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  1. Geo1.Me too. I am real. I am not afraid of karma. I think about it hundred of times. I don’t believe it. But I don’t care anymore. I will not watch anyway. Life is so difficult, so sad for millions of people around the world now during COVID 19, that this overscoring thing does looked more ridiculous to me compared with what happens to our life now.
  2. So today we learn that maybe the Summer Olympics in Tokyo in July 2021 risks to be cancelled, next year, because the situation of Covid-19 is not getting better. If so, maybe the Winter Olympics in Beijing in February 2022 risks to be cancelled too, or at least many countries can not send a delegation . What does that mean is that many of the current senior skaters like Yuzuru, Nathan Chen etc...can not go to Beijing in 2022, unless they continue to compete for another 4 years until the next Olympics in 2026. For me, not seeing Yuzuru skate in future competitions is very sad, but on the other hand, I think I don't want to see him being underscored by ISU judges again, to see them giving candies to Nathan Chen, to insure Nathan win by 50 points over Yuzuru. At least for Nathan, it will be harder to win Olympics Gold medal in 2026, let alone to win two consecutive Olympic Gold medal in 2026 and 2030 like Yuzuru. If so, I am OK with that. The American media will stop saying that Nathan beat Yuzuru with over 50 points.
  3. Sorry I don't understand the comments for the boycott of ISU streaming of the ISU rewards. Do the ISU already announce the results yet? Does this mean that we know already that they give the rewards to the other nominees , not Yuzuru? Thank you to let me know the results, so I will not watch the streaming.
  4. I hope that for next season, after the Covid-19, Yuzuru will finally choose to skate to 2 new programs, SP and FP. I am sad that he chooses to repeat programs quite often, especially for the last few years since 2017 and 2018. He is the star of the sport of Figure Skating, so people looks at him more closely and find out he skates to the same music many times. For Short programs, since the year 2012, how many SP did he has skate to? Étude for one year 2012, then Parisian Walkway for 2 seasons ( 2013, 2014), then Ballade Chopin for 3 seasons (2015, 2016 and Olympic 2018), Let's go Crazy Prince for one season (2017), finally Otonal SP and Origin FP for almost 2 seasons 2018 and 2019, except when he was so disappointed after not so good results in GPF 2019 and Japan National 2019 that he came back to Ballad and Seimei again for 4 Continents and possibly for World 2019 if it was not cancelled. I think that is not a tactic that will bring him good scores and good support from the judges. For the fans, I just want to see him skate to new musics. Just hope that he will let his coaches, his chorégraphers to suggest or bring him some new musics. How many time left before he retired? So please give us new musics and new programs.
  5. What is it? A poll from USFS? But why is Kazuki vs Yuzuru? Where are other skaters especially US skaters to vote for? I think there must be some other names to vote for besides Kazuki and Yuzuru.
  6. I agree with you. In my opinion, Yuzuru considered his ideal of skating as a complete package with artistic, athletic sides of skating, also expressing the music. So maybe this requires more difficulties than simply one side of skating ,like athletic skating with 5 or 6 quads in a program.These days, the judges prefer athletic skating, like Chen, so they give him all the candies, high BV, GOE +5 for all his jumps, PCS maximum 9.9 or 10. Nobody can beat scores like that. So for me, Yuzuru can skate to any programs he likes and give him confidence, make him happy. I don't hope for a win against Chen. Just enjoy Yuzuru 's skating. Hope he is healthy and happy.
  7. I am a big fan of Yuzuru. For me, it is sad that he changed his programs to go back to his old programs at Four Continents next week, with the hope for better scores and win. With no Chen, Uno, Zhou in Four Continents, he has every chance to win it with his present programs Otonal and Origin. He does not need to go back to old programs. If the epidemic Coronavirus and all the limitations for travelling from China, We don't even know if Team China will arrive in Seoul next week for Four Continents. I think that for winning the next Worlds in Montreal in March 2020, whatever programs Yuzuru will be skating to, he can not win against Chen and all the judges. When both Chen and Yuzuru are 100%, Chen will win with a good margin, let's say 5 to 10 points in Total scores, because of his BV, GOE and PCS that he received from the judges, be it unfair or not. That is the way the judges want it.In case Yuzuru makes mistakes like in SP and FS like in GPF, the gap in Total scores will be bigger, like what happened at GPF. I don't hope for a change in the judges mentality for now, today or March 2020.
  8. In my humble opinion, when Yuma or Shun become senior, they just have to fight for their spot in Japanese Team, just like Yuzuru or Shoma have to fight for their spot, if they are competing. No spot given to anybody, including Yuzuru or Shoma, or Yuma or Shun. It is a competition, not a gift.
  9. Did I miss something? Does Nathan will compete in Four Continents 2020 too? Why the Fiji Promo showed the loss of Yuzuru in GPF and he accepted his loss, saying that Nathan is much better than him. So Fuji promoted Nathan win in Four Continents too?
