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  1. Yeah, it reminds me of another instagram drama from this winter and that poor unsuspecting woman who inadvertently filmed post-injury Yuzuru on the ice of TCC.. I also didn´t catch our elusive Mr. Hanyu in the videos but I am not good at sleuthing and I know it. Also I didn´t look for him too much to be honest, some of the overprotective and hysterical reactions in the comments of the boy´s insta are a huge put-off for me. ETA: Sorry about the quote frame, I just edited the missing "of" in my post and get this..
  2. This possibility has crossed my mind too! But nah, it´s not likely, is it? And I would miss HYK, I think.. Shame that he´s not going to take the Masquerade as his new ex, THAT I would take whole-heartedly As for me, I don´t like the idea of tributes as I said before, but I can sincerely say that my tepid attitude to Otonal and Origin is not because of my dislike of personalities of the tributed skaters. I managed to separate the Yuzuru´s routines from them. But still I can´t create a relationship with those programs, somehow I still feel as if they aren´t Yuzu´s and never was (even though I don´t think about Plush or Johnny when Yuzu´s performing at all). Something is missing IMHO and I didn´t feel true connection between Zu and the routines (maybe in Rostelecom with Otonal, but even there it didn´t click perfectly for me). Most times I feel more like he was struggling a bit with them and not only because of a technical layout.. I don´t know, it was like it´s more stressful than pleasant for him to skate these. For me it was definitely somehow more stressful to watch him skate last season! Don´t know if it was because of him being tied up with feelings of responsibility to his idols or if it was something else, this is the way I felt and feeling still. Just my two cents, it´s all just a speculation so far anyhow And speaking of speculations - I just hope he´ll stay healthy this season. Personally I don´t need or want to see him jumping 4F or 4Lz or 4Lo in the competitions.. in righteous FS world he wouldn´t have to do those jumps to win fair and square. Though I understand that Yuzu WANTS and NEEDS to be a leading force in every aspect of figure skating, as he always was As for 4A.. well it´s his biggest dream I guess (aside olympic gold medals) so I hope it will come true for him But my prediction (already condemned to being false I presume ) is no 4F or 4A this season. 4Lz is very probable and use of 4Lo too (sadly, I really hate this jump..).
  3. BTW, wouldn´t it be a little weird to keep only one of the tributes..? I know that Otonal was skated (almost?) perfectly in Rostelecom Cup while Origin didn´t reach its full potential yet but still.. knowing Yuzu and his empathy, wouldn´t it feel awkward towards Johnny in Yuzu´s eyes? Maybe he goes for full recycle after all.. oh well. Please just stay healthy and be happy, Zu!
  4. Oh Yuzu, please, don´t recycle.. I had a bad feeling about those programs right from their announcement last year and not only because I don´t share Yuzuru´s high opinions of Plush and Johnny, I just don´t like the idea of tributes as such. Not for Zuzu anyway I didn´t want to express my bad feeling about this here last season but now I had to say it out loud finally. That being said I always support the man regardless of his decisions ofc I agree that the costume for Origin is a piece of art (don´t like the one for Otonal though) and seeing those programs in Helsinki last autumn was still such a great and emotional ride for me.. but credit for that goes much more to the skater than to the routines skated I´m afraid
  5. OMG, such a mischievous teenage boy But he could be naughty years before this "Naruto incident", don´t underestimate young Mr. Hanyu - http://hanyusan.tumblr.com/post/154633425357/when-i-started-coaching-him-he-was-in-his-second It makes me glad he had these carefree and playful years.. these days I feel sometimes like he is under so much pressure, he´s too exposed and standing on a pedestal of a moral and talent paragon (though rightly so) is hard and binding somehow. At least we saw him totally happy, free and mischievous again after PC Olympics while messing around and trolling with Javi, Shoma, Ondrej and others
  6. And good genes undoubtedly, the most important input and gift of them all. Some top athletes have recurring problems with skin and have trouble keeping their weight in spite of a strict training and a healthy diet - but not Yuzu, nooo..
  7. This! Being overprotective, rude and abusive is not something that makes anybody a "proper fan" and Yuzuru definitely wouldn´t approve such a behaviour.
  8. Aaand it´s gone, the original poster removed the post from her insta. I sincerely hope that she´s not too much terror-struck from all the excessive backlash.
  9. I LOVE this vid SO MUCH! My favourite one, showing Yuzu´s incredible story throughout PC so vividly and in such a touching fashion - ohhh, I could watch it on a loop, again and again.. and again. Always nice to remember this one, thank you!
  10. Ufff, feeling sorry for the lady It seems pretty clear that she had no ill intention, she probably doesn´t even know Yuzuru and her camera is obviously centered on one of the girls on ice, not him. She went to the party, enjoyed it and shared her experiences on her account and bam - few hours later such a hysteria ensued, she´s being called a spy etc. Poor girl *sigh*
  11. Obviously I was the only one with instincts in a mode of blissful ignorance I was very anxious before and during ACI, almost biting my nails in nervous anticipation before practices and skates in Helsinki, but before CoR and especially after his glorious short program I felt just calm and happy.. Actually after SP I told to myself - "finally I´ll be able to watch the free skates without being nervous, he´s in great form obviously, has a cushion of some 20 points already - what could go wrong, right?" Yeah right..
  12. According to vague description it´s not the same injury, not exactly the same area affected and certainly not the same degree of damage. As a paramedic myself I would like to bring some light to this gloomy day Having a weak ankle is not ideal obviously (as it makes you prone to twisting it) but on the other hand it can be beneficial if your ligaments are loose - ironically it can make you be more resistant to serious injury. I have loose ankle ligaments since birth, twisted my ankles in quite a bad way numerous times but it never led to sprain or other injury. Benefits of having the rubber ankles! Now I am not a top athlete as Yuzu, seriously teared ligaments from previous injury are a factor (but the lenght and the ability to return to full health is highly individual and it was said that Yuzuru´s ability to heal is nearly miraculous) and it´s not possible to know the truth behind the injury just from the published report ofc.. but this is just me putting my two cents on the topic Remember that many others in FS had serious and potentionally career ending injuries such as hip fractures and following surgeries for example - Nathan, Satoko, Jun, Sota and many many more. This sport (actually all sports) is brutal on the top level. Well I am quite sad that he can´t go to GPF (and to the Nats as well it seems) because I truly believe these are the competitions he desperately wanted to attend. But I hope that he lets himself rest and heal properly. BTW I don´t need to see another 4 loop from him (or 4 lutz) EVER.. hate those jumps
  13. He said "Cows don´t fly" or something similar to Eliska, sister of Michal Brezina, during this year´s spring/summer camp (she´s not his trainee per se), so it´s pretty recent citation. Well.. he´s known to be brutally honest and blunt at times, though in this particular situation I don´t really see the justification - Eliska being healthy athletic type of girl, but yes she´s definitely not as skinny as most of the russian girls for example. I like him though, he´s wearing his heart on his sleeve most of the time and he cares for his athletes and they respect and like him back or so it seems - so I forgive him occasional rudeness He also said to Adam Rippon that he´s fat sometimes during their training partnership if I´m not mistaken..? Adam talked about it more than once and laughed about it. But he also said that that was the time when he was eating one apple a day as his whole diet so.. it´s not really something I would laugh about actually.. Anyway, really interesting interview with Rafael.
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