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  1. Same, hopefully we get a better shot of that camel spin variation some day (assuming he would do it again rather than changing it 😅)
  2. I really loved the changes he made to Ashura-chan. Especially with the falling choreo, it looks so much cooler! Also I'm super glad he performed it here, there were some parts that didn't get shown well with GIFTs camera work
  3. I definitely remember those clips, it was adorable! But unfortunately, I don't have a clue when that was, either... But it should definitely count towards the coaching aspect, you're right!! I believe he also helped some of the girls with learning a hydroblade during a gala practice, before as well! He's done a lot of little coaching moments here and there
  4. I was a bit shocked at first, seeing you say you'd transcribed all that, then I saw who it was and realized I've read far too many of your detailed and in depth posts to be shocked by that. Thanks for the explanation!
  5. Maybe we can just count him helping Nobu with his triple axel last year and call that one done, too!
  6. From what I hear, FOD is fairly easy to sign up for with a vpn, so maybe there's hope someone will either stream or record those ones
  7. I understand the reason, but unfortunately to someone with social anxiety, 100 posts will still feel like a massive barrier. It took me years of lurking to start posting on literally any social media. I've had my Twitter since 2012, but I only started feeling comfortable tweeting about a month ago...
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