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Everything posted by Yuzu_legend

  1. We have now this special thread for today!! Happy Fanyu Independence Day everyone!!!
  2. Dear Satellites! It's the 19th of July in Japan now and we are celebrating the second Anniversary of Yuzu turning Pro-athlete! Please use this thread to share your thoughts, impressions and feelings about this magnificent second year of Yuzu's skating! We have also prepared giveaways for you. If you want to enter the giveaway, please answer today, from 00:00 to 23:59 JST in this thread sharing your top 3 moments of the 2nd year of the YuzuProEra and add a "". If you can, please also join our efforts and party on X (former Twitter) . Let's celebrate together this day and show our love and support to Yuzu!!
  3. Thank you so much for posting here and letting us know. I'm so so sad to read this, she'll be dearly missed, she was such a lovely person, very caring, sweet and kind. May she rest in peace, I'm praying for her family and friends.
  4. It will be aired next Tuesday and they’ll upload afterwards on their YT channel. This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
  5. Six years later and I'm feeling prouder than ever. He kept improving and continued working harder than anyone. We're truly blessed and privileged to live in the same era as him. He's the most precious human being and a real role model to this world.
  6. Hi everyone!! Please do participate this year for the Proyect in tab B.
  7. This will be the main thread for all FaOI Aichi, news and chatter about Yuzu, during the shows and also fan reports! Official site: https://www.fantasy-on-ice.com/aichi.html Event Show Date TV Broadcast (All time in JST) Fantasy on Ice in Makuhari (3 shows) 24-26 May CS Asahi Ch 1 (LIVE), Mai 25, 14.00 - 17.00 (2nd show) Fantasy on Ice in Aichi (3 shows) 31 May-02 June CS Asahi Ch 2 (LIVE), June 2, 13.00 - 16.00 (3rd show) Venue: Aichi Sky Expo (Aichi International Exhibition Center) Skaters: https://www.fantasy-on-ice.com/skaters_aichi.html
  8. This will be the main thread for all FaOI Makuhari news and chatter about Yuzu, during the shows and also fan reports! Official site: https://www.fantasy-on-ice.com/makuhari.html Event Show Date TV Broadcast (All time in JST) Fantasy on Ice in Makuhari (3 shows) 24-26 May CS Asahi Ch 1 (LIVE), Mai 25, 14.00 - 17.00 (2nd show) Fantasy on Ice in Aichi (3 shows) 31 May-02 June CS Asahi Ch 2 (LIVE), June 2, 13.00 - 16.00 (3rd show) Venue: Makuhari Event Hall Skaters: https://www.fantasy-on-ice.com/skaters_makuhari.html
  9. It's his choreo, so he'll know best where to simplify. Praying for him to remember we would also go to ice shows where he'd only wave and stand on the ice no need for more...and if he still feels like skating, anything will be beautiful and perfect... him just gliding calmly...and everyone would be more than happy! The only thing that's important is that he recovers and gives himself time to heal.
  10. I’m so grateful for everyone who joined 😭💖. Sending you all much fanyu love from Sendai! Let’s keep working hard for Yuzu! 💪❤️
  11. Hi everyone! I wanted to say very loud and with much joy (from my holidays in Japan): HAPPY BIRTHDAY PLANET HANYU!!! Thank you so much to everyone posting here, sharing love and good vibes for Yuzu 🥰. This forum is a warm place thanks to all of you. Let’s keep the good work and enjoy the Gift that Yuzu is to this world!
  12. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!! 🥰🙌🏼
  13. This will be the main thread for Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 2nd “RE_PRAY” TOUR - Miyagi, including all news and information before and during both shows and also Fanyu reports! Dates: Sunday, April 7, 2024 / Start 17:00 JST Tuesday, April 9, 2024 / Start 16:00 JST Venue: Miyagi Sekisui Heim Super Arena Official Site: https://repray-icestory.jp/miyagi.html GLOBAL STREAMING DAY 2: Day 2 will be also broadcasted live on TV Asahi:
  14. Let’s show our gratitude and make sure they keep adding subtitles in the future! 🙌🏼👍🏼💐
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