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Everything posted by Ichigo

  1. Hiding in his cave is great. Covid probably has a higher chance of affecting him adversely given his asthma.
  2. Unfortunately, NC is hardly the sole reason for biased scoring. Anyone* can be a new favourite. *Where ‘anyone’ excludes someone by default.
  3. Yuzu’s skating is transcendent and cannot be judged by mere mortals. Whatever scores he gets are just a formality - I’m past caring about those. No matter how low his POC is, videos of his performances will remain for millions to admire in decades to come. And I hope I will live to see the day an AI rescore all the competitions based on the videos we have.
  4. Thank you! I can’t seem to find a channel list so might have to just pay for a month and see if my favourite channels are included before I go for a longer subscription. Am I only allowed one version (iOS/online/Windows etc), or can I use different versions on multiple devices with one subscription? Sorry to bug you, but the info on their website is rather scanty. Your assistance is very much appreciated!!
  5. My isakura subscription ended a couple of months ago and I haven’t been able to find a suitable alternative. ForJoyTV doesn’t seem to be available too. May I know what everyone else is using?
  6. I honestly believe we will see 4A before seeing Yuzu on a bike! (moving, two wheels, not tandem...)
  7. We can all be Yuzus in our little ways, everyday...
  8. I’m travelling light so brought my tablet along instead of my notebook... Lesson learnt! Thank you very much @faeline Looking forward to the next event.
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