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Let's Go Crazy!

Let's Go Crazy! (6/67)

  1. Digital TV Guide May issue what a stunning cover ❤️
  2. someone, please add Ryuju too. Miss them 3 so much. 😭 I'm soo happy they finally can skate and spend time together again. someone, please add Ryuju too. Miss them 3 so much. 😭 I'm soo happy they finally can skate and spend time together again.
  3. God, I was so busy last weekend. Will be so busy this week and next week and take a short break for fasting month. I'll try to catch up reading all NS posts at night. I watch Requiem on YT but don't have THAT feeling as I watched it when I was so sleepy. Please please please upload all the videos later.
  4. This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
  5. NS is NTV news every program not Yuzu. So, I think that depend on them.
  6. I really miss Nanami-sensei and Yuzu interaction. Hope to see Nanami-sensei choreo again.
  7. 5 more days we still don't have news for international/global streaming.
  8. wait, I just realize..no Jeff?
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