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  1. I want Notte Stellata merch so badly. I'm a sucker for subtle/minimalist designs, so I want to get everything that just says "notte stellata" and nothing more. I hope they also ship internationally, but I haven't even received my Prologue goods yet, so to be honest, not sure if I want to go through this ordeal again even if they do...
  2. I just finished watching GIFT for the last time. I must've replayed the ending at least five times, because I just love the bit where Yuzu says he's glad he loves skating after all and then lets loose on the ice; he was so emotional and happy and I couldn't help but shed a few tears seeing him so skate so freely. God, he really deserves everything and more, and I don't know how to articulate just how much joy (I feel like that's too weak of a word) I feel for him, his happiness and success. I really, really hope that the show will be released as some sort of DVD in the future. I tried to burn as much of it as I could into my memory, but I know it won't be enough. I'm so sad I won't get to watch it anymore after today
  3. [NEWS] It's crazy how Yuzu keeps evolving. Just when I think he can't get better he does. This layout is really just bonkers and the fact that he did it in one take so flawlessly is just amazing.
  4. I don't even think I can summarize my reactions anymore because I'm just crying now as expected. There's really no words to express how much I love Yuzu anymore. He deserves the world.
  5. God, there was so much going on that I didn't want to miss it to post lol Now I can breathe. First of all--king of storytelling? I didn't expect to be this emotional watching him tell his story through all the different metaphors of nature and the sun and moon. And just knowing how much he's gone through, it hits extra hard whenever he says he's lonely and how he tries so hard yet things still go wrong. Edit: How could I have forgotten Firebird?!?!?! It was epic and dramatic and soo Yuzu. He was just like a phoenix rising from the ashes and I loved it so much. Opening with Hope and Legacy and how Shae-Lynn has described that final pose as him sharing his gratitude(?) for everyone feels so incredibly appropriate for an ice show named Gift. Of course, with Yuzu everything is intentional. And skating to Inochi no Namae is just the biggest flex. Skating to anything by Joe Hisaishi is a flex because he's very, very strict with whom he allows to use his music. The costume and the entire atmosphere with the fog and the dancers was completely magical and especially combined with Yuzu's skating. I love Chopin and missed it so much. That's all. But when he didn't do a back counter 3A I was slightly worried he might have been protecting his ankle but don't mind me these are just intrusive thoughts that come with the trauma of being a fanyu. askdjfa;sdfklasdj I somehow keep forgetting Yuzu's promise to make everyone feel the nerves of competition and oh my gosh, he had to choose Rondo. During the six minute warm up, whenever he kept practicing the quad sal entry, I was getting increasingly nervous and prayed so hard for him to make it! And he did!!! He did it! The rest of the performance was wonderful (who cares about the combo tbh; it's nice not having a tech box in the upper corner, so I can just celebrate his skating fully). His reaction at the end made me freaking emotional, how he grabbed with his hand and kept his fist over his chest the entire time he bowed and all the way till he exited. I'm so happy to see him happy with his skate; I'm sure he was feeling very nervous as well. And thank goodness for the audience! Seeing Yuzu's programs the past few years without cheering felt sad, but now he gets to have the cheers and screams he deserves and everything feels all right with the world in the end.
  6. It's absolutely mind-boggling the sheer enormity of all. And omg subtitles! Accessibility king!
  7. 55K fanyus cheering for Yuzu? I hope he feels the love 😭 It's been so long since he's performed with the audience cheering.
  8. Used to stress so much whenever everyone would say that during competitions, but now I'm just super hyped! What a great feeling. Today should be the official International Fanyu Day haha
  9. This is still all so surreal...I remember having to watch competitions with multiple tabs of different streams open just in case Huahua's went down (and it often did when Yuzu came on) and the quality was always super shitty and I had to wake up at 3 am to watch pixelated Yuzu compete...and now I'm freaking going to watch him perform in TOKYO DOME to 50K fanyus and everyone else around the world watching legally. On an official stream. Because there's just that much demand for him. Like, this has seriously been the craziest fan journey ever. I'm so, so happy to be a part of Yuzu's journey and with everyone here on Planet Hanyu. IT HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET AND I'M ALREADY TEARING UP THINKING ABOUT IT. Gosh, I'll be such a mess by the end of this; I just know it.
  10. Hello everyone! I'm back here to scream with y'all. I'm so excited I can't believe this is actually real...I love Yuzu so much.
  11. Hmmm...my bank account linked to my PayPal shows that it was already charged today. I also haven't received a response yet either. I may send another email tomorrow if I still haven't received anything. Edit: They just responded and sent me the confirmation email
  12. Thank you, guys! I just contacted them...now just waiting for their response. Hope everything's okay
  13. Quick question for those who ordered goods internationally: did you guys get a confirmation email right after your purchase? I only got a notification from PayPal, but nothing from WorldShopping itself. I'm getting kinda worried There's nothing in my spam either.
  14. Ah, didn't know much about it and just assumed it'd be the same price everywhere. Suffice to say though that he is still most likely earning in the mid tens of thousands at least, which is awesome.
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