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Everything posted by Martina

  1. Ashura-chan in GIFT was wonderful, and the collaboration with Rhyzomatics and Elevenplay was amazing. In SOI, without the tiredness of everything he had done before, and with some passages of the choreography revised, the program has grown. Here we have only a fragment of a few seconds, but the energy is extraordinary. It's evident that he loves this song.
  2. We have seen very few images of Yuzu's father, dating back to several years ago. We know Saya told him to stop talking about her when he talks about when he started skating. For years, Yumi has been doing her best not to be framed. They want a normal life, and they can only have it if they are not associated with him by the first person they meet on the street. Yuzu himself has always been very private about his personal life. For some reason I suspect his wife shares the point of view of the Hanyu family. As for the accusation of that absurd article... if only the writer had deigned to listen to Yuzu, she would have realized that he has always put respect for others at the center of everything, emphasizing the importance of individuality. Considering another individual inferior to him is something that does not belong to him. I'm guessing the writer was just looking for five minutes of notoriety, that she had a personal purpose for that attack. Too bad the newspaper didn't think before publishing that rubbish.
  3. I wrote my post because I saw so many reactions, most of them joyous, but not all. I was taken completely by surprise by the announcement, but there were also those who told me they had caught some clues. I don't know if his behavior was related to the fact that there are people who enjoy hurting him, if it was just a desire for confidentiality or if something happened that made him change his mind, before he didn't think of getting married even though he was in love , and then yes. Not knowing him, I can't say anything. My post is, at least in part, an invitation to put things into perspective. To say that yes, he surprised us, but he is still him. I may be wrong, but in my opinion almost all of the fans who were disappointed by the sudden news because they felt an insincerity in a behavior that was probably just confidentiality, within a few days will find a new equilibrium and will look at him as before.
  4. OK, I found you. Unlike me, who always write a lot, you stayed within the space of a tweet and were clear. How nice, another fantasy enthusiast.
  5. If you don't use a different name, I don't think I saw your comment, but when I receive so many replies I often miss some. I don't think I will write more about his marriage, but I will definitely write more about Yuzu. Not just score analysis, I do those because I'm furious with the ISU, but what I really enjoy is commenting on the amazing things he does, so I'll post more text sooner or later. And as much as Yuzu has his own life, there is always room for us. We don't know when there will be a new project, but soon we will have the two episodes of Gen Hoshino's show, and we also just had the mini interview for the book illustrated by CLAMP. One way or another, Yuzu is always with us.
  6. Thank you. I always feel that something is missing, that I would like to say more, and words escape me. I am glad to see that I can convey at least part of what I feel.
  7. If anyone is interested, yesterday on my blog I published a post in Italian and English about Yuzu's wedding: Intorno a un matrimonio/Around a wedding | sportlandia (wpcomstaging.com)
  8. No, both from Tohoku, but different prefectures.
  9. Considering that Yuzu is Japanese, also an English article indicates that the interest is not only local. But you are right, it is better if there are texts from many countries. I'm glad you liked my review.
  10. Great! Unfortunately, Italian is not such a well-known language, but having reviews from real newspapers and not just from users is important.
  11. FantasyMagazine is a very small newspaper, especially now, but at least in terms of prestige it's better than a blog. I tried putting the link to the review in IMDb, let's see if they post it.
  12. I write for a very small newspaper. Usually it doesn't have the slightest connection with Yuzu, because it's a journal specialized in fantasy. However, with the excuse that GIFT would be broadcast by Disney+, I asked the director to write an article. And then, since that article was one of the most read of the last period, I asked him if I could write the review. He gave me the ok for that too. Therefore the newspaper is tiny and the text is in Italian, but this is a review published not on a blog but in a real newspaper. https://www.fantasymagazine.it/35426/gift-ice-story-2023
  13. Thanks. I suspect that from now on whenever fans get the chance to meet, they will demonstrate similar tastes in clothing.
  14. There's no doubt that when Yuzu does something, he does it big, and that he also thinks of so many things that we would never think of. Whatever you choose to do, we will be ready to support you. Today I received the second part of my contribution to Prologue.
  15. I've read about Mao's rink too, and I know that even she's well loved, Yuzu has a superior following. Yuzu has it in Japan, but he has it mostly with international fans. I don't know how many tweets I've seen from international fans who went skating at the Ice Rink during a vacation in Japan. Aside from selling merchandise, Yuzu can sell advertising space, because we all see the ads around the rink in his videos. I'd say those ads are seen by more people than they saw the ads at the last World Championship. However, the costs are very high, also because if he skates during the day, during those hours the rink would be closed to the public and to any type of course. As with everything...we'll see. The only thing I'm sure of is that he'll do his math before deciding anything, and we know he's got a world-class brain.
