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Everything posted by Luminous

  1. It was a dream. So....no bad ending too
  2. I don’t know if it has already been shared but this acoustic version of LC is gorgeous😍
  3. 'Love wins all' MV behind the scenes
  4. I mean....we need official information, not from some strange apps
  5. No, there was no info. And I hope that we will know (IF we will know), Namjoon will tell us by HIMSELF
  6. I saw an article that said JK and Jimin wasn’t happy about attention they receive now. And they were deleted from the app where relatives (and fans) can receive updates about their military service (don’t know if it’s true)
  7. I listen to Tae’s songs every day on my way home. Yes, his voice is very relaxing
  8. I love the song. It’s very simple, quiet and warm. Suits Tae vey much. And the MV with lyrics in 3 languages is cute (and helpful)
  9. Maybe it’s just “look, I’m so cool now” face expression
  10. Namjoon will release something too
  11. I saw info that photos were taken with permission of ministry of defense (usually I immediately block a report people spreading such photos). I think we will have a lot of ‘legal’ photos😑
  12. Jimin also was there. It was lecture on writing and reading. Why???
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