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  1. I wonder if he'll be remote or live. His first concert is the 13th in NY, so maybe? I can see him arriving in NYC a few days before his first concert -
  2. Lisa performed - (I didn't watch any of it.....)
  3. Namjoon's stay in the military has made us all more philosophical I think, but doubly so for him. and it has made him more eloquent. I already have a sense that he is going to break down sobbing when he finally gets released, and will probably be crying for days. Somehow, I don't see some of the others reading and thinking in philosophizing while they're in the military. But I'm sure that they are all being filled with memories and thoughts and things to write about and talk about and share. It is only Yoongi who has more than 100 days And I think about him a lot. He's been so quiet and nobody mentions him. I don't know how much he is into reading, but I'm sure he's been doing a lot of thinking and writing and introspecting.
  4. II think he's been losing weight for some time. One rarely sees a plump Korean so I always though it a bit odd that he was a plump as he was. And Jin seems to be inches taller than Hobi. Maybe it's whatever they have on their feet, but Jin is not one who wears "tall" shoes. I SO hope i get to be close enough to Hobi to gauge how tall he really is. I did notice lots of ARMY bombs at all the Seoul concerts. I'm not planning on traveling with one but I have a tiny one (maybe 4" tall?) that's a pen/flashlight. I think I'll take that,
  5. HYBE must be looking into it. They have to keep it under their hat, though. Seriously, who else would be trying to drag Illit and LeSserafim down? Surely, the whole nj melodrama will be nearing its end soon. And mhj, we know, wanted to usurp BTS popularity (as if that could ever possibly happen) so probably has plenty to do with blowing the Yoongi stuff way out of proportion. There is no punishment too harsh for the kind of corporate sabotage she's been playing at.
  6. Please provide the diamond necklace. I can't find info on who write what on this, but do suspect his contribution (which maybe be the whole thing) is from actual dreams and things he's read and implied from multiple k-dramas.....
  7. So exciting. Those ARMYs must have been outside the venue and got him on his way out? I don't think one can bring stuff in. BUT- what small item should I have on my little crossover bag, just in case? I'm excited to see how close he is interacting with ARMys (with someone able to record on their phone)! Do we know if any other members attended?
  8. Now that I know I get to be one of 613 at the event on March 7, I wonder how many people have tickets for these Hobi venues that have couches. I had tried to get a ticket for one of these, I think the heated tents are for ARMY to hang out before the concert. So sweet of him.
  9. And I "won"!!!!!!! Arrive in Seoul at 5:30 am so will barely have time to get out of Incheon, get to the hotel and change!!!!!(too early to check in) so- if you lose, they call that a miss. But a win is a win!!!! And I'm betting Hobi won't be doing an explicit version of anything when we're being asked to wear pink and blue, and the event is in the middle of the day. OMG! I couldn't get a ticket to see Hobi in LA but get this!!!!!
  10. Well, I applied. No results until 9 pm KST so I'll check in the morning, The venue looks really amazing and would likely be worth a visit anyway.
  11. Dichotomy whiplash. The 7th is the day I arrive in Seoul (at about 6am). I'll try, again, to get the raffle "win". I'd definitely be the walking wounded if I get to go but would probably rally. Is anyone going to watch the streaming live of the Seoul concerts? The timing was throwing me since all the actual lives are in the middle of the night for me. And then I realized I would be in Seoul the weekend of the "delayed viewings". Day 1 would still be in the middle of the night for me IF I was home, but I'll be there! So I can watch it at 7pm from my hotel room that Friday night - hopefully after I've seen Hobi at the in person event (ha! sure!). I won't be watching it Live Friday night (message in the Video thread...)
  12. 1.1% does not seem like a large portion of the company but I know that just being given this was highly unprecedented. Bang Si-Hyuk has nearly 32%. I suppose they could individually buy more if they wanted to. Seems like a good investment (and I wish I could buy some). What is the actual release date of the full Hobi album (3/what?)? I got a notice about the release of another collab -- but I almost feel likelwaiting for a solo Hobi early release. And it feels odd that he would be starting his tour (and promotions?) a month before album release. The Jin Ramen has a different look for the Korean market (ie: it's in Korean)...so possible if Asian markets will be carrying it elsewhere, it might be the Korean version. Kind of funny that the forst promotion is using the spicy version and Jin does not like spicy.
  13. I love that someone posted Some Instagram!!! I love Hobi but my favorite pic is Mickey. He had Mickey with him. https://www.instagram.com/p/DGhCN4RyBEJ/?igsh=NWFvODk4ODRkajhq
  14. He does seem nervous, but that could be part of still being on Korean time and feeling that he's not at his best (and he ALWAYS wants to be at his best). He seemed a little nervous right before he went in to Incheon, too, fussing with his hair. Maybe he'll do a Live and we'll find out then. Doesn't feel well? Hmmmm. And Olympics news - appalling.
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