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Let's Go Crazy!

Let's Go Crazy! (6/67)

  1. I think I've just fallen in love all over again. He's such an amazing skater and an amazing person.
  2. Yuzu is just so... Yuzu. This dramatic, thoughtful, impossible and marvelous boy. I admire and adore him so much.
  3. Yuzu's really doing the most huh. The tremendous effort to do two shows back-to-back! But true, I think he should consider a rest in between. He was much sharper and more in control yesterday. The jumps were on point. Jumping while exhausted could be very dangerous.
  4. The smile at the end of Spartacus
  5. OMG his jump landings!!! They are a dream
  6. Congratulations on your beautiful ice show, Yuzu!!! I hope that as he edited those footages, he found that through it all, there was happiness. And I hope this ice show gives him the confidence to continue his story.
  7. The most beautiful sakura fairy. Thank you, Yuzu.
  8. He changes the vibe at the drop of a hat. From playful to gentle in a blink.
  9. The rink looks big but Yuzu really has to restrain himself with regard to his speed.
  10. I'm holding my breath like it's a comp.
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