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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. Are you sure? I have a relative flying to Japan right now, no one would suspect a thing
  2. If i get welcomed to Sendai like that i think i would refuse to leave until i die lol
  3. http://mashable.com/2015/07/24/inside-out-broccoli-bell-peppers-japan/#3Dnf8ncZQsqz
  4. I say that or variations of holy shit, oh my god and god damn it, Hanyu If then i just squeal like a squeaky squishy toy
  5. @sweetwaterさん、 うわー チケットに取りましたおめでとう! sweetwaterさんのお家族の事態残念に思います。。。 そうです、それは私が送ったのスワンです 作り方はここ: https://imgur.com/a/zzRI3 ここからの郵便配達時間は多分2週間ぐらいです。。。どうしよう
  6. omg Patrick "I could kill you if i wanted to..."
  7. I feel like I'm being tricked into relating to him
  8. It's almost ready guys!!! I just need to put the instructions and translate into japanese but other than that i think i will have it ready later today! ETA: If anyone wants other icons pls tell me and i will add them currently i only have pooh, sad pooh, angry pooh, pink bow and a satellite
  9. Squisheable Yuzu for the squishy soul...
  10. Map update: Saving+retrieving messages work now i'm having a bit of trouble displaying the Poohs from the saved messages tho. Do you guys want me to release it as soon as that's solved or do you want to wait until i do the clustering+scaling of images? I'm also thinking about adding a heatmap, it might help us see where in the world is the highest concentration of satellites lol
  11. Yes,t hat is completely normal, don't worry! And i will do voodo to get in there even if they don't want foreigners
  12. スワンさんが全日本へ行きたい。。。 どうしよう 46スワンぐらいです
  13. I had a really creepy idea with that...
  14. I just realized that he also has an "english" laugh
  15. I don't doubt my abilities but i am a very lazy student i don't feel too bad because the Overlord doesn't like school too much either And yeah, that's what i am! I have my record or nail beds poked by wires and soldering-iron inflicted burns on my hands too that gave me an unexpected skill which is how to make my nail polish resistant enough to not chip through a week of soldering, cable peeling and acid washing printed circuit boards But here i am, making a map with Pooh as markers. If that isn't applying what i learned at school for the greater good then idk what it is!
  16. Haha i didn't graduate with honors because of my outsanding grades only because i was high on Hanyu and remembered everything the test asked me to answer I'm not smart i just have a good memory and it was boosted by precious faerie bb. He did that too but i am pretty sure that at one point in one article it was mentioned that he was fixing his psp, like, he opened it and was fixing it. And the computer thing I THINK it was during one of those team building events, i think before sochi? the map is coming along nicely, i just need to win the fight against the divs of evil so you guys know what to do haha
  18. I graduated with honors literally thanks to Yuzu. Got a high mark on that final test because i was high on his win at NHK trophy last year and since that test had EVERYTHING i learned at school, getting a high grade lets you graduate with honors. I don't consider myself a good student, but my teachers had a lot of faith in me: i suck at school but i'm good at learning And yeah, i had a lot of those, getting the lowest passing grade in a class but feeling like i got full marks To keep this Yuzu-related, i seem to recall that once he had to repair either his PSP or change the drive of some computer and he was the only one who knew how to do it?(maybe both, i don't remember well) My geek self salivated over that
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