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    Yuzuru, procrastination, good food, listening to sad music and pretending to have a reason to be sad
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  1. Me and literally everybody I know watches FS and the Winter Olympics for Yuzuru only...like literally I’m 24 years old and just realized there’s more winter sports than just snowboarding and skiing and weirdly enough curling. im not ready for the so called “drought/dry” season... ive never cried as hard in ages as when I saw his performance last night and when he said thank you, omg..my heart... what do I even do with my life now??? when is he performing or competing next? this man needs to be the next UNESCO world cultural treasure
  2. PETS omg 1.0 2.0 im dead sorry I laughed way too hard Will delete if this is mean/rude
  3. Sorry I think I missed this-is their relationship not good? D: I only remember Yuzu patting the hair of the long hair one in 2018 (I’m really bad I never bothered to learn about the other skaters)
  4. OMG YESS WOW YOU GO YUZU you do it for you, you’ve proven enough to us now for all we care you come to 2026 and do single spins to troll to ISU and we will give you the biggest Pooh avalanche and love you even more EDIT: yuzu: I am the king of the Olympics me: YES THATS ALL I NEED FROM YOU. To know your undeniable unmoving unchangeable worth.
  5. From Twitter: Hanyu: I don’t know what my motivation will be going forward. Even though it was underrotated and I fell, I can say that Yuzuru Hanyu’s 4A was high and beautiful, and I’m proud of it AHHH YES BB WR PROUD OF IT AND YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU DO my heart is full thank you
  6. here’s hoping they ask him respectable questions that don’t completely focus on his performance here at Beijing (I would honestly be ok with a pure fluff interview, but I can see how that can come across as insulting and degrading esp since he’s a world class champion skater)—maybe like if he has anything he would like to share with his fans, go into how he managed to stay so strong training alone, what he feels about knowing his fans were so impressed and moved and grew still in number, if he’s planning on hosting his own gala/performance (if he ever does host a solo gala, like even something casual like renting out a rink and doing a short performance, it’s gonna sell out x1000 and be a biiiig FU to the JSF and ISU Hahahha) 😭😭😭
  7. I’m too lazy to check sources but I’m pretty sure I saw multiple articles saying how he’s interested in med school since both his parents are in the medical field (plus prob easy to google Nathan Chen med school) lol Karen Chen from team usa is also premed... These kids be skating for the Ivy leagues/ med school applications and not for the love of the sport Istg ==
  8. Hello hello~~~ wondering what you think of NC saying his dream is to go to med school after skating lmao honestly when I found that out I was literally so off put idk
  9. honestly hate how the olympics have lost their original meaning and is now just commercial hype and notorious for the shenanigans and undercutting here and there...istg this years ogms and medal placements in general are all so questionable... and not just our men’s figure skating 👀👀 petition to cancel olympics create biennial hanyu games instead~~
  10. Thanks all for the welcome! Honestly I’ve been researching Yuzu so much these past few days..this man is so respectful and I love how he is such an uplifting and kind person on and off the ice. He seems to be harsh towards himself only but is so encouraging to others, and when I read about how he had a lonely childhood the. moved to Toronto with just his mom and was also training alone recently due to the pandemic...😭😭😭. He honestly inspires me to work hard too and focus on being the best version of myself instead of worry about things like what my classmates think of me etc etc. How are you real, Yuzuru? I’m honestly in awe of his talents and his persona, like how is he so amazing, graceful, and ethereally beautiful? Is he a literal angel descended from the heavens? I’m sure he was born with a lot of talents and natural gifts but no way he doesn’t work harder than everybody else on top of that 😭 also lol yes they tried to get me with NC during the hype for the team event here in the US...but whoops I became a yuzu fan instead also as an aside, not sure if this was mentioned, but during the flower ceremony lol that was such an awkward podium with the three winners vs in 2018 when yuzuru was 1st and everybody looked a lot more tight and friendly (not sure if this was due to pandemic related rules, but I also noticed in the winners lounge the second and third place winners didn’t really know what to say to nc lmao) wishful thinking me was thinking “haha they know who the true king here is and it ain’t nc”
  11. Hi everyone! I’m a freshly new fan of Yuzu! I literally just discovered him—I must be living underneath a rock—I actually was following pre Olympic updates of NC/seeing if ShibSibs are going—then I discovered Yuzuru! And it was over for me then. My productivity, time, heart, won over by him. Ummmm guess who spent a full night not sleeping but researching Yuzu and figure skating terms instead???? That was just the most beautiful program—like seriously there’s such a new level of artistry in Yuzus skating....this is bad but honestly I couldn’t support the winner anymore since all I could see was a nonstop jumping machine that’s either in the middle of a jump or preparing for one so obvious that you forget you’re not watching gymnastics or cheerleading instead lol. Anyways, rant aside, can anyone kindly point me to any merch or anything that Yuzu owns/wears/looked at that I can purchase? 😣😭😭 sorry if this is out of place, if this is not the place to introduce myself or if I’ve said something wrong pls let me know!!
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