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Everything posted by tsubasanoyume

  1. Happy Merry Christmas for everyone who celebrates! I hope mister Hanyu slept well and enough after 2AM activity
  2. Me. But I'm russian. I can use some ways to pay for ticket, hotel and flight, but the last one cost like... heh... too much. But I know the situation so... (it's my tears)
  3. I was crying while translating these words into russian. I have a really tough moment on my skating practice and his words just... cheered me up, encouraged me. Yesterday I had my first bad and very hurt fall on ice and today all I felt was panic... I was frustrated after practice and tried to cheer myself up but without any success. And these words helped me. I'm really grateful for this. I won't give up even if on my competition on 7th of December I will be the last again I will do my best.
  4. Oh, it's geoblocked It's seems like because of some copiright. Ok, vpn is my new home already, It's not the problem
  5. https://realsound.jp/2022/11/post-1186653.html Here: ニッポン放送『松任谷由実のオールナイトニッポンGOLD』 放送日時:2022年12月23日(金)22時〜24時 パーソナリティ:松任谷由実 ゲスト:羽生結弦
  6. Sorry for post it here. I'm really nervous and I know how many hates will be on me for this, but I have to do this. I encouraged myself to do it for a months. If will be decided to remove it - I understand. I place it under spoiler.
  7. I got membership too, in Russia, with help from very kind fanyu. And one person found out the way other people can pay and get it. Not very simple but still. Russian with Hanyu too!
  8. Thank you for information! I can use it in Russia. Is anyone know about legal all that stream services or it's just restream?
  9. Can someone tell me if there is need to fill card information on YoiTV for month trial?
  10. New photo from Sportan. They will be posting them for next 7 days.
  11. Here some more from bookstore. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  12. i can't undestand what Hanyu said on 1:51 は(?)しか最もなかったし? or something else... please, help
  13. Maybe it's time to change my profile photo.
  14. Still I can't hear properly what did he said on 0:44 and 0:58. Is anyone can write it in japanese, please? this meowzuru language in mask everytime is struggle to me
  15. everybody is happy about yuzube and most of people understand and don't reupload video... meanwhile russian community: download video and subbed. when I ask them don't do it, it's not good - I was told like - he lost nothing in views, everybody will go and watch video on youtube too, people better to watch with subs... and so on. i've tried. but, still, i'm so excited! it's feels like Hanyu become a liitle closer. I open youtube and feel like - oh.my.god. every single time think about how to translate his videos without subs
  16. stream on qq, if someone need https://live.qq.com/10166133
  17. there'll be stream with no cut interview soon.
  18. これから確かに皆さんと関わる関係は変わっていくかもしれません。 ただこれからも僕はそのドキドキだったり、緊張感であったり、試合となんな変わらない、同じ志思った羽生結弦でいます。 If I didn't mistake. He said (sorry for mistakes, my english not very good): From now on our relationship, which we held, at some point maybe is changing. However, I always will be Yuzuru Hanyu with same intention, thrill and feeling of tension as on competition. If I may say my opinion... He said it about like because he won't competing anymore and at that point it's really at some point is changing. He is worring about it. How I've heard from one of interview - he didn't sleep before presscon because knew our nerveous... And that phrase about changing is only about he won't competing anymore. And he just want to calm down us. He rest Hanyu Yuzuru which we knew, just relationship become some freshy. It's my first time when I interpret his words in english not russian. Sorry for mess if I did some.
  19. oh I see! I didn't watch it until the end because of lot of content to translate
  20. I translated presscon into russian, and don't remember nothing about changes relationships with fans... He talked that he will do his best for that we feel the same pressure as if we watching competition. But still I don't started translation other interviews. There were five in 19th July.
  21. here? https://live.qq.com/10164221
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