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  1. my friends and I made a fangame in unity with original soundtrack. As we started two weeks ago and it grew into a monster, we can only create this teaser for now. the game will be released in 2024 with 5 levels, special mini bosses and achievements as well as multiple endings i hope everyone enjoys this and give us feedback! edit: the game will be published in 4 languages, English, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish we will have more gameplay footage in the upcoming weeks!
  2. wow world shipping is actually cheaper than tenso. I paid close to 7000yen for mine (DHL) there was no ecms option available my volumetric weight is 2.9kg
  3. If you don’t mind, what is the volume weight? That isn’t very expensive!
  4. Both baseball and figure skating are niche sport in my country haha
  5. I won with the great help of kind hearted Satellite
  6. If he’s promoting Gift, the chance is there! Otherwise, no
  7. I read somewhere that to accommodate the larger than usual rink (100mx50m), the number of seats available is around 39,000. I want to win so badly!
  8. the app, the Lawson app is available in Singapore Apple app Store. Japan made it difficult as they do not need overseas market at all.
  9. will you still be in Japan in February?
  10. hi do we have a group discord on how to buy tickets? I am going. no matter what.
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