  16. At the end of the show he said clearly that this story will always be with us, that we can go back to it whenever we want. In my opinion this means that he intends to make a DVD, Blu ray, or allow a download in a legal way... I have no idea what medium he will choose, but I think he will somehow make GIFT purchasable. An ice skating rink has very high costs, so it is unlikely that another will be built. I too hope they will be able to do it, because Yuzu cannot continue to train forever at night and live isolated from everyone.
  17. Exactly my thought. Here he agreed with the organizers as he has done for years for Fantasy on Ice, he said which music he skates on, opens the initial number of the show, skate his number, returns to say goodbye, and if he doesn't feel like it or feels tired, he does not must do something else. The shows are many and close together, but overall in the entire SOI he skates more or less as much as he skated in a single day for GIFT, making fewer jumps and fewer spins (but Ashura-chan's steps are breathtaking even just looking at them). I've seen some. Jason and Piper are very nice. I don't know if Alex was the first skater who made funny videos to joke about the figure skating community, but he was the first one I saw. That twist was brilliant, even if maybe now Yuzu would like to be lifted in Riku's place, like when he was lifted by Ondrej Hotarek. There are some people at SOI that I would rather not see, but I think there are enough people that Yuzu gets on well with, and it helps him relax.
  18. Yes, if they want to make some videos, they will find someone to film their jokes. The important thing is that Yuzu is relaxing, because in the last period he has done so many things. Here he is "just" one skater among many, even though we know that most of the audience is there for him. He doesn't have to worry about every detail of the show, and skates only one program, however extraordinary. Both physically and mentally, compared to his shows this is a piece of cake. It would be nice if young skaters studied him carefully to understand what figure skating really is, because he is teaching everyone.
  19. but the ShibSibs are not there. Ryuichi and Yuzu's paths have crossed at least since the fall of 2006, when Yuzu finished 7th at the National Junior Championship and Ryuichi finished 17th.
  20. Luckily his staff (his family?) convinced him to perform One Summer's Day outside GIFT as well. His entrance to the rink for the final greeting is more beautiful than the programs presented by the two skaters who reached the last world podium, and was he in doubt whether a program of his was suitable for the show? I hope television will air the whole One Summer's Day, from these few images it must have been an amazing program.
  21. I am laughing and crying at the same time. To make that decision, the show must have had impressive ratings.
  22. CoC 2014 is the only thing that makes me think "luckily I wasn't a fanyu at that time". I don't know how I would have lived that period. For some years work and family commitments prevented me to watch figure skating. I discovered Yuzu's existence with Romeo and Juliet at the GPF 2013, and then I saw him again during the Olympic free slatee. Had I seen Parisienne Walkways, I would have fallen in love with him instantly, however the first times I saw him it was with programs that attracted me less (I prefer rarely used music, Romeo and Juliet I've seen him performed countless times ) and/or he made some mistakes (as in the WC 2015 FS). I have no words for what he is doing. I was convinced that he didn't like he put his hands on the ice during the 4T in GIFT, and yesterday he finally managed to complete the jump as only he can. His program was by far the most difficult. Yes, Malinin did a lot of jumps too, but Malinin only jump with a background music, Yuzu interprets a story. And today he showed everyone that there's no need to jump to create programs that are extremely difficult and at the same time capable of involving the public.
  23. It's not the complete layout of the competition, he eliminated the first three jump elements, and in 3S he did a step out, but that's okay. The important thing was the 4T. And, to a lesser extent, the final 3Lz, as he had several problems with the final triple lutz that season, both in the free skate and in the short program. After winning Skate Canada 2019 and 4CC 2020 he had talked about the fact that there were some competitions that he hadn't won, some things that he had to complete. He's doing it now too, he's rewriting positive memories over negative ones from the past. He did it with Rondo at GIFT, he did it with Phantom now. And he did it with Notte stellata two and half weeks ago, and with Requiem on his channel. There is no one like him.
  24. You're welcome. I'm afraid I'm a nerd on these things. I transcribed all his layouts to check the changes he made from time to time, adding difficulties or sometimes improvising after a mistake.
  25. Yes. In the 2014-2015 season Yuzu wanted to open the second half of the program with the 4T+2T combination, but at the Cup of China there was the incident that we all know and for the rest of the season he was never healthy enough to try to do three quadruples in the same program. He had to postpone that layout to the 2015-2016 season and to SEIMEI (even if in SEIMEI he did 4T+3T, and put the 2T in a combination with the 3A). He did that 4T on 14 February 2022 in the first free practice in Beijing, but it was practice, with no audience beyond the rink staff. In GIFT he tried to do that 4T, but after Ashura-chan he was tired and put his hands on the ice. This time he completed the 4T perfectly. True, he didn't skate the first minute of the program, with 4S, 4T and 3F, but in shows it's quite rare to see an entire free skate. And none of the other skaters came close to the quality of what he did.
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