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Layback Ina Bauer

Layback Ina Bauer (9/67)

  1. Oh, I don't doubt it, even if my joke suggested otherwise. I don't think for a second that Yuzu would be anything but impressed by Ilia's accomplishments with his jumps. And maybe a bit eager to nerd out over the mechanics of it. He has never been anything but gracious of his competitors and congratulatory of their achievements.
  2. Just to put little Ilia in his place
  3. That's reasonable though after his injury. I know it's been a while but taking it as easy as he can while still performing is how he's going to get through to next season
  4. This is the thing though. No one else quite manages to skate like him for two reasons: they generally can't (physically in the technical sense) but also he just doesn't seem to care at all about what anyone thinks of his programs so he is always completely committed to them. You can't be half cheesy, because it doesn't work.
  5. Not enough water for these crops. More please!
  6. I wonder if they just love skating this now after their OGM
  7. I will NEVER ever get sick of this RD
  8. Maybe the first time was an accident and he's just decided to double down and do it on purpose so we all think it was supposed to be there
  9. His spins are still exquisite. He has such nice poise in them.
  10. The scarf was very Stephane but so is this. Angst and mesh and that beautiful hair.
  11. The quality of a spiral from someone who learned to do them when they were still compulsory.
  12. Just about as sure as we are that Yuzu is actually in his late 20s and not 19
  13. I think last season this colour and Billie Eilish Green must have been on sale if you flashed your Elite Skater Club Card at the fabric store
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