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Everything posted by virgola

  1. I'm trying to create Practice Playlist. why even music is much more beautiful and meanful when he skates?
  2. he has a masterplan and he has a strong team too!! he has left in the perfect moment for him, and he's doing the right steps to build something new and durable, because now it's the focus moment and he has to exploit for the future. but that's the correct strategy and it's accordingly with his desire. that's what I think. But we're talking about Yuzu, maye he woke up in the middle of night and decided everything 3 seconds time!
  3. too curios, as I am introvert too. In the past I was frustrated about that but not anymore. Just bought the book I'll read it on vacation. My vacation will start after Yuzu open practice, so the best way, feeling relaxed, all the sadness of retirement gone away. thank u!
  4. It’s crazy I can’t stop watching the numbers. I hope this is a new start from living legend into myth
  5. Just a meltng pot of sensations I can't manage yet. Perhaps next days. I'm not prepared and I don't want to. How I wanted to see him live for another time. to see compitition live it's such a strong experience! Everything i so intense, meet the people, all the crowd moving in the early morning to the sport hall, all with the same desire. And then Yuzu and the competition, moving between silence and fear and joy explosion. Nothing is capturing as live competition. Today I feel a little bit lost, maybe tommorow I will accept. I hope we can see him in ice shows and organize to go togher, all the fanys, maybe in Japan or other place. See u soon Yuzu
  6. In any case it's something related to GP, perhaps taken at the last moment, just before assignments. can't stand this situation...
  7. trying to imagine Yuzu in his bat cave and hope at the right moment we will come out with new beautiful programs. hope he won't give up now, he has his own goal and I have mine: see him live another time
  8. hi everybody. I'm preparing for the new season, trying to understand what I can see live and what I won't. As the world championship is soooo exprensive, I'll try the GPF in Torino Is there any news about the selling of the tickets? They told (if I'm not wrong) in May. Is it true? we can buy tickets on ticketone? Any help is appreciated!!!
  9. Healing, trying 2 new programms....time is not enough and September comes so quickly. He really should rest for a while
  10. it's really difficul at the moment to understand the real meaning of what he said in conference. I've heard many variations
  11. io ho appena preso un volo (con uno scalo in realtà) a 225 euro andata e ritorno. era il meglio come orari e prezzo, direi che sono contenta. certo che andare in Giappone...brava!!!
  12. salve :-) sono nuova qui. non c'è nessuno che affronterà un bel viaggio per andare a Helsinki per la tappa del grand prix?
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