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Posts posted by PomeloPooh

  1. Hey, I was just contemplating which of my favorite music I'd love to see Yuzu skate to, realized that I'm not sure what kind of music actually fits figure skating. What kind of rhythm makes skating to it easy/hard? Are certain styles or instruments especially fitting because of the nature of the sport itself? What are the qualities that make people go for the warhorses over and over again (aside from them being proven safe)? What do you think?


    Then again all rules can be broken if one's willing :smile: I'll always remember the dude at 4CC that skated to iPhone's default ringtone... :s_shout :whiteflag:

  2. All black sparkling costume!! It could take 2-3 competitions before I will start to watch program itself :grin:


    Like this? :s_sarcastic tumblr_ns1zssF8EY1r6tj5fo1_1280.png


    the good old velvet onesie days :rotfl:


    My immediate thought when I saw this costume for the first time: SPIDERMAN! turne out it wasn't :smile: But later when I saw SpideyBoyang's costume this little Yuzu kept popping up in my mind...

  3. Some baby Yuzu I believe we've never posted in the FF..?




    wow do you have videos of this competition? The costume is great here!!


    Sorry I only found these separate pics of him scattered on Tumblr, so no idea where they came from :cry:

    Does anyone have a clue?


    I've never seen any video of the full program, but here is a 15 seconds clip of him performing in the last costume. It's embedded in a news program, starting around 1:45. One good thing is though it's news, the music can still be heard clearly. Could anyone tell what the music is?



  4. I just want to say thank you to everybody!


    In less than 1 day we have :

    542 members

    Almost 40000 hits

    Almost 1000 posts

    With most users online at once at 451 users (guest+members)


    Hope we will be growing more, keep this space a happy place, and spread more love and support for Yuzuru!



    Omg that's awesome! Where are all these fans coming from?


    The forum link is shared on Weibo and sort of trending among fans, so that might be one factor :D

    Also we have so many lurkers in the GS days deciding to surface now for our new world! (I changed my GS profile "location" to planethanyu.com, in the hope that if any lurker didn't get PM they'd still find this place:)

  5. 柚子粉大家好,欢迎来到我们的新家! :space:

    因为我们是一个国际化的大家庭,英语并不是每个人都习惯使用的语言,为了让更多的柚子粉可以畅所欲言,可爱的论坛创建者们设立了这个多语种讨论区~ 请在这里尽情地讨论关于羽生结弦的一切吧!



    - 我们改版后头像没有搬过来,需要重新上传一下~

    - 本帖22页cherry的回复里有论坛公用的yuzu表情包的链接!

    - 本帖19页cherry的回复里有合适论坛头像大小的头像图片集可以选用

    - 本帖48页PomeloPooh的回复里有贴图指南

    用起来吧~大家~ :pbow: 







    “8. Please give a proper credit by posting the link to the original source for any photos, fanarts, translations, videos, gifs, news, fan edits etc. And ask permission to use photo/videos taken by fans, fan edits, fan art if to use them for any edit. If it's your work state by putting "created by me" or "edited by me"; and if you are not the original source please also credit by posting the link of original source.”


    ——论坛规则现在强调 任何资源(包括你的头像和签名)都尽量加上credit,尤其是非官方的fan-made资源(你懂的)。如果不清楚来源的话,可以说source unknown;如果是个人制作,请注明 “created/edited by me"。现在头像下可以加上image credit一栏 (点右上角自己用户名进去后edit profile就可以看到image credit的输入栏了) 

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