which is around 2011-2012)] Thank u for joining, please enjoy ur stay :] (and make sure to eat and drink regulary, take care of yourself <3)
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