  10. No, I mean the lady who was standing next to his previous coach Abe Nanami, on the left side of the photo. I try to remember her name. She was a former president or Vice President of JSF, she was not a coach. I saw her in the entourage of Yuzuru at GPF 2016 in Marseille. She helped Yuzuru 's parents to take care of the contracts or sponsorships for Yuzuru I think. But in 2017, she did not appear in competitions anymore , instead it was Mrs Shiroda who takes care of that aspect of skating for Yuzuru. Thank you
  11. Can you tell me the name of the Japanese lady on the left of the photo, just behind Yuzuru, please. I remember seeing this lady in competitions of Yuzuru on tv, beginning at World in Nice in 2012. I also saw her on tv in Olympics in Sochi 2014, taking pictures with other persons in Team Japan with Yuzuru after the Flower ceremony of Men's Free program. I saw her also in GPF 2016 in Marseille. She must be a former member of JSF, but she did not wear uniform of JSF. Now she must be retired, since I don't see her anymore in competitions of Yuzuru. She must be a supporter of Yuzuru, like Mr Kikuchi was his trainer for many Year, until Olympics in Peonchang in 2018. Thank you
  12. What is kuyashi means? I see this word often must I am not sure I understand it. Does it mean "regret " or "sorry" or something else? Thank you
  13. Sorry I hurt your feelings with my franc post. My apologies for that. I just comment on the Recap on Japanese and Russian Championships on YouTube by Fran, a fan of Yuzuru, that's why she commented the 2 competitions in the same Recap. She also made a Recap on GPF at which she went in Torino. Also because of that Recap I said something about the Russian ladies and Eugenia in the same post. I am sorry for the impression that my post seems to compare Eugenia and Yuzuru, or Trusova and Yuzuru. Absolutely no comparison at all between Yuzuru and Trusova or Evgenia at all in my mind, or in Fran mind on YouTube. To be honest, I am fan of Yuzuru only, not a fan of anybody else, men or ladies skaters. I may like Russian ladies, I appreciate their talent or their efforts, but that's it, no passion at all, no mental and sentimental engagement on my mind. For me, I am a fan of Yuzuru only, not a fan of figure skating at large. Absolutely I don't intend to compare Yuzuru with Trusova or Evgenia at all. I just mentioned that I respect the spirit of Evgenia who declared right after her WD that she will continue to skate next year, despite all her hardships and difficulties. It happened in the Recap, so I wrote about it.
  14. Thank you to reply to my post and explaining the honesty or self-criticism is part of the Japanese culture or their way of talking in public. I respect their culture but I don't agree with it. For me it is negative, self-inflicting pain to say it in public, before the press, the world to hear. I would prefer he is more restrained when doing press conference. One does not have to undress or barring oneself before the press, discussing each and every weaknesses in detail, knowing that those words will hurt oneself and many people around him. I think that Brian may not like those comments of Yuzuru in his press conference- post competitions, but Brian can't do anything, he can't even advice Yuzuru not to say it like that. How the judges can think of Yuzuru after hearing themselves in direct so many self-criticism of himself in press conferences post competitions? It is not the way to endearing himself to the judges and the press in general. My understanding is they adopt his self-criticism and agree with him that he is not a good skater, not a good jumper, that his jumps are not as good as Chen's or Trusova's. The judges don't need emails or politicking against Yuzuru by Chen's supporters or US skating federation. From now on, they will judge Yuzuru harsher than other skaters, they will put him down compared to Chen, or even to Shoma. Plus the tendency of Yuzuru to repeat his music, his programs more that one year or two years, to make his competitive programs a masterpiece, an artwork. The judges don't like to hear the same music many times. They could think that Yuzuru is lazy to learn new programs. Even his Exhibition programs are old, always the same melody, for many years now. By the way, I have watch the interview of Russian ladies Anna-Alina and Trusova after competitions. They are very good in their answers. One journalist, maybe from Japanese media, asked them what they think about doping scandal, that Russian team may not be permitted to competitions in next Olympics etc... I also heard that Eugenia Med will skate next year, that she will have new Free program skating to Allegria music of Cirque du Soleil. I say good for her, she is brave, beautiful and determined to skate against all the difficulties she has encountered. I like her spirit, no shame, no self-inflicted pain, just being honest and courageous like she is.
  15. I have interest in figure skating. I watch skating more or less since long time ago, just on tv or for championships. I start to watch more frequently since 2012 when I saw Yuzuru in Nice skating to Romeo and Juliet. Since then, I made efforts to go to competitions in Canada or in Europe when I can to watch Yuzuru. I am a fan of Yuzuru, but I have to admit I am not interested for the music he chooses to skate to. I prefer western music to oriental music, sorry to admit that because I know that many of his fans like Seimei, Hope and Legacy or all other show programs using Japanese music and singers live with Japanese lyrics. I prefer Notte Stellato to Requiem or Haru for example. Another thing I don't like very much is Yuzuru repeating the same music or the same programs many times, for many years , even if he made little changes in them. Not the best way to attract more people in it. Yesterday, I listen to a Recap of Fran on YouTube after GPF and after Russian and Japanese Nationals. She is a big fan of Yuzuru like us. She has mentioned one thing she found not very PR from Yuzuru about the honesty, self criticizing, too much underestimating himself of Yuzuru in many interviews with the press including international and Japanese . For example, he mentioned that Trusova is a better skater than him, she did better quads than him. I can't understand that. If he is honest, really I don't understand his honesty. For us who live in Europe or America, this way of humble, self critical, self underestimate is very strange. It is like he try to make the press and other people believe that he is not a good skater, he is not deserving his medals. I would not do it to myself, even if I am humble, ordinary person, not an arrogant person, not a remarkable person myself. How can he try to convince the judges that he is a good skater, that he is the best? There is no merit, no gain to do underestimating, self criticism, in public relations. I love Yuzuru like my son, but I have to disagree with him on many things. Happy New Year.
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