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  1. What an interesting video and he really does have remarkable skin! Those closeups 😍 I love the fact that he is a spokesperson for a skin care company but doesn't actually use their products from what I've read 😄 I'm sure his diet and habits are conducive to good skin but it's also just his genetics - he is a very lucky guy! His face and body are beautiful in every way and his heart and spirit match perfectly! 🥰
  2. It's so much fun to read through everyone's posts - thank you for doing this! When did you become a fan of Yuzu? I first noticed Yuzu in the Sochi 2014 Olympics. Although a FS fan since 1976, I had not been watching the sport much at that time and hadn’t heard of him. After he finished Parisian Walkways, I thought to myself “Wow, who is this adorable young man?” and “Wow, his skating is gorgeous!” He looked so young and happy at the medal ceremony. It was enchanting. I then followed him casually and enjoyed seeing him at the 2018 Olympics with more of his amazing skating – SEIMEI was so exciting! Still only a casual fan (sorry!) until Beijing. The whole heartbreaking but inspiring arc of his experience in Beijing made me (finally) want to know more about this amazing person and his Haru Yo, Koi at the gala made me a fanyu for life! I still get teary every time I watch it. ❤ When and why did you sign up for Planet Hanyu? I followed a couple of Facebook pages run by Merisa Cenanovic and Angelica Zy and Planet Hanyu was mentioned in a comment. At that time I was really wanting to watch his past performances and they mentioned that PH had a vast video archive so I went right to the site and signed up. Did you make any irl friends through Planet Hanyu? Not so far! Anyone in the NYC metro area? Have you participated in any group projects on Planet Hanyu? Not yet but maybe one day. Did you attend any meetups with other satellites at competitions? I’ve only been on PH for a couple of months and, obviously, no comps in the US, only US SOI shows which are probably not prime fanyu meet-up spots ha! 😉 What do you like the most about this forum? The VIDEOS! What a priceless resource – thank you SO much! I’m also very much enjoying the general chat every day. Would you like to participate in the giveaway? Yes, please! I’ve been seeing so many pictures of beautiful Yuzu items over the past two months – it would be amazing to have one for my own.
  3. Ha! Luckily I've been self-employed for years and there's no one to look sideways at me if I spend an entire morning going down the rabbit hole with the Planet and all those gorgeous videos...not that I've ever done that...hehehehe 😉. I also quite enjoy looking at the Maxro videos on youtube - do fanyus like them? I think they're so much fun and so many great clips of our hero 😍
  4. I just listened to the music compilation while I'm working and it was wonderful...however, it definitely interfered with my work 😊 since I had to stop several times to wipe away tears and resist the urge to immediately go to the videos and watch our dear Yuzu skate to these beautiful pieces of music! Thank you!
  5. I don't know how anyone could watch this and not cry...so beautiful and moving...even though it brings back all the disbelief and heartache of those two weeks, I also remember how I was so moved by Yuzu's demeanor and words and his breathtaking HYK in the gala. I can't wait to see him again in whatever his heart tells him to do. I have suffered a great sadness in my life over the past few days and I needed this...he is so inspiring 💖
  6. Yes, the Xinyu and Shiyue pictures are breathtaking! And that picture you posted of Yuzu is....gulp. It's still amazing to me how he can look "cute and dorky" in one pic and then drop-dead gorgeous (and sexy!) in another! He can do it all
  7. Just watched Hope & Legacy again - never, ever gets old! As for the photo shoot, you just KNOW that he's had a zillion offers! The photos in the shoots you mention are so beautiful...I can't really even imagine how gorgeous Yuzu would look in a high fashion photo shoot - no, really, beyond imagining! C'mon, dear Yuzu, have mercy on us!
  8. What an interesting and wonderful thing to read this afternoon! Thank you so much. I've been thinking a lot about Yuzu and his connection to music lately and formulating a post in my head and some of Shae-Lynn's comments really added to the things I've been pondering. And yes I immediately went and watched Rondo!
  9. That hugging video just killed me....typing through the tears....I'm new to this forum but not to FS - Dorothy Hamill was my first favorite skater! - and I have to admit that I was a casual Yuzu fan until Beijing. I always loved his skating and saw his programs now and then but never had the urge to dig deeper. I tuned into the Beijing games to see if he could possibly win another gold but got more than I could have possibly imagined. The arc of his Beijing experience was both heartbreaking and inspiring and as the days went on and the videos kept coming of his practices, the press conference, interviews and so on, I became enchanted with his heart and spirit. And so I sought out more information, started following some IG and Twitter accts and, happily, found this forum. I've spent hours looking through the threads and watching videos and only become more invested in supporting this amazing person. I guess I'm a baby fanyu - although I would call myself an auntie fanyu - old enough to be his mom! I will be so sad if he decides to you-know-what but I believe he will continue to skate in whatever venue is best for him. I certainly know that he won't make any decision without the utmost thought and respect for himself and his dreams. And in the meantime I still have SO many videos to enjoy thanks to all for the time and work you put into this forum - it's really a treasure!
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