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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. I don't know how that should be taken
  2. We try to make this as intuitive as possible. And we don't want to leave that on an archive because i think that it's more intuitive to go: "I want to read a thread about what happened on the ladies SP at Rostelecom, where should i search?" Archives, or competitions? Since the person is looking for a thread related to a competition, of course the first place they're going to check, especially if it's an ongoing or recent event, is the Competitions subforum.
  3. It doesn't matter, people might look for info about them later so we have to keep it as organized as possible
  4. There were some nested subforums so we tried to take them out. Nested subforums were causing a problem in which people were confused because they couldn't find the threads that were on another place, and also people tended to forget about the nested subforums. The goal was to provide the info with the least amount of clicks as possible. So there was actually just one subforum added, that was previously nested under Competitions and Events. And again, we're still trying to come up with a good solution to this. Things can change as the season starts, because right now we have no way to know what kind of threads will surface, but with the ones we can anticipate, we're trying to design a better structure.
  5. Hm, it's not really about the quantity of the topics but where people will want to search for them first.
  6. No, this means we are trying to come up with a structure that prevents confusions with the users about where they should post their topic or where they should look for a particular thread. And although this is a Yuzuru Hanyu forum, we welcome fans of other skaters too who also like Yuzu, so we aren't going to follow just the competitions and events where Yuzu is present.
  7. We're trying to come up with a better structure. However, i'd like to remind you that this forum is pretty new, so of course there's not a big amount of topics on each section. The "split" has nothing to do with the amount of topics but with how we can organize the topics so everyone knows where to post/look for threads.
  8. I suspected he was referring to Miki since he mentioned her on the previous sentence if i'm not mistaken :D
  9. I am not sure if this: is referring to Yuzu but if it does it makes everything a thousand times better lol. The "ゆづが目の前に…" part... I'LL TAKE A STAB SORRY FOR BUTCHERING THE LANGUAGE I think it says something like "after taking a pic with (idk what a mikiti is), Yuzu was standing in front of me" Like yeah, minding your own business and then
  10. From Ogi mama's blog: I WOULD BURST INTO A MILLION HEARTS IF I WAS IN THIS SITUATION LOL. THEN I'D DIE. (Sorry for not translating lol, those who can translate can you explain this lol) ETA: Also, apparently this is just the first part of the account? Because it says "バックヤード編ーその1、続く"
  11. Oooh i see! I saw a tweet floating around (actually it was posted on this thread but i am too lazy bc it's late and i won't go back to quote it haha) that said something about figure skating legend program and something about tetsuko no heya と ogi mama (Iirc it said something like "it's about ogi mama but there will be some yuzu talk too lol") but i read the description and i still wasn't sure why they mentioned yuzu in that. I lacked the context but now you provided it :D It's a really interesting piece of information i wasn't aware of, thank you!
  12. Hm, to be fair i have dabbled in many languages but there are just a few where i can say that, for example, allow me to pick up things on songs, text or on the tv. One of my dreams is to be a competent polyglot i want at least 5 languages haha i may or may not have started some conlang personal projects i might have a problem
  13. No, impossible. Leaving aside tha fact that i've said i don't feel like i can do justice to his words, i would probably be too busy listening to him lol and then i would be "oh shit, that's true, i had to translate"
  14. I was lucky that the person decided to randomly use a swedish word and a sentence ("thank you") that i had studied years before. I had casually mentioned the guy that i was studying danish and swedish, so idk if that had anything to do with him picking me it was something completely unrelated to what he was saying, so it was very unexpected that i had to talk and translate swedish too, even if it was a short sentence The guy literally came to me with the microphone and said "you're going to translate for me" Never again lol. I'm mexican, but eh, i am a language hoarding dragon (Piggybacking on this, i like how Spidey talks too haha, i always feel so calm hearing him speak)
  15. lol this reminds me of an event at uni where they gathered a bunch of us who were good at english to assist on the event because the organizers and the speaker didn't speak spanish. During the final event, the interpreter didn't arrive on time and the boss of the people organizing the event picked me to interpret while they waited for the official person. To a full theatre of considerable size. I even had to speak swedish and i was so concentrated on translating that i didn't have time to feel nervous but i had to sit down on a corner away from everyone after the interpreter arrived I love using different languages but no, being an interpreter is incredibly stressing lmao
  16. I am so sad about that his trusty companion can't be with him, it's not fair!
  17. Click edit on the first post, it should allow you to edit the title of the thread :D
  18. Why not, we have a japanese one, since the forum is mainly about a japanese skater. But the main language here is english and many of us aren't natives so yeah, it might be useful.
  19. There is this thread on the Space Junk forum: Maybe that discussion could be taken there?
  20. do i have to sell a kidney to get one of those clear files?
  21. my condolences (Meanwhile Yuzu be like )
  22. I actually wanted to make a special mention for you and Max because i'm happy you too found a home here :D even if it's mainly girls! I wish we had more male fans, but for now you are the special club :D i wasn't sure about saying "HEY WE GOT GUYS HERE TOO! IT'S NOT JUST GIRLS!" haha. But the message is the same for everyone. This place wouldn't be what it is right now without any of you
  23. I just checked and it seems like she did include that part, it's the very last part of the translation. It's just impossible for me to translate Yuzu. I feel like i can't do justice to his words.
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