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  1. When did you become a fan of Yuzu? February 2022, the day before Yuzuru competed in the Beijing Winter Olympics. to be honest, it was all by chance. I saw an Instagram reel of Yuzu's skates from Sochi 2014 through Pyeongchang 2018 (thanks Olympic Instagram a/c!) and I was captivated by him in that span of a few seconds. it's quite random now that I think about it, but it was from then when I decided to root for Yuzu. no regrets and no turning back. When and why did you sign up for Planet Hanyu? in the same month I became a fan of Yuzu. I signed up for Planet Hanyu as I thought it was a good platform to search for everything Yuzu. all of Yuzu's resources and archives and what not are well-organized and in place as well. Did you make any irl friends through Planet Hanyu? not yet, but I hope I do! holler at me here or find me at @ hopeandyuzuru on Twitter! Have you participated in any group projects on Planet Hanyu? not yet, still a baby Fanyu here but I will do it once I have the free time to do so (currently juggling full-time work and study right now sigh). Did you attend any meetups with other satellites at competitions? not yet either. but one day though! it is now my bucket list to watch Yuzu skate in front of my eyes and also meet fellow fans at competitions! What do you like the most about this forum? as I've said above, it is a good platform filled with many of Yuzu's content and everything is well-organized! yay! Would you like to participate in the giveaway? YES PLEASE, I DO WITH AN OPEN HEART. fingers crossed to be one of the lucky ones! happy 5th year Planet Hanyu! was not here from the very beginning but I'll be here for the rest of the journey, come what may.
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