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Everything posted by Faithyu

  1. Yeah.....think so as well, guess we would have spottet him more otherwise🤷🏼‍♀️
  2. Definitely going to watch the ending when it's up on YT.
  3. Dear Ilia, whatever you just did, please do it in the competitions as well! This was great. He put the emotion on the ice, the energy could be felt through the TV. This worked so well for him. I did not expect this of him. And we don't get to see it😭. They ended the stream right after the pair skaters😡
  4. I feel a bit sorry for Kaori, cause I know it was a beautiful program but skating after Keegan.....not the best spot. Loved her costum, though.
  5. Keegan beeing Keegan🤣, always skating at the edge of loosing control with this wild energy. I just want a tenth of his energy, really.
  6. It is. Just having fun and a good time, these are my favorite programs at shows.
  7. Ha, I knew I saw someone looking suspicious like OnIcePerspective Jordan. So we can hope for some great new videos. Saw the program at euros gala, they do this robotic theme so well
  8. Gosh, I want Rock-Shoma next season!!!! What a vibe, it suits him so well.
  9. Who else waited for Darth Vader to pop up😂? he was sooo cool😃
  10. nah, that was a fake with the band, but a cute thought😁.
  11. Absolutely agree with all of your statements😁👍. Just finished watching the "official" stream of the mens event we get in germany..... Aleksandr - his heel thing during the spin should be metioned more. Kao - he did well for his first worlds. No idea why I think he is older then he really is, he just seems kind of mature on the ice? Jun,.....sigh....so sad. It was like a rollercoaster ride. Deniss - also think he changed his long? Can't remember seeing it. It was great. A bit sad about the first jump.... Jason.....so beautiful😍🤩. 5th place without a single quad! So pleasing to see. Shoma.....sigh, sad with the mistakes😔 Yuma - love this program🤩. So much respect how he can keep up with the music thats getting faster and faster near the end. And the audience was great after his fall👍. Ilia - his jumps really look like it doesn't take any effort at all, have to aknowledge that. Watched with my mother and she made a fitting comment "he did a lot of jumps" and I said to her "he didn't do more then the others, it just felt like it". Think that says it all. Component scores are too high, but it was kind of expected to happen🤷🏼‍♀️. And at last, Roman.....they didn't show him😡!!! Will have to search for him in the yt stream. @rockstaryuzu: saw the purple heart💜😊
  12. Thanks for sharing the impressions you had and the information💜. So, just want to add something to the PCS. Not sure during which event it was (could have been ladies free skate), but our commentator explained quite frankly the two mostly known and a not so known facts about pcs. 1) if one is not an established top skater, skating in the first groups will give automaticly a lesser pc score. It's sadly a fact and everyone knows it. 2) The judges seem not be able to seperate tec score from component score/skating skills. A fall or mistake should only be reflected in the tec score and not influence the pcs. Sadly, most of the time they can't seperate it. Most who follow figure skating know about this. 3) And a maybe not so known point, he said it's an open secret in the scene, that pc scores are the ones backstage deals are made over. Cause it's the easiest score to "influence".....
  13. My thoughts to that yesterday: He probably calculated it pefore and came to the conclusion that he can risk it if he otherwise skated clean. Chances of a medyl wear near none, cause how high are the chances that four of the top man will have not such a great day..... After seeing the results this morning: Adam, are you crazy😱!!! Get rid off this backflip. Imagin if you missed the podium by these two stupid points!😂🙈 Man is this was such a pleasant surprise. And then I looked at the overall placement and was like......do I really want to watch the official replay today😅. Jun, Roman, Shoma.....🙈 Of course only he knows, but my guess: he would approve and find it cool😎
  14. Mikhail, sadly not his best performance....still like his camina burana program a lot. Ok, off to bed😴. Will watch the rest later. Already curious who will have won then....
  15. Donovan's mistakes where a bit unfortunate, but still a joy to watch. Love his costum.
  16. Revenge skate Adam slayed so hard, wow .....he burned the ice down and blew the roof off the arena. and is the fine for the backflip -2? Or did he earn another minus for something else?
  17. Sooo.....question: Do you think the judges play rock paper scissor for the middle seats? They get quite a lot of "visits" from skaters nowadays, so to say😉.
  18. Lucs Charly Chaplin program is quite wild😅.....but fun to watch.
  19. I watched the last group of the ladies earlier. Loena looked like she wasn't "there". Of course one will be focused, but that was nearly robotic, her face was like a stature. I feel quite sad for her how her free went, normally she is such a presense on the ice, but yeah.....sadly no medal for her. Kaori, she certainly gave it her all and I'm happy for her. Isabeau(?), her program doesn't catch me (she did great with it, just not my thing), but I see where she can go. She is 17, if I remember right, so looking forward to what she will give us in the future.
  20. Setting vpn to south africa works😁. But as I'm quite tired, I will watch most of the mens event tomorrow in the official replay stream.
  21. Hey, none of that! You're not ruining anything for anyone!!! The information is still getting shared, so everything is fine💜
  22. Just watched the final group in replay. So much respect for Deanna, what a figure skating story. Rumor has it she was close to a panic attack before skating, didn't want to go on the ice cause the pressure was to much and then she did this! Regarding the program: It's not my favorite, but the one from Riku and Ryuichi isn't as well🤷🏼‍♀️. But I just noticed that the japanese pair is one of the few where I watch him more. Normally its the woman that shines and catches the eye. With these two, it's him. He is alright. Collapsed in the backstage area with a caughing fit, got an infusion and some medical treatment and got back on his feet after a short time. Must have been really scary though. But most important that he is ok.
  23. The whole Interview. Military Talk:
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