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Everything posted by dancingnoodles

  1. So glad to see him all bright and happy during encore Happy 30th birthday, Yuzu!
  2. I do not know if this is considered spoilers, but the narration feels like what you'd get if you take every key scenes in a shounen manga AND its protag's monologues, then condense into a 2-hour (?) ice show 😂 Somehow this is incredibly on-brand for Yuzu 😂
  3. Bringing this back... Denis had some really great ideas and visions, if only they could be implemented by ISU
  4. Why do bad things happen to good people. @ universe, what the heck. My heart goes out to his family and friends. He was so young, full of plans and visions... Rest in peace, Denis
  5. *gasps* we are at Pyeongchang year! Here's to a successful Olympics, may Yuzu get what he wants at PC and most importantly, be happy
  6. Yay we're at Sochi year!!! I first saw Yuzu in 2014 too, even followed him for a while. Though I quitted shortly after because didn't understand the sports and only returned last season . No regret joining the fandom
  7. Yuzu in colourful suits @ Bathclin crew's stylist can you just give Yuzu those suits so he can wear them to banquet
  8. Wow does he major in both human infomatics and cognitive science? Because, damn... Double majors while training as full time athlete He is not human
  9. Yuzu the alien broke that MS app again Also poor Keiji being ID-ed as a 30 y.o. lady...
  10. Re: Nagakubo's article, can someone kindly explain this comment about ice condition? Like why is the ice at NHK softer? And how does hardness of the ice can help lessen the effect of a fall? Thank you in advance .
  11. Yuzu, featured in english textbook again
  12. According to another tweet here: She is Mao's costume designer and the photo seems to be from when they made Bathclin CM?
  13. My skin is clear, my crop is flourishing
  14. Headcanon that if Yuzu were to have social media account it would be filled with this kind of selfies Can anyone do the age recognition thing? He looks like a teenage girl here
  15. Flower boy Yuzu! How adorable!! is that Tracy in white?
  16. Good thing they are fixing that cursed ice. Maybe change the feng shui while they are at it too? On that note, where will CoC be held for the next 2 years? Ghana CM... I have no word... Yuzu killed me then brought me back to life simultaneously
  17. I don't understand... he looks plenty cute in that red knit shirt... yet the actual photo turned out weirdly disproportionate
  18. Wow the salt level is high in the planet today! Seriously though is fact check even inside media people's dictionary?
  19. Uwaaa a rare footage of Seimei costume in the making... And a rare mushroom Seimei...
  20. With the new line up, is NHK gonna be a one man show? Also I guess this means we won't see Patrick at GPF either... Some foreseeable changes in top 6 after this season?
  21. Did Patrick withdraw from NHK? Keegan is in the entry now
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