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  1. I’m a strong independent woman until the moment Yuzuru makes me drown in a puddle of my own tears… I feel okay every other 5 minutes or so, and then I remember what’s happening and break down again, yikes. He truly knows how to play with my emotions, that’s for sure. But just like everyone else, I’m so happy and proud of him for staying true to himself and making this difficult decision. There’s really nothing negative about this from his POV. Especially with the new rules etc, I just know that I would’ve been so disappointed and angry this autumn while watching the competitions bc he would’ve probably been underscored and mistreated just like the last couple of years. So good for him, honestly! The only reason I’m sad is bc Beijing was his last competition and that was a sh*** show if I’ve ever seen one. It sucks that I won’t get to see him compete again, or refresh the feed to catch a glimpse of his practise before a competition, stuff like that. But I know there’s still much to come and I wish him nothing but the best. We’ll get through this and laugh about it soon enough
  2. I’m rarely ever this nervous… I’m still trying to stay positive, but I know I’ll be devastated if he does indeed r. I’m holding on to the hope that all this ruckus is bc of him leaving TCC. Sending every anxious soul a warm hug
  3. @ImmortalBeloved Right… I’m trying to stay positive, though. I’ll try not to speculate too much before we know what’s up. But how are we supposed to wait for another 24 hours until the press conference??
  4. Omg... Thank you so much!!! I can't believe you put down this much time and effort to help me! You linked so many good things, now I have so much stuff to watch and read And thank you so much for the compilation tip! You were able to find waaaay more content than I did and I thought I searched long and hard lol. Now off to devour all these links ~ thankyouthankyouthankyou
  5. SOS I need help!! I've been looking for the video of Yuzu getting asked when he'll get married by a kid for ages and I can't find it anywhere! I found a gifset and a short clip, but does anyone remember what news channel aired the program? And where one can watch the full thing (preferably with English subs)? I think it's from 2016. Here's the gifset: https://iguana012.tumblr.com/post/136816280626/yuzuru-hanyu-gets-an-unexpected-question-during
  6. That's super convenient! Thank you!
  7. Hi, I'm new here and don't really know where to ask this question but I thought I'd give it a try here. So there's an option to "like/save" videos, right. Where can I find my "liked" videos?
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