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Everything posted by dorkyiceprince

  1. I looked him up and was too to check his age. Shoulda done that before. I feel bit better now. Ain't no one taming Nessie before zuzu
  2. I imagine this to be zuzu's face if he finds out there's others out there trying to conquer and tame his Nessie
  3. I've come to equate Nessie with Zuzu. I almost feel offended someone else is going after her
  4. The face of utter betrayal. I don't know how many times I've watched this...you can tell he's dead tired but even that doesn't stop the betrayal from slipping by Just once. That's all I ask for. I just want to see him on the ice once. Swirling around at a gala will be enough too. Noted to self: DO NOT read this forum at work. DO NOT EVEN CHECK FOR UPDATES. I cannot tell you how many times my heart dropped when I was skimming by and I read the word "retire" several posts over. Yuzu's practically a vampire. Vampires don't retire. lalalalala I didn't read anything else.
  5. Thank you for, so very effectively distracting me from work.
  6. im back at work today and you have no idea how hard it is to concentrate or to not grab someone and shout in their face "YUZURU HANYU. TWO TIME OGM. G O A T. DO YOU KNOW"
  7. I am bookmarking this. Pretty sure I am going to end up reading this everytime we get a snippet of his injury. (which given the number of interviews he's doing...should be around 4 times a day)
  8. I think I came off as bashing YOI. Trust me I have nothing against that or how people get into the fandom. The more the merrier...as long as they are in for more than "Victor jumped like that!" or "This could be made into Yuri's story" I loved the animation (and soundtrack) for YoI. I was just pointing out how diff it can be to talk to people like that without turning them away
  9. worthy. our king deserves all of this and more
  10. The links have been compiled in this post
  11. So Yuzu IS a vampire! they don't look anywhere near his age
  12. I missed the interview I hope someone uploads it later
  13. Even worse is trying to explain this to people who find figure skating interesting because of an anime. I mean how people get into really doesn't matter but sometimes the things the say.. I have two friends who're crazy fans of Yuri on Ice and they got interested in Yuzu because of it and were watching the Olympics. One of them, after the SP said "Wow...they did a lot more jumps in YoI" And naturally because of that they were super impressed with Nathan's FS
  14. Another live? or repeat from yesterday? I forget what channels he came on yesterday
  15. Sudden realization. I can never listen to the Seimei soundtrack without tearing up and feeling like my heart is about to burst open. Not even the original version.
  16. Given that is obviously recent. and its papa orser. so conclusion: yes he's in pain and HE NEEDS COMPLETE REST but he's coming back. Sooner or later. That "tadaima" was there for a reason I am giving myself a whiplash with these fluctuating emotions
  17. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry or both mean the same
  18. So im coming to a conclusion I shouldn't take shower breaks in the middle of the day. I left yesterday for a shower break around the same time then came back to his press-con. I go today and come back to this. just please please please get that x-ray AND REST.
  19. I am 100% okay with him just being giggly and gliding around and being covered in confetti
  20. To think they pulled this off. Thats something marvelous on its own. And its not for lack of trying...they were still surrounded by media. You know the saying "Fake it till you make it."? Yeah if anyone could do it...its TCC.
  21. They were talking about how the competition wasn't all that bad and ended up crying (?) thats what I heard... Edit: Their competition era maybe over EDIT: DONT MAKE CRY AGAIN
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